const { expect } = require('chai') const { ethers } = require('hardhat') const { BigNumber } = require('@ethersproject/bignumber') const { propose } = require('../../scripts/helper/propose_proposal.js') const testcases = require('@ethersproject/testcases') const seedbase = require('../../resources/hdnode.json') const accountList = require('../../resources/accounts.json') const EasyAuctionJson = require('') describe('Start of tests', () => { ///// ON-CHAIN CONSTANTS let proxy_address = '0x5efda50f22d34F262c29268506C5Fa42cB56A1Ce' let quorumVotes ///////////////////////////// CONTRACTS let GovernanceContract let TornToken let WETH let TornadoAuctionHandler let GnosisEasyAuction let ProposalFactory let ProposalContract let GasCompensationFactory let GasCompensationContract let OrderHelperFactory let OrderHelper //////////////////// IMPERSONATED let tornadoMultisig //////////////////////////////// MOCK let MockProposalFactory /////// GOV PARAMS const ProposalState = { Pending: 0, Active: 1, Defeated: 2, Timelocked: 3, AwaitingExecution: 4, Executed: 5, Expired: 6, } ///// ACCOUNTS let dore let whale let signerArray = [] let whales = [] //////////////////////////////////// TESTING & UTILITY let randN = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1023) let testseed = seedbase[randN].seed let minewait = async (time) => { await ethers.provider.send('evm_increaseTime', [time]) await ethers.provider.send('evm_mine', []) } let timestamp = async () => { return (await ethers.provider.getBlock('latest')).timestamp } let sendr = async (method, params) => { return await ethers.provider.send(method, params) } let clog = (...x) => { console.log(x) } let pE = (x) => { return ethers.utils.parseEther(`${x}`) } let rand = (l, u) => { return testcases.randomNumber(testseed, l, u) } let snapshotIdArray = [] ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7 before(async function () { signerArray = await ethers.getSigners() dore = signerArray[0] GasCompensationFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory( 'contracts/v2-vault-and-gas/testing/GasCompensationVault.sol:GasCompensationVault', ) GasCompensationContract = await GasCompensationFactory.deploy() MockProposalFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory('MockProposal1') ProposalFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory('VaultAndGasProposal') ProposalContract = await ProposalFactory.deploy(GasCompensationContract.address, 260000) OrderHelperFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory('OrderEncoderHelper') OrderHelper = await OrderHelperFactory.deploy() GovernanceContract = await ethers.getContractAt('contracts/v1/Governance.sol:Governance', proxy_address) GnosisEasyAuction = await ethers.getContractAt( EasyAuctionJson.abi, '0x0b7fFc1f4AD541A4Ed16b40D8c37f0929158D101', ) TornToken = await ethers.getContractAt( '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol:IERC20', '0x77777FeDdddFfC19Ff86DB637967013e6C6A116C', ) WETH = await ethers.getContractAt('IWETH', '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2') quorumVotes = await GovernanceContract.QUORUM_VOTES() }) describe('Test complete functionality', () => { describe('Imitation block', () => { it('Should successfully imitate tornado multisig', async function () { await sendr('hardhat_impersonateAccount', ['0xb04E030140b30C27bcdfaafFFA98C57d80eDa7B4']) tornadoMultisig = await ethers.getSigner('0xb04E030140b30C27bcdfaafFFA98C57d80eDa7B4') }) it('Should successfully imitate whale', async function () { await sendr('hardhat_impersonateAccount', ['0xA2b2fBCaC668d86265C45f62dA80aAf3Fd1dEde3']) whale = await ethers.getSigner('0xA2b2fBCaC668d86265C45f62dA80aAf3Fd1dEde3') GovernanceContract = await GovernanceContract.connect(whale) let balance = await TornToken.balanceOf(whale.address) TornToken = await TornToken.connect(whale) await TornToken.approve(GovernanceContract.address, ethers.utils.parseEther('8000000000')) await expect(GovernanceContract.lockWithApproval(balance)) expect((await GovernanceContract.lockedBalance(whale.address)).toString()).to.equal( balance.toString(), ) snapshotIdArray[0] = await sendr('evm_snapshot', []) }) }) describe('Proposal passing block', () => { it('Should successfully pass the proposal', async function () { let response, id, state ;[response, id, state] = await propose([whale, ProposalContract, 'Gas Upgrade']) const { events } = await response.wait() const args = events.find(({ event }) => event == 'ProposalCreated').args expect( expect(args.proposer) expect( expect(args.description)'Gas Upgrade') expect(state) await minewait((await GovernanceContract.VOTING_DELAY()).add(1).toNumber()) await expect(GovernanceContract.castVote(id, true)) state = await GovernanceContract.state(id) expect(state) await minewait( ( await GovernanceContract.VOTING_PERIOD() ) .add(await GovernanceContract.EXECUTION_DELAY()) .add(86400) .toNumber(), ) await dore.sendTransaction({ to: whale.address, value: pE(10) }) const executeResponse = await GovernanceContract.execute(id) const executeReceipt = await executeResponse.wait() console.log( '______________________\n', 'Gas used for execution: ', executeReceipt.cumulativeGasUsed.toString(), '\n-------------------------\n', ) const topic = '0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef' let handlerAddress for (let i = 0; i < executeReceipt.logs.length; i++) { if (executeReceipt.logs[i].topics[0] == topic) { handlerAddress = executeReceipt.logs[i].topics[1] } } TornadoAuctionHandler = await ethers.getContractAt( 'TornadoAuctionHandler', '0x' + handlerAddress.slice(26), ) GovernanceContract = await ethers.getContractAt('GovernanceGasUpgrade', GovernanceContract.address) clog(await GovernanceContract.version()) const auctionCounter = 38 const auctionData = await GnosisEasyAuction.auctionData(auctionCounter) expect(auctionData.auctioningToken).to.equal(TornToken.address) console.log( '////////////////AUCTION/////////////////\n', 'Started at: ', await timestamp(), ', Will end at: ', auctionData.auctionEndDate.toString(), '\n////////////////////////////////', ) snapshotIdArray[1] = await sendr('evm_snapshot', []) }) }) describe('Mock rewards + proposal distribution with multiple accounts', () => { let addrArray = [] let signerArmy = [] let delegatedSignerArmy = [] let votingAddressArray = [] const numberOfVoters = 80 const numberOfDelegators = 30 it('Should create empty address array', () => { for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { votingAddressArray[i] = new Array(numberOfDelegators / 10 + 1) } }) it('Should impersonate and fund 80 accounts', async function () { ////////// WRITE WHALE ADDRESSES AND PREPARE FOR TRANSFERS addrArray = [ '0x6cC5F688a315f3dC28A7781717a9A798a59fDA7b', '0xF977814e90dA44bFA03b6295A0616a897441aceC', '0xA2b2fBCaC668d86265C45f62dA80aAf3Fd1dEde3', '0x055AD5E56c11c0eF55818155c69ed9BA2f4b3e90', ] for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { await sendr('hardhat_impersonateAccount', [addrArray[i]]) whales[i] = await ethers.getSigner(addrArray[i]) } for (let i = 1; i < 4; i++) { //last test really unnecessary const torn = await TornToken.connect(whales[i]) const whaleBalance = await torn.balanceOf(whales[i].address) await torn.approve(addrArray[0], whaleBalance) await expect(() => torn.transfer(addrArray[0], whaleBalance)).to.changeTokenBalance( torn, whales[0], whaleBalance, ) } const whale0Balance = await TornToken.balanceOf(whales[0].address) const toTransfer = whale0Balance.sub(pE(10000)).div(numberOfVoters * 3) let torn0 = await TornToken.connect(whales[0]) const oldBalance = await TornToken.balanceOf(await GovernanceContract.userVault()) let lockedSum = BigNumber.from(0) ////////// TRANSFER TO 50 ACCOUNTS + DELEGATION TO 10 for (let i = 0; i < numberOfVoters; i++) { /// PREPARE ACCOUNTS const accAddress = accountList[i + 7].checksumAddress await sendr('hardhat_impersonateAccount', [accAddress]) signerArmy[i] = await ethers.getSigner(accAddress) const tx = { to: signerArmy[i].address, value: pE(1) } await signerArray[0].sendTransaction(tx) /// FILL WITH GAS FOR LATER await expect(() => torn0.transfer(signerArmy[i].address, toTransfer)).to.changeTokenBalance( torn0, signerArmy[i], toTransfer, ) let torn = await torn0.connect(signerArmy[i]) /// APPROVE TO GOVERNANCE FOR LOCK await expect(torn.approve(GovernanceContract.address, toTransfer)) const gov = await GovernanceContract.connect(signerArmy[i]) ///// LOCK if (i > numberOfVoters / 2) { await expect(() => gov.lockWithApproval(toTransfer.div(i))).to.changeTokenBalance( torn, signerArmy[i], BigNumber.from(0).sub(toTransfer.div(i)), ) lockedSum = lockedSum.add(toTransfer.div(i)) } else { await expect(() => gov.lockWithApproval(toTransfer)).to.changeTokenBalance( torn, signerArmy[i], BigNumber.from(0).sub(toTransfer), ) lockedSum = lockedSum.add(toTransfer) } if (i > numberOfVoters - numberOfDelegators - 1) { delegatedSignerArmy[i - (numberOfVoters - numberOfDelegators)] = signerArmy[i] } if (i < 10) { votingAddressArray[i][0] = signerArmy[i].address } const restBalance = await torn.balanceOf(signerArmy[i].address) await torn.transfer(whale.address, restBalance) } for (let i = 0; i < numberOfDelegators; i++) { const gov = await GovernanceContract.connect(delegatedSignerArmy[i]) /// DELEGATE TO 10 FIRST SIGNERS await expect(gov.delegate(signerArmy[i % 10].address)).to.emit(gov, 'Delegated') votingAddressArray[i % 10][Math.floor(i / 10) + 1] = delegatedSignerArmy[i].address } const TornVault = await GovernanceContract.userVault() expect(await TornToken.balanceOf(TornVault)).to.equal(lockedSum.add(oldBalance)) const gov = await GovernanceContract.connect(whales[0]) await expect(torn0.approve(GovernanceContract.address, pE(10000))) await expect(() => gov.lockWithApproval(toTransfer)).to.changeTokenBalance( torn0, whales[0], BigNumber.from(0).sub(toTransfer), ) snapshotIdArray[2] = await sendr('evm_snapshot', []) }) it('Should test if auction handler can convert ETH to gov', async function () { WETH = await WETH.connect(signerArray[4]) await WETH.deposit({ value: pE(100) }) await WETH.transfer(TornadoAuctionHandler.address, pE(100)) await expect(() => TornadoAuctionHandler.convertAndTransferToGovernance()).to.changeEtherBalance( GovernanceContract, pE(100), ) }) it('Should test if auction will behave properly', async function () { snapshotIdArray[2] = await sendr('evm_snapshot', []) let orderArray = [] const initialHandlerBalance = await WETH.balanceOf(TornadoAuctionHandler.address) /** * 100 TORN in to total * Price as of time of writing 1 ETH == 51.66 TORN * First test is an overbought auction, 20 buyers compete for 40 TORN */ for (let i = 0; i < signerArray.length; i++) { const bidder = signerArray[i] WETH = await WETH.connect(bidder) await expect(() => WETH.deposit({ value: pE(100) })).to.changeEtherBalance( bidder, BigNumber.from(0).sub(pE(100)), ) const buyAmount = pE(40) const sellAmount = pE(3.73 + i / 100) await WETH.approve(GnosisEasyAuction.address, sellAmount) GnosisEasyAuction = await GnosisEasyAuction.connect(bidder) await GnosisEasyAuction.placeSellOrders( 38, [buyAmount], [sellAmount], ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001'], '0x', ) orderArray[i] = await OrderHelper.encodeOrder( await GnosisEasyAuction.numUsers(), buyAmount, sellAmount, ) } let auctionEndDt = (await GnosisEasyAuction.auctionData(38))[3].sub(BigNumber.from(await timestamp())) await minewait(auctionEndDt.toNumber()) await GnosisEasyAuction.settleAuction(38) expect(await WETH.balanceOf(TornadoAuctionHandler.address)) for (let i = 0; i < signerArray.length; i++) { await GnosisEasyAuction.claimFromParticipantOrder(38, [orderArray[i]]) const balance = await TornToken.balanceOf(signerArray[i].address) if (balance.toString() != '0') console.log(`Signer ${i} claimed:`, balance.toString(), ' torn') } console.log('All other signers got nothing!') let claimedSum = BigNumber.from(0) for (let i = 0; i < signerArray.length; i++) { const claimed = await TornToken.balanceOf(signerArray[i].address) claimedSum = claimedSum.add(claimed) } expect(claimedSum).to.closeTo(ethers.utils.parseEther('100'), ethers.utils.parseUnits('1', 'szabo')) /// Now revert and test with lower await sendr('evm_revert', [snapshotIdArray[2]]) snapshotIdArray[2] = await sendr('evm_snapshot', []) for (let i = 0; i < signerArray.length; i++) { const bidder = signerArray[i] WETH = await WETH.connect(bidder) await expect(() => WETH.deposit({ value: pE(100) })).to.changeEtherBalance( bidder, BigNumber.from(0).sub(pE(100)), ) const buyAmount = pE(0.5) const sellAmount = pE(0.53 + i / 100) await WETH.approve(GnosisEasyAuction.address, sellAmount) GnosisEasyAuction = await GnosisEasyAuction.connect(bidder) await GnosisEasyAuction.placeSellOrders( 38, [buyAmount], [sellAmount], ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001'], '0x', ) orderArray[i] = await OrderHelper.encodeOrder( await GnosisEasyAuction.numUsers(), buyAmount, sellAmount, ) } auctionEndDt = (await GnosisEasyAuction.auctionData(38))[3].sub(BigNumber.from(await timestamp())) await minewait(auctionEndDt.toNumber()) await GnosisEasyAuction.settleAuction(38) expect(await WETH.balanceOf(TornadoAuctionHandler.address)) for (let i = 0; i < signerArray.length; i++) { await GnosisEasyAuction.claimFromParticipantOrder(38, [orderArray[i]]) console.log( `Signer ${i} claimed: `, (await TornToken.balanceOf(signerArray[i].address)).toString(), ' torn', ) } claimedSum = BigNumber.from(0) for (let i = 0; i < signerArray.length; i++) { const claimed = await TornToken.balanceOf(signerArray[i].address) claimedSum = claimedSum.add(claimed) } expect(claimedSum) ethers.utils.parseEther('100'), ethers.utils.parseUnits('1', 'szabo'), ) /// Now revert and test with below funding await sendr('evm_revert', [snapshotIdArray[2]]) snapshotIdArray[2] = await sendr('evm_snapshot', []) for (let i = 0; i < signerArray.length; i++) { const bidder = signerArray[i] WETH = await WETH.connect(bidder) await expect(() => WETH.deposit({ value: pE(100) })).to.changeEtherBalance( bidder, BigNumber.from(0).sub(pE(100)), ) const buyAmount = pE(0.5) const sellAmount = pE(0.03 + i / 100) await WETH.approve(GnosisEasyAuction.address, sellAmount) GnosisEasyAuction = await GnosisEasyAuction.connect(bidder) await GnosisEasyAuction.placeSellOrders( 38, [buyAmount], [sellAmount], ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001'], '0x', ) orderArray[i] = await OrderHelper.encodeOrder( await GnosisEasyAuction.numUsers(), buyAmount, sellAmount, ) } auctionEndDt = (await GnosisEasyAuction.auctionData(38))[3].sub(BigNumber.from(await timestamp())) await minewait(auctionEndDt.toNumber()) await GnosisEasyAuction.settleAuction(38) for (let i = 0; i < signerArray.length; i++) { await GnosisEasyAuction.claimFromParticipantOrder(38, [orderArray[i]]) console.log( `Signer ${i} claimed: `, (await TornToken.balanceOf(signerArray[i].address)).toString(), ' torn', ) } expect(await TornToken.balanceOf(TornadoAuctionHandler.address)).to.equal( ethers.utils.parseEther('100'), ) }) it('Test multiple accounts proposal', async function () { let checkIfQuorumFulfilled = async function (proposalId) { const proposalData = await GovernanceContract.proposals(proposalId) const allVotes = proposalData[4].add(proposalData[5]) return allVotes.gte(quorumVotes) } ProposalContract = await MockProposalFactory.deploy() clog( 'Torn balance of governance contract: ', (await TornToken.balanceOf(GovernanceContract.address)).toString(), ) ////////////// STANDARD PROPOSAL ARGS TEST ////////////////////// let response, id, state ;[response, id, state] = await propose([whales[0], ProposalContract, 'LotteryUpgrade']) const { events } = await response.wait() const args = events.find(({ event }) => event == 'ProposalCreated').args expect( expect( expect(args.description)'LotteryUpgrade') expect(state) ////////////////////////INCREMENT TO VOTING TIME//////////////////////// await minewait((await GovernanceContract.VOTING_DELAY()).add(1).toNumber()) /////////////////// PREPARE MULTISIG AND COMPENSATIONS let multiGov = await GovernanceContract.connect(tornadoMultisig) await dore.sendTransaction({ to: tornadoMultisig.address, value: pE(1) }) await expect(multiGov.setGasCompensations(pE(500))) ///////////////////////////// VOTE //////////////////////////// const overrides = { gasPrice: BigNumber.from(5), } let signerArmyBalanceInitial = [] let signerArmyBalanceDiff = [] let gasUsedArray = [] snapshotIdArray[3] = await sendr('evm_snapshot', []) for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { let gov = await GovernanceContract.connect(signerArmy[i]) let randN = rand(i * 5, i * 6) randN = randN % 2 let response signerArmyBalanceInitial[i] = await signerArmy[i].getBalance() if (randN > 0) { response = await gov.castDelegatedVote(votingAddressArray[i], id, true, overrides) } else { response = await gov.castDelegatedVote(votingAddressArray[i], id, false, overrides) } signerArmyBalanceDiff[i] = !(await checkIfQuorumFulfilled(id)) ? signerArmyBalanceInitial[i].sub(await signerArmy[i].getBalance()) : signerArmyBalanceDiff[i - 1] const receipt = await response.wait() gasUsedArray[i] = receipt.cumulativeGasUsed } for (let i = 10; i < numberOfVoters - numberOfDelegators; i++) { let gov = await GovernanceContract.connect(signerArmy[i]) let randN = rand(i * 5, i * 6) randN = randN % 2 let response signerArmyBalanceInitial[i] = await signerArmy[i].getBalance() if (randN > 0) { response = await gov.castVote(id, true, overrides) } else { response = await gov.castVote(id, false, overrides) } signerArmyBalanceDiff[i] = !(await checkIfQuorumFulfilled(id)) ? signerArmyBalanceInitial[i].sub(await signerArmy[i].getBalance()) : signerArmyBalanceDiff[i - 1] const receipt = await response.wait() gasUsedArray[i] = receipt.cumulativeGasUsed } //////////////////////////////// GET STATE /////////////////////////////// state = await GovernanceContract.state(id) expect(state) ///////////////////////////// VOTER INFO /////////////////////////////////// // (uncomment for more data) /* for (i = 0; i < numberOfVoters; i+=5) { const j = BigNumber.from(i); console.log( `Voter ${i} sqrt: `, ((await GovernanceLottery.lotteryUserData(id,j))[0]).toString(), `Voter ${i+1} sqrt: `, ((await GovernanceLottery.lotteryUserData(id,j.add(1)))[0]).toString(), `Voter ${i+2} sqrt: `, ((await GovernanceLottery.lotteryUserData(id,j.add(2)))[0]).toString(), `Voter ${i+3} sqrt: `, ((await GovernanceLottery.lotteryUserData(id,j.add(3)))[0]).toString(), `Voter ${i+4} sqrt: `, ((await GovernanceLottery.lotteryUserData(id,j.add(4)))[0]).toString(), "\n", ) } for (i = 0; i < numberOfVoters; i+=5) { console.log( `Voter ${i} ether used: `, gasUsedArray[i], `Voter ${i+1} ether used: `, gasUsedArray[i+1], `Voter ${i+2} ether used: `, gasUsedArray[i+2], `Voter ${i+3} ether used: `, gasUsedArray[i+3], `Voter ${i+4} ether used: `, gasUsedArray[i+4], "\n", ) } */ await sendr('evm_revert', [snapshotIdArray[3]]) ///////////////////////////////// VOTE WITHOUT COMPENSATION ////////////////////////////////////// let gasUsedWithoutCompensation = [] await multiGov.setGasCompensations(pE(100000)) for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { let gov = await GovernanceContract.connect(signerArmy[i]) let randN = rand(i * 5, i * 6) randN = randN % 2 let response if (randN > 0) { response = await gov.castDelegatedVote(votingAddressArray[i], id, true, overrides) } else { response = await gov.castDelegatedVote(votingAddressArray[i], id, false, overrides) } const receipt = await response.wait() gasUsedWithoutCompensation[i] = receipt.cumulativeGasUsed } for (let i = 10; i < numberOfVoters - numberOfDelegators; i++) { let gov = await GovernanceContract.connect(signerArmy[i]) let randN = rand(i * 5, i * 6) randN = randN % 2 let response if (randN > 0) { response = await gov.castVote(id, true, overrides) } else { response = await gov.castVote(id, false, overrides) } const receipt = await response.wait() gasUsedWithoutCompensation[i] = receipt.cumulativeGasUsed } await multiGov.setGasCompensations(pE(100)) //////////////////////////////// GET STATE /////////////////////////////// state = await GovernanceContract.state(id) expect(state) ///////////////////////////// VOTING GAS INFO /////////////////////////////////// let gasUsedSumNoComp = BigNumber.from(0) let gasUsedSum = BigNumber.from(0) let gasSumDiff = BigNumber.from(0) let gasUsedSumNoCompDel = BigNumber.from(0) let gasUsedSumDel = BigNumber.from(0) let gasSumDiffDel = BigNumber.from(0) for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { gasUsedSumDel = gasUsedSumDel.add(gasUsedArray[i]) gasUsedSumNoCompDel = gasUsedSumNoCompDel.add(gasUsedWithoutCompensation[i]) gasSumDiffDel = gasSumDiffDel.add(signerArmyBalanceDiff[i]) } for (let i = 10; i < numberOfVoters - numberOfDelegators; i++) { gasUsedSum = gasUsedSum.add(gasUsedArray[i]) gasUsedSumNoComp = gasUsedSumNoComp.add(gasUsedWithoutCompensation[i]) gasSumDiff = gasSumDiff.add(signerArmyBalanceDiff[i]) } const gasUsedAverageNoCompDel = gasUsedSumNoCompDel.div(10) const gasUsedAverageDel = gasUsedSumDel.div(10) const gasSumAverageDiffDel = gasSumDiffDel.div(10) const gasUsedAverageNoComp = gasUsedSumNoComp.div(numberOfVoters - 10) const gasUsedAverage = gasUsedSum.div(numberOfVoters - 10) const gasSumAverageDiff = gasSumDiff.div(numberOfVoters - 10) console.log( '\n', '----------------------------CAST VOTE INFO------------------------', '\n', 'Gas use average: ', gasUsedAverage.toString(), '\n', 'Gas use without compensation average: ', gasUsedAverageNoComp.toString(), '\n', 'Gas diff average: ', gasSumAverageDiff.toString(), '\n', 'Gas compensated in average: ', gasUsedAverage.sub(gasSumAverageDiff).toString(), '\n', '--------------------------------------------------------------------', '\n', ) console.log( '\n', '----------------------------CAST DELEGATED VOTE INFO------------------------', '\n', 'Gas use average: ', gasUsedAverageDel.toString(), '\n', 'Gas use without compensation average: ', gasUsedAverageNoCompDel.toString(), '\n', 'Gas diff average: ', gasSumAverageDiffDel.toString(), '\n', 'Gas compensated in average: ', gasUsedAverageDel.sub(gasSumAverageDiffDel).toString(), '\n', '--------------------------------------------------------------------', '\n', ) /////////////////////////////// INCREMENT AGAIN ////////////////////////////////// await minewait( ( await GovernanceContract.VOTING_PERIOD() ) .add(await GovernanceContract.EXECUTION_DELAY()) .add(10000) .toNumber(), ) ////////////// EXECUTE if (BigNumber.from(await GovernanceContract.state(id)).eq(ProposalState.Defeated)) { await expect(GovernanceContract.execute(id)) } else { await expect(GovernanceContract.execute(id)) } }) }) }) after(async function () { await ethers.provider.send('hardhat_reset', [ { forking: { jsonRpcUrl: `${process.env.ALCHEMY_KEY_MAINNET}`, blockNumber: process.env.use_latest_block == 'true' ? undefined : 13211966, }, }, ]) }) })