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2021-11-08 21:22:55 +01:00
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.12;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
2022-03-07 16:32:16 +01:00
import { GovernanceVaultUpgrade } from "./GovernanceVaultUpgrade.sol";
2021-11-08 21:22:55 +01:00
import { GasCompensator } from "./GasCompensator.sol";
import { Math } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/math/Math.sol";
* @notice This contract should upgrade governance to be able to compensate gas for certain actions.
* These actions are set to castVote, castDelegatedVote in this contract.
* */
contract GovernanceGasUpgrade is GovernanceVaultUpgrade, GasCompensator {
* @notice constructor
* @param _gasCompLogic gas compensation vault address
* @param _userVault tornado vault address
* */
constructor(address _gasCompLogic, address _userVault)
/// @notice check that msg.sender is multisig
modifier onlyMultisig() {
require(msg.sender == returnMultisigAddress(), "only multisig");
* @notice receive ether function, does nothing but receive ether
* */
receive() external payable {}
* @notice function to add a certain amount of ether for gas compensations
* @dev send ether is used in the logic as we don't expect multisig to make a reentrancy attack on governance
* @param gasCompensationsLimit the amount of gas to be compensated
* */
function setGasCompensations(uint256 gasCompensationsLimit) external virtual override onlyMultisig {
require(payable(address(gasCompensationVault)).send(Math.min(gasCompensationsLimit, address(this).balance)));
* @notice function to withdraw funds from the gas compensator
* @dev send ether is used in the logic as we don't expect multisig to make a reentrancy attack on governance
* @param amount the amount of ether to withdraw
* */
function withdrawFromHelper(uint256 amount) external virtual override onlyMultisig {
* @notice function to cast callers votes on a proposal
* @dev IMPORTANT: This function uses the gasCompensation modifier.
* as such this function can trigger a payable fallback.
It is not possible to vote without revert more than once,
without hasAccountVoted being true, eliminating gas refunds in this case.
2021-11-19 17:57:43 +01:00
Gas compensation is also using the low level send(), forwarding 23000 gas
2021-11-08 21:22:55 +01:00
as to disallow further logic execution above that threshold.
* @param proposalId id of proposal account is voting on
* @param support true if yes false if no
* */
function castVote(uint256 proposalId, bool support)
!hasAccountVoted(proposalId, msg.sender) && !checkIfQuorumReached(proposalId),
(msg.sender == tx.origin ? 21e3 : 0)
_castVote(msg.sender, proposalId, support);
* @notice function to cast callers votes and votes delegated to the caller
* @param from array of addresses that should have delegated to voter
* @param proposalId id of proposal account is voting on
* @param support true if yes false if no
* */
function castDelegatedVote(
address[] memory from,
uint256 proposalId,
bool support
) external virtual override {
require(from.length > 0, "Can not be empty");
_castDelegatedVote(from, proposalId, support, !hasAccountVoted(proposalId, msg.sender) && !checkIfQuorumReached(proposalId));
/// @notice checker for success on deployment
/// @return returns precise version of governance
function version() external pure virtual override returns (string memory) {
return "2.lottery-and-gas-upgrade";
* @notice function to check if quorum has been reached on a given proposal
* @param proposalId id of proposal
* @return true if quorum has been reached
* */
function checkIfQuorumReached(uint256 proposalId) public view returns (bool) {
return (proposals[proposalId].forVotes + proposals[proposalId].againstVotes >= QUORUM_VOTES);
* @notice function to check if account has voted on a proposal
* @param proposalId id of proposal account should have voted on
* @param account address of the account
* @return true if acc has voted
* */
function hasAccountVoted(uint256 proposalId, address account) public view returns (bool) {
return proposals[proposalId].receipts[account].hasVoted;
* @notice function to retrieve the multisig address
* @dev reasoning: if multisig changes we need governance to approve the next multisig address,
* so simply inherit in a governance upgrade from this function and set the new address
* @return the multisig address
* */
function returnMultisigAddress() public pure virtual returns (address) {
return 0xb04E030140b30C27bcdfaafFFA98C57d80eDa7B4;
* @notice This should handle the logic of the external function
* @dev IMPORTANT: This function uses the gasCompensation modifier.
* as such this function can trigger a payable fallback.
* It is not possible to vote without revert more than once,
* without hasAccountVoted being true, eliminating gas refunds in this case.
* Gas compensation is also using the low level send(), forwarding 23000 gas
* as to disallow further logic execution above that threshold.
* @param from array of addresses that should have delegated to voter
* @param proposalId id of proposal account is voting on
* @param support true if yes false if no
* @param gasCompensated true if gas should be compensated (given all internal checks pass)
* */
function _castDelegatedVote(
address[] memory from,
uint256 proposalId,
bool support,
bool gasCompensated
) internal gasCompensation(msg.sender, gasCompensated, (msg.sender == tx.origin ? 21e3 : 0)) {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < from.length; i++) {
address delegator = from[i];
require(delegatedTo[delegator] == msg.sender || delegator == msg.sender, "Governance: not authorized");
require(!gasCompensated || !hasAccountVoted(proposalId, delegator), "Governance: voted already");
_castVote(delegator, proposalId, support);