
73 lines
2.8 KiB

const ethers = require('ethers')
const actions = require('../actions.json')
const abi = require('../abi/deployer.abi.json')
const prefix = {
1: '',
42: 'kovan.',
5: 'goerli.',
const explorer = `https://${prefix[process.env.NET_ID]}`
async function main() {
const privateKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(process.env.RPC_URL)
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider)
let deployer = new ethers.Contract(actions.deployer, abi, wallet)
console.log('actions.deployer', actions.deployer)
let code = await provider.getCode(actions.eipDeployer.expectedAddress)
if (!code || code === '0x') {
console.log('Deploying EIP-2470 deployer')
const balance = await provider.getBalance(actions.eipDeployer.from)
if ('0.0247'))) {
console.log('Insufficient balance on deploy address, sending some eth')
const tx = await wallet.sendTransaction({
to: actions.eipDeployer.from,
value: ethers.utils.parseEther('0.0247').sub(balance).toHexString(),
gasLimit: ethers.BigNumber.from(800000).toHexString(), // 800k because of arbitrum
gasPrice: 1e6,
console.log('Tx hash:', tx.hash)
const serialized = ethers.utils.serializeTransaction(
const tx = await provider.sendTransaction(serialized)
console.log('Tx hash:', tx.hash)
for (const action of actions.actions) {
code = await provider.getCode(action.expectedAddress)
if (code && code !== '0x') {
console.log(`${action.contract} is already deployed at ${explorer}/address/${action.expectedAddress}`)
console.log(`Deploying ${action.contract} to ${action.domain} (${action.expectedAddress})`)
const tx = await deployer.deploy(action.bytecode, actions.salt, { gasLimit: 70e6, gasPrice: 1e9 })
console.log(`TX hash ${explorer}/tx/${tx.hash}`)
try {
await tx.wait()
console.log(`Deployed ${action.contract} to ${explorer}/address/${action.expectedAddress}\n`)
if (action.contract === 'Deployer.sol') {
deployer = deployer.attach(action.expectedAddress)
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Failed to deploy ${action.contract}, sending debug tx`)
// const trace = await provider.send('debug_traceTransaction', [ tx.hash ])
// console.log(trace)
const tx2 = await wallet.sendTransaction({ gasLimit: 70e6, gasPrice: 1e9, data: action.bytecode })
console.log(`TX hash ${explorer}/tx/${tx2.hash}`)
await tx2.wait()
console.log('Mined, check revert reason on etherscan')
// throw new Error(`Failed to deploy ${action.contract}`)