require('dotenv').config() const ethers = require('ethers') const actions = require('../actions.json') const abi = require('../abi/deployer.abi.json') const erc20 = require('../abi/erc20.abi.json') const { formatEther } = ethers.utils const prefix = { 1: '', 42: 'kovan.', 5: 'goerli.', } const explorer = `https://${prefix[process.env.NET_ID]}` async function main() { const privateKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(process.env.RPC_URL) const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider) const deployer = new ethers.Contract(actions.deployer, abi, wallet) const deployerProxy = new ethers.Contract(actions.actions[0].expectedAddress, abi, wallet) for (const action of actions.actions.filter((a) => a.contract !== 'Airdrop.sol')) { let code = await provider.getCode(action.expectedAddress) if (code && code !== '0x') { console.log(`${action.contract} is already deployed`) continue } console.log(`Deploying ${action.contract} to ${action.domain} (${action.expectedAddress})`) const dep = action === actions.actions[0] ? deployer : deployerProxy const tx = await dep.deploy(action.bytecode, actions.salt, { gasLimit: 7e6, gasPrice: 20000000000 }) console.log(`TX hash ${explorer}/tx/${tx.hash}`) try { await tx.wait() console.log(`Deployed ${action.contract} to ${explorer}/address/${action.expectedAddress}\n`) } catch (e) { console.error(`Failed to deploy ${action.contract}, sending debug tx`) const tx = await wallet.sendTransaction({ gasLimit: 8e6, data: action.bytecode }) console.log(`TX hash ${explorer}/tx/${tx.hash}`) await tx.wait() console.log('Mined, check revert reason on etherscan') return // throw new Error(`Failed to deploy ${action.contract}`) } } const voucher = new ethers.Contract( actions.actions.find((a) => a.contract === 'Voucher.sol').expectedAddress, erc20, wallet, ) for (const action of actions.actions.filter((a) => a.contract === 'Airdrop.sol')) { let bal = await voucher.balanceOf(action.expectedAddress) if (bal.eq(0)) { console.log('This airdrop was already processed, skipping') continue } console.log(`Airdropping ${formatEther(action.amount)} vouchers`) const tx = await deployerProxy.deploy(action.bytecode, actions.salt, { gasLimit: 7e6, gasPrice: 20000000000, }) console.log(`TX hash ${explorer}/tx/${tx.hash}`) await tx.wait() console.log('Airdropped successfully') } } main()