require('dotenv').config() const ethers = require('ethers') const { namehash } = ethers.utils const { actions } = require('../actions.json') const abi = require('../abi/ens.abi.json') const prefix = { 1: '', 42: 'kovan.', 5: 'goerli.', } const gasPrice = process.env.GAS_PRICE_IN_WEI || '123000000000' // 123 gwei const explorer = `https://${prefix[process.env.NET_ID]}` async function main() { const privateKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(process.env.RPC_URL) const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider) const resolver = process.env.NET_ID === '1' ? new ethers.Contract('0x4976fb03C32e5B8cfe2b6cCB31c09Ba78EBaBa41', abi, wallet) // public resolver from mainnet with multicall support : new ethers.Contract('0x8595bFb0D940DfEDC98943FA8a907091203f25EE', abi, wallet) // our kovan mock const data = [] for (let { domain, expectedAddress, contract } of actions) { if (!domain && contract === 'Airdrop.sol') { continue } const hash = namehash(domain) console.log(`Setting ${expectedAddress} address for ${hash} - ${domain}`) const calldata = resolver.interface.encodeFunctionData('setAddr(bytes32,address)', [ hash, expectedAddress, ]) data.push(calldata) } const tx = await resolver.multicall(data, { gasPrice }) console.log(`\n${explorer}/tx/${tx.hash}`) await tx.wait() console.log('Complete') } main()