2020-12-15 16:10:11 +01:00
require ( 'dotenv' ) . config ( )
const fs = require ( 'fs' )
const ethers = require ( 'ethers' )
const { namehash } = ethers . utils
const config = require ( '../torn-token/config' )
const get = require ( 'get-value' )
const { deploy , getContractData , zeroMerkleRoot } = require ( './utils' )
const { DEPLOYER , SALT } = process . env
const deployer = getContractData ( '../deployer/build/contracts/Deployer.json' )
const torn = getContractData ( '../torn-token/build/contracts/TORN.json' )
const vesting = getContractData ( '../torn-token/build/contracts/Vesting.json' )
const voucher = getContractData ( '../torn-token/build/contracts/Voucher.json' )
2020-12-15 16:21:42 +01:00
const governance = getContractData ( '../tornado-governance/build/contracts/Governance.json' )
const governanceProxy = getContractData ( '../tornado-governance/build/contracts/LoopbackProxy.json' )
2020-12-15 16:10:11 +01:00
const miner = getContractData ( '../tornado-anonymity-mining/build/contracts/Miner.json' )
const rewardSwap = getContractData ( '../tornado-anonymity-mining/build/contracts/RewardSwap.json' )
const tornadoTrees = getContractData ( '../tornado-anonymity-mining/build/contracts/TornadoTrees.json' )
const tornadoProxy = getContractData ( '../tornado-anonymity-mining/build/contracts/TornadoProxy.json' )
const poseidonHasher2 = getContractData ( '../tornado-anonymity-mining/build/contracts/Hasher2.json' )
const poseidonHasher3 = getContractData ( '../tornado-anonymity-mining/build/contracts/Hasher3.json' )
const rewardVerifier = getContractData ( '../tornado-anonymity-mining/build/contracts/RewardVerifier.json' )
const withdrawVerifier = getContractData ( '../tornado-anonymity-mining/build/contracts/WithdrawVerifier.json' )
const treeUpdateVerifier = getContractData (
'../tornado-anonymity-mining/build/contracts/TreeUpdateVerifier.json' ,
const airdrop = require ( '../airdrop.json' )
const actions = [ ]
actions . push (
deploy ( {
domain : config . deployer . address ,
contract : deployer ,
args : [ '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' ] ,
dependsOn : [ ] ,
title : 'Deployment proxy' ,
description :
'This a required contract to initialize all other contracts. It is simple wrapper around EIP-2470 Singleton Factory that emits an event of contract deployment. The wrapper also validates if the deployment was successful.' ,
} ) ,
// Deploy TORN
const distribution = Object . values ( config . torn . distribution ) . map ( ( { to , amount } ) => ( {
to : namehash ( get ( config , to ) . address ) ,
amount ,
} ) )
console . log ( distribution )
actions . push (
deploy ( {
domain : config . torn . address ,
contract : torn ,
args : [ namehash ( config . governance . address ) , config . torn . pausePeriod , distribution ] ,
title : 'TORN token' ,
description : 'Tornado.cash governance token' ,
} ) ,
// Deploy Governance implementation
actions . push (
deploy ( {
domain : config . governanceImpl . address ,
contract : governance ,
title : 'Governance implementation' ,
description : 'Initial implementation of upgradable governance contract' ,
} ) ,
// Deploy Governance proxy
const governanceContract = new ethers . utils . Interface ( governance . abi )
const initData = governanceContract . encodeFunctionData ( 'initialize' , [ namehash ( config . torn . address ) ] )
actions . push (
deploy ( {
domain : config . governance . address ,
contract : governanceProxy ,
args : [ namehash ( config . governanceImpl . address ) , initData ] ,
dependsOn : [ config . deployer . address , config . governanceImpl . address ] ,
title : 'Governance Upgradable Proxy' ,
description :
'EIP-1167 Upgradable Proxy for Governance. It can only be upgraded through a proposal by TORN holders' ,
} ) ,
// Deploy Verifiers
actions . push (
deploy ( {
domain : config . rewardVerifier . address ,
contract : rewardVerifier ,
title : 'Reward Verifier' ,
description : 'ZkSnark verifier smart contract for mining rewards' ,
} ) ,
actions . push (
deploy ( {
domain : config . withdrawVerifier . address ,
contract : withdrawVerifier ,
title : 'Withdraw Verifier' ,
description : 'ZkSnark verifier smart contract for reward withdrawals' ,
} ) ,
actions . push (
deploy ( {
domain : config . treeUpdateVerifier . address ,
contract : treeUpdateVerifier ,
title : 'Tree Update Verifier' ,
description : 'ZkSnark verifier smart contract for validation for account merkle tree updates' ,
} ) ,
// Deploy RewardSwap
actions . push (
deploy ( {
domain : config . rewardSwap . address ,
contract : rewardSwap ,
args : [
namehash ( config . torn . address ) ,
namehash ( config . miningV2 . address ) ,
config . torn . distribution . miningV2 . amount ,
config . miningV2 . initialBalance ,
config . rewardSwap . poolWeight ,
] ,
title : 'Reward Swap' ,
description : 'AMM that allows to swap Anonymity Points to TORN' ,
} ) ,
// Deploy PoseidonHasher2
actions . push (
deploy ( {
domain : config . poseidonHasher2 . address ,
contract : poseidonHasher2 ,
title : 'Poseidon hasher 2' ,
description : 'Poseidon hash function for 2 arguments' ,
} ) ,
// Deploy PoseidonHasher3
actions . push (
deploy ( {
domain : config . poseidonHasher3 . address ,
contract : poseidonHasher3 ,
title : 'Poseidon hasher 3' ,
description : 'Poseidon hash function for 3 arguments' ,
} ) ,
// Deploy TornadoProxy
const instances = config . miningV2 . rates . map ( ( rate ) => namehash ( rate . instance ) )
actions . push (
deploy ( {
domain : config . tornadoProxy . address ,
contract : tornadoProxy ,
args : [ namehash ( config . tornadoTrees . address ) , namehash ( config . governance . address ) , instances ] ,
title : 'TornadoCash Proxy' ,
description :
'Proxy contract for tornado.cash deposits and withdrawals that records block numbers for mining' ,
} ) ,
// Deploy TornadoTrees
actions . push (
deploy ( {
domain : config . tornadoTrees . address ,
contract : tornadoTrees ,
args : [
namehash ( config . tornadoProxy . address ) ,
namehash ( config . poseidonHasher2 . address ) ,
namehash ( config . poseidonHasher3 . address ) ,
config . tornadoTrees . levels ,
] ,
title : 'TornadoTrees' ,
description : 'Merkle tree with information about tornado cash deposits and withdrawals' ,
} ) ,
// Deploy Miner
const rates = config . miningV2 . rates . map ( ( rate ) => ( {
instance : namehash ( rate . instance ) ,
value : rate . value ,
} ) )
actions . push (
deploy ( {
domain : config . miningV2 . address ,
contract : miner ,
args : [
namehash ( config . rewardSwap . address ) ,
namehash ( config . governance . address ) ,
namehash ( config . tornadoTrees . address ) ,
namehash ( config . rewardVerifier . address ) ,
namehash ( config . withdrawVerifier . address ) ,
namehash ( config . treeUpdateVerifier . address ) ,
] ,
zeroMerkleRoot ,
rates ,
] ,
title : 'Miner' ,
description : 'Mining contract for Anonymity Points' ,
} ) ,
// Deploy Voucher
const airdrops = airdrop . actions . map ( ( a ) => ( { to : a . expectedAddress , amount : a . amount } ) )
actions . push (
deploy ( {
domain : config . voucher . address ,
contract : voucher ,
args : [
namehash ( config . torn . address ) ,
namehash ( config . governance . address ) ,
config . voucher . duration * 2592000 , // 60 * 60 * 24 * 30
airdrops ,
] ,
title : 'Voucher' ,
description : 'TornadoCash voucher contract for early adopters' ,
} ) ,
// Deploy Vestings
config . vesting . governance . beneficiary = actions . find (
( a ) => a . domain === 'governance.contract.tornadocash.eth' ,
) . expectedAddress
const vestings = Object . values ( config . vesting )
for ( const [ i , vest ] of vestings . entries ( ) ) {
actions . push (
deploy ( {
domain : vest . address ,
contract : vesting ,
args : [ namehash ( config . torn . address ) , vest . beneficiary , 0 , vest . cliff , vest . duration ] ,
title : ` Vesting ${ i + 1 } / ${ vestings . length } ` ,
description : ` Vesting contract for ${ vest . address } ` ,
} ) ,
// Write output
const result = {
deployer : DEPLOYER ,
salt : SALT ,
actions : actions . concat ( airdrop . actions ) ,
fs . writeFileSync ( 'actions.json' , JSON . stringify ( result , null , ' ' ) )
console . log ( 'Created actions.json' )