integrate with iotex blockchain using antennajs

This commit is contained in:
koseoyoung 2020-10-13 00:19:07 +09:00
parent 17308c9670
commit 72f666a166
3 changed files with 1834 additions and 12 deletions

iotex-client.js Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
// Temporary demo client
// Works both in browser and node.js
const fs = require('fs')
const axios = require('axios')
const assert = require('assert')
const snarkjs = require('snarkjs')
const crypto = require('crypto')
const circomlib = require('circomlib')
const bigInt = snarkjs.bigInt
const merkleTree = require('./lib/MerkleTree')
const Web3 = require('web3')
const buildGroth16 = require('websnark/src/groth16')
const websnarkUtils = require('websnark/src/utils')
const { sha3, toWei, fromWei, toBN, BN, hexToBytes } = require('web3-utils')
const config = require('./config')
const program = require('commander')
const linker = require('solc/linker');
const Antenna = require('iotex-antenna')
const Address = require('iotex-antenna/lib/crypto/address')
const Web3EthAbi = require('web3-eth-abi');
let circuit, proving_key, groth16, senderAccount, netId, tornadoAddress, deloyedBlkHeight, currency, amount
let Provider, IOTXTornado, ContractJson
/** Whether we are in a browser or node.js */
const inBrowser = (typeof window !== 'undefined')
let isLocalRPC = false
/** Generate random number of specified byte length */
const rbigint = nbytes => snarkjs.bigInt.leBuff2int(crypto.randomBytes(nbytes))
/** Compute pedersen hash */
const pedersenHash = data => circomlib.babyJub.unpackPoint(circomlib.pedersenHash.hash(data))[0]
/** BigNumber to hex string of specified length */
function toHex(number, length = 32) {
const str = number instanceof Buffer ? number.toString('hex') : bigInt(number).toString(16)
return '0x' + str.padStart(length * 2, '0')
* Create deposit object from secret and nullifier
function createDeposit({ nullifier, secret }) {
const deposit = { nullifier, secret }
deposit.preimage = Buffer.concat([deposit.nullifier.leInt2Buff(31), deposit.secret.leInt2Buff(31)])
deposit.commitment = pedersenHash(deposit.preimage)
deposit.commitmentHex = toHex(deposit.commitment)
deposit.nullifierHash = pedersenHash(deposit.nullifier.leInt2Buff(31))
deposit.nullifierHex = toHex(deposit.nullifierHash)
return deposit
* Make a deposit
* @param currency Сurrency
* @param amount Deposit amount
async function deposit() {
const deposit = createDeposit({ nullifier: rbigint(31), secret: rbigint(31) })
console.log("commitment:", toHex(deposit.commitment));
console.log('Submitting deposit transaction')
actionHash = await IOTXTornado.methods.deposit(toHex(deposit.commitment), {
account: senderAccount,
amount: IOTX_AMOUNT,
const note = toHex(deposit.preimage, 62)
const noteString = `tornado-${currency}-${amount}-${netId}-${note}`
console.log(`Your note: ${noteString}`)
return noteString
* Generate merkle tree for a deposit.
* Download deposit events from the tornado, reconstructs merkle tree, finds our deposit leaf
* in it and generates merkle proof
* @param deposit Deposit object
async function generateMerkleProof(deposit) {
// Get all deposit events from smart contract and assemble merkle tree from them
console.log('Getting current state from tornado contract')
const topicBytes = sha3("Deposit(bytes32,uint32,uint256)")
const res = await Provider.getLogs({
filter: {
address: [tornadoAddress],
topics: [
{ topic: [Buffer.from(topicBytes.substring(2, topicBytes.length), "hex")] }
byRange: {
fromBlock: deloyedBlkHeight,
count: 1000, // this is max size, need workaround in future
const logs = res.logs
var events = []
for (let l of logs) {
let decoded = Web3EthAbi.decodeLog([
"indexed": true,
"internalType": "bytes32",
"name": "commitment",
"type": "bytes32"
"indexed": false,
"internalType": "uint32",
"name": "leafIndex",
"type": "uint32"
"indexed": false,
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "timestamp",
"type": "uint256"
decoded.commitment = '0x' + decoded.commitment
const leaves = events
.sort((a, b) => a.leafIndex - b.leafIndex) // Sort events in chronological order
.map(e => e.commitment)
const tree = new merkleTree(MERKLE_TREE_HEIGHT, leaves)
// Find current commitment in the tree
const depositEvent = events.find(e => e.commitment === toHex(deposit.commitment))
const leafIndex = depositEvent ? depositEvent.leafIndex : -1
// Validate that our data is correct
const root = await tree.root()
const isValidRoot = await Provider.readContractByMethod({
from: senderAccount.address,
contractAddress: tornadoAddress,
abi: ContractJson.abi,
method: "isKnownRoot",
}, toHex(root));
const isSpent = await Provider.readContractByMethod({
from: senderAccount.address,
contractAddress: tornadoAddress,
abi: ContractJson.abi,
method: "isSpent",
}, toHex(deposit.nullifierHash));
assert(isValidRoot === true, 'Merkle tree is corrupted')
assert(isSpent === false, 'The note is already spent')
assert(leafIndex >= 0, 'The deposit is not found in the tree')
// Compute merkle proof of our commitment
return tree.path(leafIndex)
* Generate SNARK proof for withdrawal
* @param deposit Deposit object
* @param recipient Funds recipient
* @param relayer Relayer address
* @param fee Relayer fee
* @param refund Receive ether for exchanged tokens
async function generateProof({ deposit, recipient, relayerAddress = 0, fee = 0, refund = 0 }) {
// Compute merkle proof of our commitment
const { root, path_elements, path_index } = await generateMerkleProof(deposit)
// Prepare circuit input
const input = {
// Public snark inputs
root: root,
nullifierHash: deposit.nullifierHash,
recipient: bigInt(recipient),
relayer: bigInt(relayerAddress),
fee: bigInt(fee),
refund: bigInt(refund),
// Private snark inputs
nullifier: deposit.nullifier,
secret: deposit.secret,
pathElements: path_elements,
pathIndices: path_index,
console.log('Generating SNARK proof')
console.time('Proof time')
const proofData = await websnarkUtils.genWitnessAndProve(groth16, input, circuit, proving_key)
const { proof } = websnarkUtils.toSolidityInput(proofData)
console.timeEnd('Proof time')
// eth address -> io address
recipientBytes = await hexToBytes(toHex(input.recipient, 20))
ioRecipient = await Address.fromBytes(recipientBytes)
relayerBytes = await hexToBytes(toHex(input.relayer, 20))
ioRelayer = await Address.fromBytes(relayerBytes)
const args = [
return { args }
* Do an ETH withdrawal
* @param noteString Note to withdraw
* @param recipient Recipient address
async function withdraw({ deposit, currency, amount, recipient, relayerURL, refund = '0' }) {
if (currency === 'eth' && refund !== '0') {
throw new Error('The ETH purchase is supposted to be 0 for ETH withdrawals')
refund = toWei(refund)
if (relayerURL) {
if (relayerURL.endsWith('.eth')) {
throw new Error('ENS name resolving is not supported. Please provide DNS name of the relayer. See instuctions in')
const relayerStatus = await axios.get(relayerURL + '/status')
const { relayerAddress, netId, gasPrices, ethPrices, relayerServiceFee } =
assert(netId === await || netId === '*', 'This relay is for different network')
console.log('Relay address: ', relayerAddress)
const decimals = isLocalRPC ? 18 : config.deployments[`netId${netId}`][currency].decimals
const fee = calculateFee({ gasPrices, currency, amount, refund, ethPrices, relayerServiceFee, decimals })
if ({ amount, decimals }))) {
throw new Error('Too high refund')
const { proof, args } = await generateProof({ deposit, recipient, relayerAddress, fee, refund })
console.log('Sending withdraw transaction through relay')
try {
const relay = await + '/relay', { contract: tornado._address, proof, args })
if (netId === 1 || netId === 42) {
console.log(`Transaction submitted through the relay. View transaction on etherscan https://${getCurrentNetworkName()}${}`)
} else {
console.log(`Transaction submitted through the relay. The transaction hash is ${}`)
const receipt = await waitForTxReceipt({ txHash: })
console.log('Transaction mined in block', receipt.blockNumber)
} catch (e) {
if (e.response) {
} else {
} else { // using private key
const { proof, args } = await generateProof({ deposit, recipient, refund })
console.log('Submitting withdraw transaction')
await tornado.methods.withdraw(proof, ...args).send({ from: senderAccount, value: refund.toString(), gas: 1e6 })
.on('transactionHash', function (txHash) {
if (netId === 1 || netId === 42) {
console.log(`View transaction on etherscan https://${getCurrentNetworkName()}${txHash}`)
} else {
console.log(`The transaction hash is ${txHash}`)
}).on('error', function (e) {
console.error('on transactionHash error', e.message)
function fromDecimals({ amount, decimals }) {
amount = amount.toString()
let ether = amount.toString()
const base = new BN('10').pow(new BN(decimals))
const baseLength = base.toString(10).length - 1 || 1
const negative = ether.substring(0, 1) === '-'
if (negative) {
ether = ether.substring(1)
if (ether === '.') {
throw new Error('[ethjs-unit] while converting number ' + amount + ' to wei, invalid value')
// Split it into a whole and fractional part
const comps = ether.split('.')
if (comps.length > 2) {
throw new Error(
'[ethjs-unit] while converting number ' + amount + ' to wei, too many decimal points'
let whole = comps[0]
let fraction = comps[1]
if (!whole) {
whole = '0'
if (!fraction) {
fraction = '0'
if (fraction.length > baseLength) {
throw new Error(
'[ethjs-unit] while converting number ' + amount + ' to wei, too many decimal places'
while (fraction.length < baseLength) {
fraction += '0'
whole = new BN(whole)
fraction = new BN(fraction)
let wei = whole.mul(base).add(fraction)
if (negative) {
wei = wei.mul(negative)
return new BN(wei.toString(10), 10)
function toDecimals(value, decimals, fixed) {
const zero = new BN(0)
const negative1 = new BN(-1)
decimals = decimals || 18
fixed = fixed || 7
value = new BN(value)
const negative =
const base = new BN('10').pow(new BN(decimals))
const baseLength = base.toString(10).length - 1 || 1
if (negative) {
value = value.mul(negative1)
let fraction = value.mod(base).toString(10)
while (fraction.length < baseLength) {
fraction = `0${fraction}`
fraction = fraction.match(/^([0-9]*[1-9]|0)(0*)/)[1]
const whole = value.div(base).toString(10)
value = `${whole}${fraction === '0' ? '' : `.${fraction}`}`
if (negative) {
value = `-${value}`
if (fixed) {
value = value.slice(0, fixed)
return value
function calculateFee({ gasPrices, currency, amount, refund, ethPrices, relayerServiceFee, decimals }) {
const decimalsPoint = Math.floor(relayerServiceFee) === Number(relayerServiceFee) ?
0 :
const roundDecimal = 10 ** decimalsPoint
const total = toBN(fromDecimals({ amount, decimals }))
const feePercent = total.mul(toBN(relayerServiceFee * roundDecimal)).div(toBN(roundDecimal * 100))
const expense = toBN(toWei(, 'gwei')).mul(toBN(5e5))
let desiredFee
switch (currency) {
case 'eth': {
desiredFee = expense.add(feePercent)
default: {
desiredFee = expense.add(toBN(refund))
.mul(toBN(10 ** decimals))
desiredFee = desiredFee.add(feePercent)
return desiredFee
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
* Parses note
* @param noteString the note
function parseNote(noteString) {
const noteRegex = /tornado-(?<currency>\w+)-(?<amount>[\d.]+)-(?<netId>\d+)-0x(?<note>[0-9a-fA-F]{124})/g
const match = noteRegex.exec(noteString)
if (!match) {
throw new Error('The note has invalid format')
const buf = Buffer.from(match.groups.note, 'hex')
const nullifier = bigInt.leBuff2int(buf.slice(0, 31))
const secret = bigInt.leBuff2int(buf.slice(31, 62))
const deposit = createDeposit({ nullifier, secret })
const netId = Number(match.groups.netId)
return { currency: match.groups.currency, amount: match.groups.amount, netId, deposit }
* Init web3, contracts, and snark
async function init() {
tornadoAddress = "io1qlkcywx7tkqetccm28dy52fgexqcxa4l75ntnm"
deloyedBlkHeight = 5902770
ContractJson = require('./build/contracts/ETHTornado.json')
circuit = require('./build/circuits/withdraw.json')
proving_key = fs.readFileSync('build/circuits/withdraw_proving_key.bin').buffer
Provider = new Antenna.default.modules.Iotx("");
IOTXTornado = new Antenna.default.modules.Contract (
provider: Provider,
groth16 = await buildGroth16()
currency = 'iotx'
amount = '1'
netId = '1'
IOTX_AMOUNT = process.env.IOTX_AMOUNT || 1000000000000000000
senderAccount = Provider.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(
async function deploy() {
//deploy after linking with hasher contract (print out bytecode)
var byteCode = ContractJson.bytecode
verifierContractAddress = "io1fxz85k4em9nmwea249jztflx5dpmxgaz6syl8n"
byteCode = linker.linkBytecode(
byteCode, {
'Hasher': '0x36090A0F41dd8785f96B48A71871881E0868B26c'
actionHash = await Provider.deployContract(
from: senderAccount.address,
abi: ContractJson.abi,
data: Buffer.from(byteCode.substring(2, byteCode.length), "hex"),
}, verifierContractAddress , IOTX_AMOUNT, MERKLE_TREE_HEIGHT, senderAccount.address);
console.log("action hash:", actionHash)
async function main() {
.option('-r, --rpc <URL>', 'The RPC, CLI should interact with', 'http://localhost:8545')
.option('-R, --relayer <URL>', 'Withdraw via relayer')
.description('Submit a deposit of specified currency and amount from default eth account and return the resulting note. The currency is one of (ETH|DAI|cDAI|USDC|cUSDC|USDT). The amount depends on currency, see config.js file or visit')
.action(async () => {
await init();
await deploy();
.action(async () => {
await init();
noteString = await deposit();
await sleep(15000);
let parsedNote = parseNote(noteString)
recipient = '0x53FBC28FAF9a52dFe5F591948A23189E900381B5'
const { args } = await generateProof({ deposit: parsedNote.deposit, recipient})
console.log('args:', args)
console.log('Submitting withdraw transaction')
actionHash = await IOTXTornado.methods.withdraw(...args, {
account: senderAccount,
gasLimit: "1000000",
gasPrice: "1000000000000",
amount: "0",
try {
await program.parseAsync(process.argv)
} catch (e) {
console.log('Error:', e)

package-lock.json generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -42,10 +42,13 @@
"eslint": "^6.6.0",
"eth-json-rpc-filters": "^4.1.1",
"ganache-cli": "^6.7.0",
"iotex-antenna": "^0.30.1",
"snarkjs": "git+",
"solc": "^0.7.2",
"truffle": "^5.0.44",
"truffle-flattener": "^1.4.2",
"web3": "^1.2.2",
"web3-eth-abi": "^1.3.0",
"web3-utils": "^1.2.2",
"websnark": "git+"