new feature - invoice

This commit is contained in:
yoyoismee 2022-02-24 17:01:13 +07:00
parent 863474c203
commit bbb41f1a8c
2 changed files with 306 additions and 154 deletions

View File

@ -57,6 +57,32 @@ Transaction mined in block 17036120
### using invoice
![Invoice user flow](img/invoice.png)
node cli.js invoice ETH 0.1 --rpc
Connecting to remote node
Your remote IP address is xx.xx.xx.xx from xx.
Your note: tornado-eth-0.1-5-0x1d9771a7b9f8b6c03d33116208ce8db1aa559d33e65d22dd2ff78375fc6b635f930536d2432b4bde0178c72cfc79d6b27023c5d9de60985f186b34c18c00
Your invoice: tornadoInvoice-eth-0.1-5-0x1b680c7dda0c2dd1b85f0fe126d49b16ed594b3cd6d5114db5f4593877a6b84f
Backed up deposit note as ./backup-tornado-eth-0.1-5-0x1d9771a7.txt
Backed up invoice as ./backup-tornadoInvoice-eth-0.1-5-0x1b680c7d.txt
node cli.js payInvoice tornadoInvoice-eth-0.1-5-0x1b680c7dda0c2dd1b85f0fe126d49b16ed594b3cd6d5114db5f4593877a6b84f --rpc
Connecting to remote node
Your remote IP address is xx.xx.xx.xx from xx.
Tornado contract balance is 823.6 ETH
Sender account balance is 0.79544229 ETH
Submitting deposit transaction
Submitting transaction to the remote node
View transaction on block explorer
Tornado contract balance is 823.7 ETH
Sender account balance is 0.694488819 ETH
### List of public rpc & relayers for withdrawal
Infura API key fetched from (Same one with Metamask)

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ function toHex(number, length = 32) {
/** Display ETH account balance */
async function printETHBalance({ address, name }) {
const checkBalance = new BigNumber(await web3.eth.getBalance(address));
console.log(`${name} balance is`, checkBalance.div(BigNumber(10).pow(18)).toString(),`${netSymbol}`)
console.log(`${name} balance is`, checkBalance.div(BigNumber(10).pow(18)).toString(), `${netSymbol}`)
/** Display ERC20 account balance */
@ -54,18 +54,18 @@ async function printERC20Balance({ address, name, tokenAddress }) {
const tokenDecimals = await erc20.methods.decimals().call()
const tokenName = await
const tokenSymbol = await erc20.methods.symbol().call()
console.log(`${name}`,tokenName,`Token Balance is`,tokenBalance.div(BigNumber(10).pow(tokenDecimals)).toString(),tokenSymbol)
console.log(`${name}`, tokenName, `Token Balance is`, tokenBalance.div(BigNumber(10).pow(tokenDecimals)).toString(), tokenSymbol)
async function submitTransaction(signedTX) {
console.log("Submitting transaction to the remote node");
await web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signedTX)
.on('transactionHash', function (txHash) {
console.log(`View transaction on block explorer https://${getExplorerLink()}/tx/${txHash}`)
.on('error', function (e) {
console.error('on transactionHash error', e.message)
.on('transactionHash', function (txHash) {
console.log(`View transaction on block explorer https://${getExplorerLink()}/tx/${txHash}`)
.on('error', function (e) {
console.error('on transactionHash error', e.message)
async function generateTransaction(to, encodedData, value = 0) {
@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ async function generateTransaction(to, encodedData, value = 0) {
async function estimateGas() {
const fetchedGas = await web3.eth.estimateGas({
from : senderAccount,
to : to,
value : value,
nonce : nonce,
data : encodedData
from: senderAccount,
to: to,
value: value,
nonce: nonce,
data: encodedData
const bumped = Math.floor(fetchedGas * 1.3)
return web3.utils.toHex(bumped)
@ -94,32 +94,32 @@ async function generateTransaction(to, encodedData, value = 0) {
// Generate EIP-1559 transaction
if (netId == 1) {
return {
to : to,
value : value,
nonce : nonce,
maxFeePerGas : gasPrice,
maxPriorityFeePerGas : web3.utils.toHex(web3.utils.toWei('3', 'gwei')),
gas : gasLimit,
data : encodedData
to: to,
value: value,
nonce: nonce,
maxFeePerGas: gasPrice,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: web3.utils.toHex(web3.utils.toWei('3', 'gwei')),
gas: gasLimit,
data: encodedData
} else if (netId == 5 || netId == 137 || netId == 43114) {
return {
to : to,
value : value,
nonce : nonce,
maxFeePerGas : gasPrice,
maxPriorityFeePerGas : gasPrice,
gas : gasLimit,
data : encodedData
to: to,
value: value,
nonce: nonce,
maxFeePerGas: gasPrice,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: gasPrice,
gas: gasLimit,
data: encodedData
} else {
return {
to : to,
value : value,
nonce : nonce,
gasPrice : gasPrice,
gas : gasLimit,
data : encodedData
to: to,
value: value,
nonce: nonce,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gas: gasLimit,
data: encodedData
@ -128,10 +128,10 @@ async function generateTransaction(to, encodedData, value = 0) {
if (!isLocalNode) {
await submitTransaction(signed.rawTransaction);
} else {
console.log('\n=============Raw TX=================','\n')
console.log(`Please submit this raw tx to https://${getExplorerLink()}/pushTx, or otherwise broadcast with node cli.js broadcast command.`,`\n`)
console.log('\n=============Raw TX=================', '\n')
console.log(`Please submit this raw tx to https://${getExplorerLink()}/pushTx, or otherwise broadcast with node cli.js broadcast command.`, `\n`)
console.log(signed.rawTransaction, `\n`)
console.log('=====================================', '\n')
@ -151,9 +151,20 @@ function createDeposit({ nullifier, secret }) {
async function backupNote({ currency, amount, netId, note, noteString }) {
try {
await fs.writeFileSync(`./backup-tornado-${currency}-${amount}-${netId}-${note.slice(0, 10)}.txt`, noteString, 'utf8');
console.log("Backed up deposit note as",`./backup-tornado-${currency}-${amount}-${netId}-${note.slice(0, 10)}.txt`)
console.log("Backed up deposit note as", `./backup-tornado-${currency}-${amount}-${netId}-${note.slice(0, 10)}.txt`)
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('Writing backup note failed:',e)
throw new Error('Writing backup note failed:', e)
async function backupInvoice({ currency, amount, netId, commitmentNote, invoiceString }) {
try {
await fs.writeFileSync(`./backup-tornadoInvoice-${currency}-${amount}-${netId}-${commitmentNote.slice(0, 10)}.txt`, invoiceString, 'utf8');
console.log("Backed up invoice as", `./backup-tornadoInvoice-${currency}-${amount}-${netId}-${commitmentNote.slice(0, 10)}.txt`)
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('Writing backup note failed:', e)
@ -207,6 +218,75 @@ async function deposit({ currency, amount }) {
return noteString
* create a Invoice
* @param currency Сurrency
* @param amount Deposit amount
async function createInvoice({ currency, amount }) {
const deposit = createDeposit({
nullifier: rbigint(31),
secret: rbigint(31)
const note = toHex(deposit.preimage, 62)
const noteString = `tornado-${currency}-${amount}-${netId}-${note}`
console.log(`Your note: ${noteString}`)
const commitmentNote = toHex(deposit.commitment)
const invoiceString = `tornadoInvoice-${currency}-${amount}-${netId}-${commitmentNote}`
console.log(`Your invoice: ${invoiceString}`)
await backupNote({ currency, amount, netId, note, noteString })
await backupInvoice({ currency, amount, netId, commitmentNote, invoiceString })
return (noteString, invoiceString)
* Make a payment
* @param currency Сurrency
* @param amount Deposit amount
async function payInvoice({ currency, amount, netId, commitmentNote }) {
assert(senderAccount != null, 'Error! PRIVATE_KEY not found. Please provide PRIVATE_KEY in .env file if you deposit')
if (currency === netSymbol.toLowerCase()) {
await printETHBalance({ address: tornadoContract._address, name: 'Tornado contract' })
await printETHBalance({ address: senderAccount, name: 'Sender account' })
const value = isTestRPC ? ETH_AMOUNT : fromDecimals({ amount, decimals: 18 })
console.log('Submitting deposit transaction')
await generateTransaction(contractAddress, tornado.methods.deposit(tornadoInstance, toHex(commitmentNote), []).encodeABI(), value)
await printETHBalance({ address: tornadoContract._address, name: 'Tornado contract' })
await printETHBalance({ address: senderAccount, name: 'Sender account' })
} else {
// a token
await printERC20Balance({ address: tornadoContract._address, name: 'Tornado contract' })
await printERC20Balance({ address: senderAccount, name: 'Sender account' })
const decimals = isTestRPC ? 18 : config.deployments[`netId${netId}`][currency].decimals
const tokenAmount = isTestRPC ? TOKEN_AMOUNT : fromDecimals({ amount, decimals })
if (isTestRPC) {
console.log('Minting some test tokens to deposit')
await generateTransaction(erc20Address,, tokenAmount).encodeABI())
const allowance = await erc20.methods.allowance(senderAccount, tornado._address).call({ from: senderAccount })
console.log('Current allowance is', fromWei(allowance))
if (toBN(allowance).lt(toBN(tokenAmount))) {
console.log('Approving tokens for deposit')
await generateTransaction(erc20Address, erc20.methods.approve(tornado._address, tokenAmount).encodeABI())
console.log('Submitting deposit transaction')
await generateTransaction(contractAddress, tornado.methods.deposit(tornadoInstance, toHex(commitmentNote), []).encodeABI())
await printERC20Balance({ address: tornadoContract._address, name: 'Tornado contract' })
await printERC20Balance({ address: senderAccount, name: 'Sender account' })
* Generate merkle tree for a deposit.
* Download deposit events from the tornado, reconstructs merkle tree, finds our deposit leaf
@ -306,7 +386,7 @@ async function withdraw({ deposit, currency, amount, recipient, relayerURL, torP
throw new Error('ENS name resolving is not supported. Please provide DNS name of the relayer. See instuctions in')
if (torPort) {
options = { httpsAgent: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://'+torPort), headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0' } }
options = { httpsAgent: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://' + torPort), headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0' } }
const relayerStatus = await axios.get(relayerURL + '/status', options)
@ -389,19 +469,19 @@ async function send({ address, amount, tokenAddress }) {
const tokenSymbol = await erc20.methods.symbol().call()
const toSend = new BigNumber(amount).times(BigNumber(10).pow(tokenDecimals))
if ( {
console.error("You have",tokenBalance.div(BigNumber(10).pow(tokenDecimals)).toString(),tokenSymbol,", you can't send more than you have")
console.error("You have", tokenBalance.div(BigNumber(10).pow(tokenDecimals)).toString(), tokenSymbol, ", you can't send more than you have")
const encodeTransfer = erc20.methods.transfer(address, toSend).encodeABI()
await generateTransaction(tokenAddress, encodeTransfer)
console.log('Sent', amount, tokenSymbol, 'to', address);
} else {
const balance = new BigNumber(await web3.eth.getBalance(senderAccount));
assert(balance.toNumber() !== 0, "You have 0 balance, can't send transaction")
if (amount) {
toSend = new BigNumber(amount).times(BigNumber(10).pow(18))
if ( {
console.error("You have",balance.div(BigNumber(10).pow(18)),netSymbol+", you can't send more than you have.")
console.error("You have", balance.div(BigNumber(10).pow(18)), netSymbol + ", you can't send more than you have.")
} else {
@ -416,7 +496,7 @@ async function send({ address, amount, tokenAddress }) {
await generateTransaction(address, null, toSend)
console.log('Sent', toSend.div(BigNumber(10).pow(18)).toString(), netSymbol, 'to', address);
@ -689,18 +769,18 @@ function waitForTxReceipt({ txHash, attempts = 60, delay = 1000 }) {
function initJson(file) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile(file, 'utf8', (error, data) => {
if (error) {
try {
} catch (error) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile(file, 'utf8', (error, data) => {
if (error) {
try {
} catch (error) {
function loadCachedEvents({ type, currency, amount }) {
@ -716,7 +796,7 @@ function loadCachedEvents({ type, currency, amount }) {
} catch (err) {
console.log("Error fetching cached files, syncing from block",deployedBlockNumber)
console.log("Error fetching cached files, syncing from block", deployedBlockNumber)
return {
events: [],
lastBlock: deployedBlockNumber,
@ -724,102 +804,102 @@ function loadCachedEvents({ type, currency, amount }) {
async function fetchEvents({ type, currency, amount}) {
if (type === "withdraw") {
type = "withdrawal"
async function fetchEvents({ type, currency, amount }) {
if (type === "withdraw") {
type = "withdrawal"
const cachedEvents = loadCachedEvents({ type, currency, amount })
const startBlock = cachedEvents.lastBlock + 1
const cachedEvents = loadCachedEvents({ type, currency, amount })
const startBlock = cachedEvents.lastBlock + 1
console.log("Loaded cached",amount,currency.toUpperCase(),type,"events for",startBlock,"block")
console.log("Fetching",amount,currency.toUpperCase(),type,"events for",netName,"network")
console.log("Loaded cached", amount, currency.toUpperCase(), type, "events for", startBlock, "block")
console.log("Fetching", amount, currency.toUpperCase(), type, "events for", netName, "network")
async function syncEvents() {
try {
let targetBlock = await web3.eth.getBlockNumber();
let chunks = 1000;
for (let i=startBlock; i < targetBlock; i+=chunks) {
let fetchedEvents = [];
async function fetchLatestEvents(i) {
let j;
if (i+chunks-1 > targetBlock) {
j = targetBlock;
} else {
j = i+chunks-1;
await tornadoContract.getPastEvents(capitalizeFirstLetter(type), {
fromBlock: i,
toBlock: j,
}).then(r => { fetchedEvents = fetchedEvents.concat(r); console.log("Fetched",amount,currency.toUpperCase(),type,"events to block:", j) }, err => { console.error(i + " failed fetching",type,"events from node", err); process.exit(1); }).catch(console.log);
async function syncEvents() {
try {
let targetBlock = await web3.eth.getBlockNumber();
let chunks = 1000;
for (let i = startBlock; i < targetBlock; i += chunks) {
let fetchedEvents = [];
async function fetchLatestEvents(i) {
let j;
if (i + chunks - 1 > targetBlock) {
j = targetBlock;
} else {
j = i + chunks - 1;
async function mapDepositEvents() {
fetchedEvents ={ blockNumber, transactionHash, returnValues }) => {
const { commitment, leafIndex, timestamp } = returnValues
return {
leafIndex: Number(leafIndex),
async function mapWithdrawEvents() {
fetchedEvents ={ blockNumber, transactionHash, returnValues }) => {
const { nullifierHash, to, fee } = returnValues
return {
async function mapLatestEvents() {
if (type === "deposit"){
await mapDepositEvents();
} else {
await mapWithdrawEvents();
async function updateCache() {
try {
const fileName = `./cache/${netName.toLowerCase()}/${type}s_${currency}_${amount}.json`
const localEvents = await initJson(fileName);
const events = localEvents.concat(fetchedEvents);
await fs.writeFileSync(fileName, JSON.stringify(events, null, 2), 'utf8')
} catch (error) {
throw new Error('Writing cache file failed:',error)
await fetchLatestEvents(i);
await mapLatestEvents();
await updateCache();
await tornadoContract.getPastEvents(capitalizeFirstLetter(type), {
fromBlock: i,
toBlock: j,
}).then(r => { fetchedEvents = fetchedEvents.concat(r); console.log("Fetched", amount, currency.toUpperCase(), type, "events to block:", j) }, err => { console.error(i + " failed fetching", type, "events from node", err); process.exit(1); }).catch(console.log);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error("Error while updating cache")
async function mapDepositEvents() {
fetchedEvents ={ blockNumber, transactionHash, returnValues }) => {
const { commitment, leafIndex, timestamp } = returnValues
return {
leafIndex: Number(leafIndex),
async function mapWithdrawEvents() {
fetchedEvents ={ blockNumber, transactionHash, returnValues }) => {
const { nullifierHash, to, fee } = returnValues
return {
async function mapLatestEvents() {
if (type === "deposit") {
await mapDepositEvents();
} else {
await mapWithdrawEvents();
async function updateCache() {
try {
const fileName = `./cache/${netName.toLowerCase()}/${type}s_${currency}_${amount}.json`
const localEvents = await initJson(fileName);
const events = localEvents.concat(fetchedEvents);
await fs.writeFileSync(fileName, JSON.stringify(events, null, 2), 'utf8')
} catch (error) {
throw new Error('Writing cache file failed:', error)
await fetchLatestEvents(i);
await mapLatestEvents();
await updateCache();
} catch (error) {
throw new Error("Error while updating cache")
await syncEvents();
await syncEvents();
async function loadUpdatedEvents() {
const fileName = `./cache/${netName.toLowerCase()}/${type}s_${currency}_${amount}.json`
const updatedEvents = await initJson(fileName);
const updatedBlock = updatedEvents[updatedEvents.length - 1].blockNumber
console.log("Cache updated for Tornado",type,amount,currency,"instance to block",updatedBlock,"successfully")
console.log(`Total ${type}s:`, updatedEvents.length)
return updatedEvents;
const events = await loadUpdatedEvents();
async function loadUpdatedEvents() {
const fileName = `./cache/${netName.toLowerCase()}/${type}s_${currency}_${amount}.json`
const updatedEvents = await initJson(fileName);
const updatedBlock = updatedEvents[updatedEvents.length - 1].blockNumber
console.log("Cache updated for Tornado", type, amount, currency, "instance to block", updatedBlock, "successfully")
console.log(`Total ${type}s:`, updatedEvents.length)
return updatedEvents;
const events = await loadUpdatedEvents();
return events
return events
@ -847,6 +927,29 @@ function parseNote(noteString) {
* Parses note
* @param invoiceString the note
function parseInvoice(noteString) {
const noteRegex = /tornadoInvoice-(?<currency>\w+)-(?<amount>[\d.]+)-(?<netId>\d+)-0x(?<commitmentNote>[0-9a-fA-F]{64})/g
const match = noteRegex.exec(noteString)
if (!match) {
throw new Error('The note has invalid format')
const netId = Number(match.groups.netId)
const buf = Buffer.from(match.groups.commitmentNote, 'hex')
const commitmentNote = toHex(buf.slice(0, 32))
return {
currency: match.groups.currency,
amount: match.groups.amount,
async function loadDepositData({ amount, currency, deposit }) {
try {
const cachedEvents = await fetchEvents({ type: 'deposit', currency, amount })
@ -924,16 +1027,16 @@ async function init({ rpc, noteNetId, currency = 'dai', amount = '100', torPort,
let ipOptions = {};
if (torPort && rpc.includes("https")) {
console.log("Using tor network")
web3Options = { agent: { https: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://'+torPort) }, timeout: 60000 }
web3Options = { agent: { https: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://' + torPort) }, timeout: 60000 }
// Use forked web3-providers-http from local file to modify user-agent header value which improves privacy.
web3 = new Web3(new Web3HttpProvider(rpc, web3Options), null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 })
ipOptions = { httpsAgent: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://'+torPort), headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0' } }
ipOptions = { httpsAgent: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://' + torPort), headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0' } }
} else if (torPort && rpc.includes("http")) {
console.log("Using tor network")
web3Options = { agent: { http: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://'+torPort) }, timeout: 60000 }
web3Options = { agent: { http: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://' + torPort) }, timeout: 60000 }
// Use forked web3-providers-http from local file to modify user-agent header value which improves privacy.
web3 = new Web3(new Web3HttpProvider(rpc, web3Options), null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 })
ipOptions = { httpsAgent: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://'+torPort), headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0' } }
ipOptions = { httpsAgent: new SocksProxyAgent('socks5h://' + torPort), headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0' } }
} else if (rpc.includes("ipc")) {
console.log("Using ipc connection")
web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.IpcProvider(rpc, net), null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 })
@ -948,7 +1051,7 @@ async function init({ rpc, noteNetId, currency = 'dai', amount = '100', torPort,
try {
const fetchRemoteIP = await axios.get('', ipOptions)
const { country, ip } =
console.log('Your remote IP address is',ip,'from',country+'.');
console.log('Your remote IP address is', ip, 'from', country + '.');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Could not fetch remote IP from, use VPN if the problem repeats.');
@ -1054,6 +1157,29 @@ async function main() {
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, currency, amount, torPort: program.tor, localMode: program.local })
await deposit({ currency, amount })
.command('invoice <currency> <amount>')
'Create invoice of specified currency and amount from default eth account and return the invoice (to pay) and note (to claim). The currency is one of (ETH|DAI|cDAI|USDC|cUSDC|USDT). The amount depends on currency, see config.js file or visit'
.action(async (currency, amount) => {
currency = currency.toLowerCase()
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, currency, amount, torPort: program.tor, localMode: program.local })
await createInvoice({ currency, amount })
.command('payInvoice <invoice>')
'pay invoice of specified currency and amount from default eth account. The currency is one of (ETH|DAI|cDAI|USDC|cUSDC|USDT). The amount depends on currency, see config.js file or visit'
.action(async (invoice) => {
const { currency, amount, netId, commitmentNote } = parseInvoice(invoice)
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, currency, amount, torPort: program.tor, localMode: program.local })
await payInvoice({ currency, amount, netId, commitmentNote })
.command('withdraw <note> <recipient> [ETH_purchase]')
@ -1078,7 +1204,7 @@ async function main() {
.action(async (address, tokenAddress) => {
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, torPort: program.tor, balanceCheck: true })
if (!address && senderAccount) {
console.log("Using address",senderAccount,"from private key")
console.log("Using address", senderAccount, "from private key")
address = senderAccount;
await printETHBalance({ address, name: 'Account' })
@ -1090,14 +1216,14 @@ async function main() {
.command('send <address> [amount] [token_address]')
.description('Send ETH or ERC to address')
.action(async (address, amount, tokenAddress) => {
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, torPort: program.tor, balanceCheck: true, localMode: program.local })
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, torPort: program.tor, balanceCheck: true, localMode: program.local })
await send({ address, amount, tokenAddress })
.command('broadcast <signedTX>')
.description('Submit signed TX to the remote node')
.action(async (signedTX) => {
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, torPort: program.tor, balanceCheck: true })
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, torPort: program.tor, balanceCheck: true })
await submitTransaction(signedTX)
@ -1121,7 +1247,7 @@ async function main() {
console.log('The note was not spent')
console.log('=====================================', '\n')
const withdrawInfo = await loadWithdrawalData({ amount, currency, deposit })
const withdrawalDate = new Date(withdrawInfo.timestamp * 1000)
@ -1132,7 +1258,7 @@ async function main() {
console.log('To :', `https://${getExplorerLink()}/address/${}`)
console.log('Transaction :', `https://${getExplorerLink()}/tx/${withdrawInfo.txHash}`)
console.log('Nullifier :', withdrawInfo.nullifier)
console.log('=====================================', '\n')
.command('syncEvents <type> <currency> <amount>')
@ -1144,7 +1270,7 @@ async function main() {
currency = currency.toLowerCase()
await init({ rpc: program.rpc, type, currency, amount, torPort: program.tor })
const cachedEvents = await fetchEvents({ type, currency, amount })
console.log("Synced event for",type,amount,currency.toUpperCase(),netName,"Tornado instance to block",cachedEvents[cachedEvents.length - 1].blockNumber)
console.log("Synced event for", type, amount, currency.toUpperCase(), netName, "Tornado instance to block", cachedEvents[cachedEvents.length - 1].blockNumber)