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synced 2025-02-14 21:10:44 +01:00
Merge pull request #26 from 0xAyanami/develop
Patch bugs with ERC20 support
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,17 +41,20 @@ function toHex(number, length = 32) {
/** Display ETH account balance */
async function printETHBalance({ address, name, symbol }) {
console.log(`${name} balance is`, web3.utils.fromWei(await web3.eth.getBalance(address)),`${symbol}`)
async function printETHBalance({ address, name }) {
const checkBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(address)
console.log(`${name} balance is`, web3.utils.fromWei(checkBalance),`${netSymbol}`)
/** Display ERC20 account balance */
async function printERC20Balance({ address, name, tokenAddress }) {
const erc20ContractJson = require('./build/contracts/ERC20Mock.json')
erc20 = tokenAddress ? new web3.eth.Contract(erc20ContractJson.abi, tokenAddress) : erc20
balance = await erc20.methods.balanceOf(address).call()
decimals = await erc20.methods.decimals().call()
console.log(`${name}`,(await erc20.methods.name().call()),`Token Balance is`,toDecimals(balance, decimals, (balance.length + decimals)).toString().replace(/\B(?<!\.\d*)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","),(await erc20.methods.symbol().call()))
const tokenBalance = await erc20.methods.balanceOf(address).call()
const tokenDecimals = await erc20.methods.decimals().call()
const tokenName = await erc20.methods.name().call()
const tokenSymbol = await erc20.methods.symbol().call()
console.log(`${name}`,tokenName,`Token Balance is`,toDecimals(tokenBalance, tokenDecimals, (tokenBalance.length + tokenDecimals)).toString().replace(/\B(?<!\.\d*)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","),tokenSymbol)
async function generateTransaction(to, encodedData, value = 0) {
@ -159,13 +162,13 @@ async function deposit({ currency, amount }) {
console.log(`Your note: ${noteString}`)
await backupNote({ currency, amount, netId, note, noteString })
if (currency === netSymbol.toLowerCase()) {
await printETHBalance({ address: tornadoContract._address, name: 'Tornado contract', symbol: currency.toUpperCase() })
await printETHBalance({ address: senderAccount, name: 'Sender account', symbol: currency.toUpperCase() })
await printETHBalance({ address: tornadoContract._address, name: 'Tornado contract' })
await printETHBalance({ address: senderAccount, name: 'Sender account' })
const value = isLocalRPC ? ETH_AMOUNT : fromDecimals({ amount, decimals: 18 })
console.log('Submitting deposit transaction')
await generateTransaction(contractAddress, await tornado.methods.deposit(tornadoInstance, toHex(deposit.commitment), []).encodeABI(), value)
await printETHBalance({ address: tornadoContract._address, name: 'Tornado contract', symbol: currency.toUpperCase() })
await printETHBalance({ address: senderAccount, name: 'Sender account', symbol: currency.toUpperCase() })
await generateTransaction(contractAddress, tornado.methods.deposit(tornadoInstance, toHex(deposit.commitment), []).encodeABI(), value)
await printETHBalance({ address: tornadoContract._address, name: 'Tornado contract' })
await printETHBalance({ address: senderAccount, name: 'Sender account' })
} else {
// a token
await printERC20Balance({ address: tornadoContract._address, name: 'Tornado contract' })
@ -174,18 +177,18 @@ async function deposit({ currency, amount }) {
const tokenAmount = isLocalRPC ? TOKEN_AMOUNT : fromDecimals({ amount, decimals })
if (isLocalRPC) {
console.log('Minting some test tokens to deposit')
await generateTransaction(erc20Address, await erc20.methods.mint(senderAccount, tokenAmount).encodeABI())
await generateTransaction(erc20Address, erc20.methods.mint(senderAccount, tokenAmount).encodeABI())
const allowance = await erc20.methods.allowance(senderAccount, tornado._address).call({ from: senderAccount })
console.log('Current allowance is', fromWei(allowance))
if (toBN(allowance).lt(toBN(tokenAmount))) {
console.log('Approving tokens for deposit')
await generateTransaction(erc20Address, await erc20.methods.approve(tornado._address, tokenAmount).encodeABI())
await generateTransaction(erc20Address, erc20.methods.approve(tornado._address, tokenAmount).encodeABI())
console.log('Submitting deposit transaction')
await generateTransaction(contractAddress, await tornado.methods.deposit(toHex(deposit.commitment)).encodeABI())
await generateTransaction(contractAddress, tornado.methods.deposit(toHex(deposit.commitment)).encodeABI())
await printERC20Balance({ address: tornadoContract._address, name: 'Tornado contract' })
await printERC20Balance({ address: senderAccount, name: 'Sender account' })
@ -341,13 +344,19 @@ async function withdraw({ deposit, currency, amount, recipient, relayerURL, torP
// using private key
// check if the address of recepient matches with the account of provided private key from environment to prevent accidental use of deposit address for withdrawal transaction.
const { address } = await web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount('0x' + PRIVATE_KEY)
assert(recipient.toLowerCase() == address.toLowerCase(), 'Withdrawal amount recepient mismatches with the account of provided private key from environment file')
assert(recipient.toLowerCase() == senderAccount.toLowerCase(), 'Withdrawal recepient mismatches with the account of provided private key from environment file')
const checkBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(senderAccount)
assert(checkBalance !== 0, 'You have 0 balance, make sure to fund account by withdrawing from tornado using relayer first')
const { proof, args } = await generateProof({ deposit, currency, amount, recipient, refund })
console.log('Submitting withdraw transaction')
await generateTransaction(contractAddress, await tornado.methods.withdraw(tornadoInstance, proof, ...args).encodeABI())
await generateTransaction(contractAddress, tornado.methods.withdraw(tornadoInstance, proof, ...args).encodeABI())
if (currency === netSymbol.toLowerCase()) {
await printETHBalance({ address: recipient, name: 'Recipient' })
} else {
await printERC20Balance({ address: recipient, name: 'Recipient' })
console.log('Done withdrawal from Tornado Cash')
@ -364,38 +373,39 @@ async function send({ address, amount, tokenAddress }) {
if (tokenAddress) {
const erc20ContractJson = require('./build/contracts/ERC20Mock.json')
erc20 = new web3.eth.Contract(erc20ContractJson.abi, tokenAddress)
const balance = await erc20.methods.balanceOf(senderAccount).call()
const decimals = await erc20.methods.decimals().call()
const toSend = amount * Math.pow(10, decimals)
if (balance < toSend) {
console.error("You have",toDecimals(balance, decimals, (balance.length + decimals)).toString().replace(/\B(?<!\.\d*)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","),(await erc20.methods.symbol().call()),", you can't send more than you have")
const tokenBalance = await erc20.methods.balanceOf(senderAccount).call()
const tokenDecimals = await erc20.methods.decimals().call()
const tokenSymbol = await erc20.methods.symbol().call()
const toSend = amount * Math.pow(10, tokenDecimals)
if (tokenBalance < toSend) {
console.error("You have",toDecimals(tokenBalance, tokenDecimals, (tokenBalance.length + tokenDecimals)).toString().replace(/\B(?<!\.\d*)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","),tokenSymbol,", you can't send more than you have")
await generateTransaction(tokenAddress, await erc20.methods.transfer(address, toBN(toSend)).encodeABI())
console.log('Sent',amount,(await erc20.methods.symbol().call()),'to',address);
const encodeTransfer = erc20.methods.transfer(address, toBN(toSend)).encodeABI()
await generateTransaction(tokenAddress, encodeTransfer)
} else {
const balance = await web3.eth.getBalance(senderAccount)
if (balance == 0) {
console.error("You have 0 balance, can't send")
if (!amount) {
assert(balance !== 0, "You have 0 balance, can't send transaction")
if (amount) {
toSend = amount * Math.pow(10, 18)
if (balance < toSend) {
console.error("You have",web3.utils.fromWei(toHex(balance)),netSymbol+", you can't send more than you have.")
} else {
console.log('Amount not defined, sending all available amounts')
const gasPrice = await fetchGasPrice()
const gasLimit = 21000;
if (netId == 1 || netId == 5) {
const priorityFee = await gasPrices(3)
amount = (balance - (gasLimit * (parseInt(gasPrice) + parseInt(priorityFee))))
toSend = (balance - (gasLimit * (parseInt(gasPrice) + parseInt(priorityFee))))
} else {
amount = (balance - (gasLimit * parseInt(gasPrice)))
toSend = (balance - (gasLimit * parseInt(gasPrice)))
if (balance < amount) {
console.error("You have",web3.utils.fromWei(toHex(balance)),netSymbol,", you can't send more than you have.")
await generateTransaction(address, null, amount)
await generateTransaction(address, null, toSend)
@ -724,7 +734,7 @@ async function fetchEvents({ type, currency, amount}) {
await tornadoContract.getPastEvents(capitalizeFirstLetter(type), {
fromBlock: i,
toBlock: i+chunks-1,
}).then(r => { fetchedEvents = fetchedEvents.concat(r); console.log("Fetched",amount,currency.toUpperCase(),type,"events to block:", i) }, err => { console.error(i + " failed fetching",type,"events from node", err); process.exit(1); }).catch(console.log);
}).then(r => { fetchedEvents = fetchedEvents.concat(r); console.log("Fetched",amount,currency.toUpperCase(),type,"events to block:", i+chunks-1) }, err => { console.error(i + " failed fetching",type,"events from node", err); process.exit(1); }).catch(console.log);
async function mapDepositEvents() {
@ -943,6 +953,7 @@ async function init({ rpc, noteNetId, currency = 'dai', amount = '100', torPort,
groth16 = await buildGroth16()
netId = await web3.eth.net.getId()
netName = getCurrentNetworkName()
netSymbol = getCurrentNetworkSymbol()
if (noteNetId && Number(noteNetId) !== netId) {
throw new Error('This note is for a different network. Specify the --rpc option explicitly')
@ -951,15 +962,13 @@ async function init({ rpc, noteNetId, currency = 'dai', amount = '100', torPort,
if (isLocalRPC) {
tornadoAddress = currency === 'eth' ? contractJson.networks[netId].address : erc20tornadoJson.networks[netId].address
tokenAddress = currency !== 'eth' ? erc20ContractJson.networks[netId].address : null
netSymbol = getCurrentNetworkSymbol()
tornadoAddress = currency === netSymbol.toLowerCase() ? contractJson.networks[netId].address : erc20tornadoJson.networks[netId].address
tokenAddress = currency !== netSymbol.toLowerCase() ? erc20ContractJson.networks[netId].address : null
deployedBlockNumber = 0
senderAccount = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0]
} else {
try {
if (balanceCheck) {
netSymbol = getCurrentNetworkSymbol()
currency = netSymbol.toLowerCase()
amount = Object.keys(config.deployments[`netId${netId}`][currency].instanceAddress)[0]
@ -970,17 +979,16 @@ async function init({ rpc, noteNetId, currency = 'dai', amount = '100', torPort,
if (!tornadoAddress) {
throw new Error()
tokenAddress = config.deployments[`netId${netId}`][currency].tokenAddress
tokenAddress = currency !== netSymbol.toLowerCase() ? config.deployments[`netId${netId}`][currency].tokenAddress : null
} catch (e) {
console.error('There is no such tornado instance, check the currency and amount you provide', e)
netSymbol = getCurrentNetworkSymbol()
tornado = new web3.eth.Contract(contractJson, tornadoAddress)
tornadoContract = new web3.eth.Contract(instanceJson, tornadoInstance)
contractAddress = tornadoAddress
erc20 = currency !== 'eth' ? new web3.eth.Contract(erc20ContractJson.abi, tokenAddress) : {}
erc20 = currency !== netSymbol.toLowerCase() ? new web3.eth.Contract(erc20ContractJson.abi, tokenAddress) : {}
erc20Address = tokenAddress
@ -1041,7 +1049,7 @@ async function main() {
console.log("Using address",senderAccount,"from private key")
address = senderAccount;
await printETHBalance({ address, name: 'Account', symbol: netSymbol })
await printETHBalance({ address, name: 'Account' })
if (tokenAddress) {
await printERC20Balance({ address, name: 'Account', tokenAddress })
Reference in New Issue
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