mirror of
synced 2024-02-02 15:04:09 +01:00
fix: update translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
"loading": "Cargando",
"pleaseConfirmInWallet": "Por favor confirme la clave publica en Metamask",
"pleaseConfirmTransactionInWallet": "Por favor confirme la transacción en {wallet}",
"pleaseSignRequestInWallet": "Please sign request in {wallet}",
"waitingForTransactionConfirmation": "Esperando la confirmación de transacción",
"relayerIsNowSendingYourTransaction": "El retransmisor esta enviando su transacción. Responderá con el hash de la transacción pronto",
"note": "Ticket",
@ -136,12 +137,12 @@
"compliance": "Cumplimiento",
"complianceTool": "herramienta de cumplimiento legal",
"complianceReport": "Informe de cumplimiento legal",
"complianceSubtitle": "Mantener la privacidad financiera es esencial para preservar nuestra libertad.{newline}No obstante, no debería ser a costa del incumplimiento legal. Con Tornado.cash, usted siempre puede presentar una prueba criptográficamente verificada de su historial de transacciones correspondiente a la dirección Ethereum usada en depósitos o retiros de fondos. Esto puede ser necesario para demostrar el origen de los activos existentes en su dirección de retiro.{newline}Para generar un informe de cumplimiento legal, por favor introduzca su Ticket de Tornado.cash debajo.",
"complianceSubtitle": "Maintaining financial privacy is essential to preserving our freedom.{newline}However, it should not come at the cost of non-compliance. With Tornado.cash, you can always provide cryptographically verified proof of transactional history using the Ethereum address you used to deposit or withdraw funds. This might be necessary to show the source of assets held in your withdrawal address.{newline}To generate a compliance report, please enter your Tornado.сash Note below.",
"from": "Desde",
"to": "A",
"withdrawal": "Retiro",
"noteHasNotBeenSpent": "El ticket no ha sido gastado",
"thereIsNoRelatedDeposit": "No hay depósitos relacionados. el ticket es inválida.",
"thereIsNoRelatedDeposit": "There is no related deposit. The note is invalid.",
"warning": "Atención",
"doNotShareYouNote": "No comparta su Ticket con nadie ya que ésto le PERMITIRÁ retirar sus fondos!",
"date": "Fecha",
@ -192,7 +193,7 @@
"startDate": "Fecha Inicial",
"endDate": "Fecha Final",
"quorum": "Quórum",
"quorumTooltip": "La votación de una propuesta dura {days} y es aprobada solo en caso de mayoría Favorable y si un quórum de {votes} de los votantes es alcanzado (suma de votos Favorables + Contrarios es mayor que {votes}).",
"quorumTooltip": "A proposal's voting period lasts {days}. The proposal is passed only if majority vote and quorum of {votes} voters are reached (sum of For + Against votes is greater than {votes}).",
"for": "Favorable",
"against": "Contrario",
"title": "Título",
@ -200,7 +201,7 @@
"proposalAddress": "Dirección de la Propuesta",
"lock": "Bloquear",
"unlock": "Desbloquear",
"proposalThresholdError": "Los balances bloqueados deben ser mayor o igual a {PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD} TORN",
"proposalThresholdError": "Locked balance should be more or equal to {PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD} TORN",
"castYourVote": "Emita su voto",
"back": "Volver",
"yourCurrentVote": "Su voto actual: {vote}",
@ -268,8 +269,8 @@
"tokensLockedUntil": "Su balance permanecerá bloqueado hasta {date}",
"onlyOneProposalErr": "Solamente se permite una propuesta activa por usuario. Por favor espere hasta que su propuesta actual haya finalizado.",
"max": "Max",
"withDisconnectedWallet": "Por favor, conecte un monedero o cambie el tipo de retiro",
"relayerError": "El retransmisor seleccionado no pudo enviar su tx. Por favor pruebe de nuevo o pruebe un retransmisor diferente en configuración.",
"withDisconnectedWallet": "Please, connect a wallet or change the type of withdrawal",
"relayerError": "Selected relayer could not sent your tx. Please try again or choose a different relayer in settings.",
"relayerIsNotResponding": "El retransmisor no responde. Por favor pruebe de nuevo o pruebe un retransmisor diferente en configuración.",
"transactionFailed": "Transacción fallida",
"none": "ninguno",
@ -320,8 +321,8 @@
"backedUp": "He asegurado la clave de Cuenta de Tickets",
"saveOnChain": "Crear una copia segura adicional on-chain de su clave de Cuenta de Tickets con su monedero",
"isNotSupportedWithHw": "Por favor tenga en cuenta que copias seguras adicionales on-chain de su Cuenta de Tickets no es compatible con monederos hardware o monederos móviles",
"successfulNotice": "Felicidades! Ha creado exitosamente una Cuenta de Tickets. Ahora puede encriptar sus tickets y guardarlos on-chain.",
"yourRecoveryKeyWontBeSaved": "Su clave de recuperación no se guardará en la cache del buscador, por favor asegúrese de que ha realizado una copia de seguridad."
"successfulNotice": "Congratulations! You have successfully set up a Note Account. Now, you can encrypt your notes and store them on chain.",
"yourRecoveryKeyWontBeSaved": "Your recovery key won't be saved in browser cache, please make sure it's backed up."
"showRecoveryKey": {
"title": "Clave actual de Cuenta de Tickets",
@ -364,7 +365,7 @@
"setup": {
"decrypt": "Por favor, confirme la petición de descifrado en el monedero web3.",
"setTooltip": "Ya existe una cuenta asociada con este monedero web3. Por favor use 'Recuperar Cuenta' a continuación.",
"recTooltip": "Por favor configure una cuenta, no hay cuanta para esta dirección.",
"recTooltip": "Please set up an account. There is no account for this address.",
"desc": "Configurar Cuenta de Tickets para guardar tickets encriptados en la blockchain Ethereum",
"account": "Configurar cuenta",
"recoverDesc": "Recuperar Cuenta de Tickets asociada con este monedero Web3",
@ -424,5 +425,21 @@
"disabled": "Esta característica actualmente no es compatible con los monederos móviles."
"dayPlural": "0 días | {n} día | {n} días"
"missingENSSubdomain": "Missing ENS subdomain",
"dayPlural": "0 días | {n} día | {n} días",
"stakingReward": {
"title": "Staking Reward",
"label": {
"tab": "Claim",
"input": "Available staking reward"
"description": "You can claim your staking reward here. Your earned reward is proportionate to your locked TORN in governance.",
"action": "Claim"
"relayerTotal": {
"label": "Current Relayer",
"name": "Name",
"fee": "Fee"
"withdrawalQueueIsOverloaded": "Withdrawal queue is overloaded"
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
"loading": "Chargement",
"pleaseConfirmInWallet": "Veuillez confirmer la fourniture de votre clé publique dans metamask",
"pleaseConfirmTransactionInWallet": "Veuillez confirmer la transaction à: {wallet}",
"pleaseSignRequestInWallet": "Please sign request in {wallet}",
"waitingForTransactionConfirmation": "En attente de la confirmation de transaction",
"relayerIsNowSendingYourTransaction": "Le Relais est maintenant en train d'envoyer votre transaction. Il va envoyer le hash de transaction bientôt",
"note": "Note",
@ -136,12 +137,12 @@
"compliance": "Conformité",
"complianceTool": "outil de conformité",
"complianceReport": "Rapport de Conformité",
"complianceSubtitle": "Le maintien de la confidentialité financière est essentiel pour préserver nos libertés, mais il ne doit pas se faire au prix de la non-conformité. Avec Tornado.cash, vous pouvez fournir une preuve cryptographiquement vérifiée de l'historique des transactions en utilisant l'adresse Ethereum que vous avez utilisée pour déposer ou retirer des fonds. Cela peut être nécessaire pour montrer l'origine des actifs détenus dans votre adresse de retrait.{newline}Pour générer un rapport de conformité, veuillez saisir votre note d'enregistrement Tornado.cash ci-dessous.",
"complianceSubtitle": "Maintaining financial privacy is essential to preserving our freedom.{newline}However, it should not come at the cost of non-compliance. With Tornado.cash, you can always provide cryptographically verified proof of transactional history using the Ethereum address you used to deposit or withdraw funds. This might be necessary to show the source of assets held in your withdrawal address.{newline}To generate a compliance report, please enter your Tornado.сash Note below.",
"from": "De",
"to": "À",
"withdrawal": "Retrait",
"noteHasNotBeenSpent": "La note d'enregistrement n'a pas été dépensée",
"thereIsNoRelatedDeposit": "Il n'y a pas de dépôt lié. La note d'enregistrement n'est pas valable.",
"thereIsNoRelatedDeposit": "There is no related deposit. The note is invalid.",
"warning": "Avertissement",
"doNotShareYouNote": "Ne partagez pas votre note avec qui que ce soit car elle sera utilisée pour retirer vos fonds !",
"date": "Date",
@ -192,7 +193,7 @@
"startDate": "Date de début",
"endDate": "Date de fin",
"quorum": "Quorum",
"quorumTooltip": "Le vote d'une proposition dure {days} et n'est adopté qu'en cas de majorité de Pour et si un quorum de {votes} votants est atteint (la somme des votes Pour + Contre est supérieure à {votes}).",
"quorumTooltip": "A proposal's voting period lasts {days}. The proposal is passed only if majority vote and quorum of {votes} voters are reached (sum of For + Against votes is greater than {votes}).",
"for": "Pour",
"against": "Contre",
"title": "Titre",
@ -200,7 +201,7 @@
"proposalAddress": "Adresse de proposition",
"lock": "Verrouiller",
"unlock": "Déverrouiller",
"proposalThresholdError": "Le solde bloqué doit être supérieur ou égal à {PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD} TORN",
"proposalThresholdError": "Locked balance should be more or equal to {PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD} TORN",
"castYourVote": "Voter",
"back": "Retour en arrière",
"yourCurrentVote": "Votre vote actuel: {vote}",
@ -268,8 +269,8 @@
"tokensLockedUntil": "Votre solde est bloqué jusqu'à cette date: {date}",
"onlyOneProposalErr": "Seulement une proposition active est autorisée par utilisateur. Veuillez patienter jusqu'à ce que votre proposition actuelle soit terminée.",
"max": "Max",
"withDisconnectedWallet": "Veuillez, connecter un portefeuille ou changer le type de retrait",
"relayerError": "Le relais sélectionné ne peut pas envoyer votre transaction. Veuillez réessayer ou choisir un relais différent dans les réglages.",
"withDisconnectedWallet": "Please, connect a wallet or change the type of withdrawal",
"relayerError": "Selected relayer could not sent your tx. Please try again or choose a different relayer in settings.",
"relayerIsNotResponding": "Le Relais ne répond pas. Veuillez réessayer ou choisir un relais différent dans les réglages.",
"transactionFailed": "Transaction échouée",
"none": "aucun",
@ -320,8 +321,8 @@
"backedUp": "J'ai sauvegardé la clé du compte de notes",
"saveOnChain": "Créer une sauvegarde additionnelle de votre clé de compte de notes dans votre portefeuille, sur la Blockchain.",
"isNotSupportedWithHw": "Veuillez garder à l'esprit que la sauvegarde supplémentaire de votre compte de notes sur la blockchain n'est pas prise en charge par les portefeuilles physiques - ou Hardware wallets ou portefeuilles mobiles.",
"successfulNotice": "Félicitations ! Vous avez réussi à configurer un compte de notes. Maintenant, vous pouvez encrypter vos notes et les stocker sur la blockchain.",
"yourRecoveryKeyWontBeSaved": "Votre clé de récupération ne sera pas enregistrée dans le cache du navigateur, assurez-vous de l'avoir sauvegardée."
"successfulNotice": "Congratulations! You have successfully set up a Note Account. Now, you can encrypt your notes and store them on chain.",
"yourRecoveryKeyWontBeSaved": "Your recovery key won't be saved in browser cache, please make sure it's backed up."
"showRecoveryKey": {
"title": "Clé de compte de notes actuelle",
@ -364,7 +365,7 @@
"setup": {
"decrypt": "Veuillez confirmer la demande de décryptage du portefeuille web3.",
"setTooltip": "Un compte est déjà associé à ce portefeuille web3. Veuillez utiliser l'option 'Récupérer le compte' ci-dessous.",
"recTooltip": "Veuillez créer un compte, il n'y a pas de compte pour cette adresse.",
"recTooltip": "Please set up an account. There is no account for this address.",
"desc": "Configurer un compte de notes pour stocker des notes encryptées sur la blockchain Ethereum.",
"account": "Configurer Compte",
"recoverDesc": "Récupérer le compte de notes associé à ce portefeuille Web3",
@ -424,5 +425,21 @@
"disabled": "Cette fonctionnalité n'est pas prise en charge par portefeuilles mobiles."
"dayPlural": "0 jours | {n} jour | {n} jours"
"missingENSSubdomain": "Missing ENS subdomain",
"dayPlural": "0 jours | {n} jour | {n} jours",
"stakingReward": {
"title": "Récompense de staking",
"label": {
"tab": "Réclamer",
"input": "Récompense de staking disponible"
"description": "Vous pouvez réclamer votre staking ici. Votre récompense gagnée est proportionnelle à vos TORN bloqués sur le contrat de gouvernance.",
"action": "Réclamer"
"relayerTotal": {
"label": "Current Relayer",
"name": "Name",
"fee": "Fee"
"withdrawalQueueIsOverloaded": "Withdrawal queue is overloaded"
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
"loading": "Загрузка",
"pleaseConfirmInWallet": "Подтвердите предоставление открытого ключа в metamask",
"pleaseConfirmTransactionInWallet": "Подтвердите транзакцию в {wallet}",
"pleaseSignRequestInWallet": "Please sign request in {wallet}",
"waitingForTransactionConfirmation": "Ожидание подтверждения транзакции",
"relayerIsNowSendingYourTransaction": "Relayer отправляет вашу транзакцию. Ожидаем хэш транзакции",
"note": "Note",
@ -117,7 +118,7 @@
"cancelButton": "Отмена",
"donationsAddress": "Адрес для донатов:",
"rate": "Курс",
"only": "",
"only": " ",
"equalUserDeposit": "{only} {n} {equalUserDepositText}",
"equalUserDepositPlural": "Депозиты отсутствуют | Один депозит | депозита | депозитов",
"userDeposit": "депозиты отсутствуют | 1 депозит | {n} депозита | {n} депозитов",
@ -136,12 +137,12 @@
"compliance": "Соответствие",
"complianceTool": "Проверка соответствия",
"complianceReport": "Отчет о соответствии",
"complianceSubtitle": "Конфиденциальность финансов является необходимым условием сохранения наших свобод.{newline}Однако, она не должна достигаться за счёт несоблюдения установленных правил и стандартов.{newline}С Tornado.cash вы всегда сможете получить криптографически достоверное подтверждение истории транзакций. Для этого вам понадобится лишь адрес Ethereum, который вы использовали для ввода или вывода средств. Подтверждение может быть необходимо для того, чтобы обосновать происхождение активов, хранящихся по вашему адресу.{newline}Для создания отчета о соответствии, пожалуйста, введите идентификатор вашей Tornado.cash Note ниже.",
"complianceSubtitle": "Maintaining financial privacy is essential to preserving our freedom.{newline}However, it should not come at the cost of non-compliance. With Tornado.cash, you can always provide cryptographically verified proof of transactional history using the Ethereum address you used to deposit or withdraw funds. This might be necessary to show the source of assets held in your withdrawal address.{newline}To generate a compliance report, please enter your Tornado.сash Note below.",
"from": "Отправитель",
"to": "Получатель",
"withdrawal": "Вывод",
"noteHasNotBeenSpent": "Note не потрачена",
"thereIsNoRelatedDeposit": "Такого депозита не существует. Note некорректна.",
"thereIsNoRelatedDeposit": "Не найдено депозита, соответствующего данной Note. Введена некорректная Note. ",
"warning": "Предупреждение",
"doNotShareYouNote": "Note является приватной информацией, обладание ею позволяет осуществить вывод депозита!",
"date": "Дата",
@ -192,7 +193,7 @@
"startDate": "Начало",
"endDate": "Окончание",
"quorum": "Кворум",
"quorumTooltip": "Голосование по предложению длится {days} и принимается только в случае, когда большинство проголосовало \"За\" и достижения кворума в {votes} голосов (сумма голосов \"За\" + \"Против\" должна быть больше {votes}).",
"quorumTooltip": "A proposal's voting period lasts {days}. The proposal is passed only if majority vote and quorum of {votes} voters are reached (sum of For + Against votes is greater than {votes}).",
"for": "За",
"against": "Против",
"title": "Заголовок",
@ -200,7 +201,7 @@
"proposalAddress": "Адрес предложения",
"lock": "Заблокировать",
"unlock": "Разблокировать",
"proposalThresholdError": "Заблокированный баланс должен быть больше или равен {PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD} TORN",
"proposalThresholdError": "Locked balance should be more or equal to {PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD} TORN",
"castYourVote": "Проголосовать",
"back": "Назад",
"yourCurrentVote": "Ваш голос: {vote}",
@ -268,8 +269,8 @@
"tokensLockedUntil": "Ваш баланс заблокирован до {date}",
"onlyOneProposalErr": "Каждому пользователю разрешено только одно активное предложение. Подождите, пока ваше текущее предложение не будет завершено.",
"max": "Макс",
"withDisconnectedWallet": "Пожалуйста, смените Кошелек или метод вывода",
"relayerError": "Выбранный Relayer не может отправить транзакцию. Повторите попытку или смените Relayer в настройках.",
"withDisconnectedWallet": "Please, connect a wallet or change the type of withdrawal",
"relayerError": "Selected relayer could not sent your tx. Please try again or choose a different relayer in settings.",
"relayerIsNotResponding": "Relayer не отвечает. Повторите попытку или смените Relayer в настройках.",
"transactionFailed": "Транзакция не выполнилась",
"none": "нет",
@ -320,8 +321,8 @@
"backedUp": "Я сделал резервную копию ключа",
"saveOnChain": "Создать дополнительную резервную копию ключа в блокчейне с помощью кошелька",
"isNotSupportedWithHw": "Имейте в виду, что резервное копирование в блокчейн вашего Note аккаунта не поддерживается аппаратными или мобильными кошельками",
"successfulNotice": "Поздравляем! Вы успешно создали Note аккаунт. Теперь вы можете шифровать ваши Note и хранить их в блокчейне.",
"yourRecoveryKeyWontBeSaved": "Ваш ключ восстановления не будет сохранен в браузере. Убедитесь, что вы сделали резервную копию ключа."
"successfulNotice": "Ваш Note аккаунт был успешно создан. Теперь вы можете зашифровывать свои приватные ключи в блокчейне. ",
"yourRecoveryKeyWontBeSaved": "Your recovery key won't be saved in browser cache, please make sure it's backed up."
"showRecoveryKey": {
"title": "Текущий ключ",
@ -364,7 +365,7 @@
"setup": {
"decrypt": "Пожалуйста, подтвердите запрос на расшифровку в web3 кошельке.",
"setTooltip": "С этим web3 кошельком уже связан аккаунт. Нажмите на кнопку \"Восстановить\".",
"recTooltip": "Вы должны создать аккаунт, поскольку для этотого адреса нет связанного аккаунта.",
"recTooltip": "Please set up an account. There is no account for this address.",
"desc": "Создание аккаунта для хранения зашифрованных Note в блокчейне Ethereum",
"account": "Создать",
"recoverDesc": "Восстановление аккаунта, связанного с этим кошельком",
@ -424,6 +425,7 @@
"disabled": "Мобильные кошельки не поддерживают эту функцию в данный момент."
"missingENSSubdomain": "Missing ENS subdomain",
"dayPlural": "0 дней | {n} день | {n} дня | {n} дней",
"stakingReward": {
"title": "Stake награда",
@ -433,5 +435,11 @@
"description": "Здесь вы можете получить вознаграждение за stake. Ваша заработанная доля прямо пропорциональна балансу TORN токенов, заблокированных для голосования.",
"action": "Получить"
"relayerTotal": {
"label": "Current Relayer",
"name": "Name",
"fee": "Fee"
"withdrawalQueueIsOverloaded": "Withdrawal queue is overloaded"
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
"loading": "Yükleniyor",
"pleaseConfirmInWallet": "Lütfen Metamaskta ortak anahtarı onaylayın",
"pleaseConfirmTransactionInWallet": "Lütfen cüzdanınızda {wallet} işlemi onaylayın",
"pleaseSignRequestInWallet": "Please sign request in {wallet}",
"waitingForTransactionConfirmation": "İşleminizin onaylanması bekleniyor.",
"relayerIsNowSendingYourTransaction": "Relayer işleminizi gönderdi. Yakında bir işlem hash’i ile geri dönüş yapacak.",
"note": "Not",
@ -136,12 +137,12 @@
"compliance": "Uyumluluk",
"complianceTool": "uyumluluk aracı",
"complianceReport": "Uyumluluk Raporu",
"complianceSubtitle": "Finansal gizliliği korumak, özgürlüklerimizi korumak için çok önemlidir.{newline} Ancak bu durum kurallara uymama pahasına olmamalıdır. Tornado.cash ile, para yatırmak veya para çekmek için kullandığınız Ethereum adresini kullanarak her zaman kriptografik olarak doğrulanmış işlem geçmişi kanıtını sağlayabilirsiniz. Bu kanıt, çekim adresinizde tutulan varlıkların kaynağını göstermek için gerekli olabilir.{newline} Bir uyumluluk raporu oluşturmak için lütfen aşağıya Tornado.cash Notunuzu girin.",
"complianceSubtitle": "Finansal gizliliği korumak, özgürlüğümüzü korumak için çok önemlidir.{newline}Ancak, uyumsuzluk pahasına olmamalıdır. Tornado.cash ile,para yatırmak veya para çekmek için kullandığınız Ethereum adresini kullanarak her zaman kriptografik olarak doğrulanmış işlem geçmişi kanıtını sağlayabilirsiniz. Çekim adresinizde tutulan varlıkların kaynağını göstermek için gerekli olabilir.{newline}Bir uygunluk raporu oluşturmak için lütfen aşağıya Tornado.сash Notunuzu girin.",
"from": "Kimden",
"to": "Kime",
"withdrawal": "Çekim",
"noteHasNotBeenSpent": "Note henuz kullanılmadı.",
"thereIsNoRelatedDeposit": "Yükleme ile bağlantı bulunamadı. Not geçerlisiz.",
"thereIsNoRelatedDeposit": "İlgili depozito yok. Not geçersiz.",
"warning": "Uyarı",
"doNotShareYouNote": "Notunuzu kimseyle paylaşmayın çünkü paranızı çekmek için KULLANILACAKTIR!",
"date": "Tarih",
@ -192,7 +193,7 @@
"startDate": "Başlangıç tarihi",
"endDate": "Bitiş tarihi",
"quorum": "Quorum",
"quorumTooltip": "Bir öneri oylaması {days} sürer ve sadece çoğunluk ve yeter sayı olması {votes} durumunda kabul edilir. Geçerli oy sayısına ulaşıldı (Geçerli Oy + Aleyhte oyların toplamı {votes} değerinden büyük).",
"quorumTooltip": "Bir teklifin oylama süresi {gün} sürer. Teklif, yalnızca çoğunluk oyu ve {oy} seçmen yetersayısına ulaşılırsa kabul edilir (Oy + Aleyhte oyların toplamı {oy}'dan büyükse).",
"for": "Öneriye Katıl",
"against": "Karşı",
"title": "Başlık",
@ -200,7 +201,7 @@
"proposalAddress": "Öneri adresi",
"lock": "Kilitli",
"unlock": "Kilitsiz",
"proposalThresholdError": "Kilitli bakiye, {PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD} TORN’a eşit veya daha fazla olmalıdır",
"proposalThresholdError": "Kilitli bakiye, {PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD} TORN'a eşit veya daha fazla olmalıdır",
"castYourVote": "Oyunuzu kullanın",
"back": "Geri",
"yourCurrentVote": "Mevcut oyunuz: {vote}",
@ -269,7 +270,7 @@
"onlyOneProposalErr": "Kullanıcı başına yalnızca bir etkin öneriye izin verilir. Lütfen mevcut öneriniz bitene kadar bekleyin.",
"max": "Maksimum",
"withDisconnectedWallet": "Lütfen bir cüzdan bağlayın veya para çekme türünü değiştirin",
"relayerError": "Seçilen relayer tx’inizi gönderemedi. Lütfen tekrar deneyin veya ayarlarda farklı bir relayer seçin.",
"relayerError": "Seçilen aktarıcı tx'inizi gönderemedi. Lütfen tekrar deneyin veya ayarlarda farklı bir aktarıcı seçin.",
"relayerIsNotResponding": "Relayer yanıt vermiyor. Lütfen tekrar deneyin veya ayarlarda farklı bir relayer seçin.",
"transactionFailed": "İşlem başarısız",
"none": "Yok",
@ -320,8 +321,8 @@
"backedUp": "Not hesabı anahtarımı yedekledim",
"saveOnChain": "Cüzdanınızla Not Hesabı anahtarınızın zincir üzerinde ek yedeğini oluşturun",
"isNotSupportedWithHw": "Lütfen unutmayın! Not Hesabınızın zincir üstü yedeklemesi, donanım cüzdanları veya mobil cüzdanlarla desteklenmez.",
"successfulNotice": "Tebrikler! Bir Not hesabını başarıyla kurdunuz. Artık notlarınızı şifreleyebilir ve zincirde saklayabilirsiniz.",
"yourRecoveryKeyWontBeSaved": "Kurtarma anahtarımız tarayıcı önbelleğine kaydedilmeyecek. Lütfen yedeklendiğinden emin olun."
"successfulNotice": "Tebrikler! Başarıyla bir Not Hesabı kurdunuz. Artık notlarınızı şifreleyebilir ve zincirde saklayabilirsiniz.",
"yourRecoveryKeyWontBeSaved": "Kurtarma anahtarınız tarayıcı önbelleğine kaydedilmeyecek, lütfen yedeklendiğinden emin olun."
"showRecoveryKey": {
"title": "Mevcut Not hesabı anahtarı",
@ -364,7 +365,7 @@
"setup": {
"decrypt": "Lütfen web3 cüzdanındaki şifre çözme isteğini onaylayın.",
"setTooltip": "Bu web3 cüzdanıyla zaten bir hesap ilişkilendirilmiş. Lütfen aşağıdaki ‘Hesabı Kurtar’ seçeneğini kullanın.",
"recTooltip": "Lütfen bir hesap oluşturun. Mevcut adres için bir hesap yok.",
"recTooltip": "Lütfen bir hesap oluşturun. Bu adres için hesap yok.",
"desc": "Ethereum blok zincirinde şifrelenmiş notları depolamak için Not Hesabı Kurulumu",
"account": "Hesap kurulumu",
"recoverDesc": "Bu Web3 cüzdanıyla ilişkili Not Hesabını Kurtar",
@ -424,5 +425,21 @@
"disabled": "Bu özellik şu anda mobil cüzdanlar tarafından desteklenmemektedir.."
"dayPlural": "0 gün | {n} gün | {n} gün"
"missingENSSubdomain": "ENS subdomain eksik",
"dayPlural": "0 gün | {n} gün | {n} gün",
"stakingReward": {
"title": "Staking Ödülü",
"label": {
"tab": "Talep et",
"input": "Mevcut Staking Ödülü"
"description": "Stake ödülünüzü buradan talep edebilirsiniz. Kazandığınız ödül, yönetişimdeki kilitli TORN'unuzla orantılıdır.",
"action": "Talep et"
"relayerTotal": {
"label": "Mevcut aktarıcı",
"name": "İsim",
"fee": "Ücret"
"withdrawalQueueIsOverloaded": "Çekim kuyruğu aşırı yoğun"
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
"pleaseSelectYourWeb3Wallet": "请选择你的 Web3 钱包:",
"otherWallet": "其它钱包",
"currentNetworkIsNotSupported": "暂不支持这个网络",
"pleaseChangeNetwork": "应用的网络 ({network}) 与钱包中选择的网络不匹配。",
"docs": "文档",
"getFreeGETH": "获取免费的 gETH",
"logout": "退出",
@ -34,14 +35,18 @@
"treatYourNote": "将您的笔记当作私钥-切勿与任何人共享,包括 Tornado.cash 开发人员。",
"saveAsFile": "浏览器将要求将您的笔记另存为文件:",
"iBackedUpTheNote": "我已备份了凭证",
"iEncryptedTheNote": "用您的账户{address}创建此凭证的链上备份",
"yourNoteWontBeSaved": "你的存款凭证不会被存储在浏览器的缓存中,请确认已作好备份。",
"yourDontHaveAccount": "您还可以通过设置凭证账户将加密的凭证保存在链上。 在 {account} 页面上创建。",
"sendDeposit": "发送存款",
"clickToCopy": "点击复制",
"copied": "已复制!",
"preparingTransactionData": "正在准备交易数据",
"viewInExplorer": "在浏览器中查看",
"loading": "加载中",
"pleaseConfirmInWallet": "请确认允许在MetaMask中提供公钥",
"pleaseConfirmTransactionInWallet": "请在 {wallet} 中确认交易",
"pleaseSignRequestInWallet": "Please sign request in {wallet}",
"waitingForTransactionConfirmation": "正在等待交易确认",
"relayerIsNowSendingYourTransaction": "中继者现在正在发送你的交易,操作应很快完成",
"note": "凭证",
@ -70,6 +75,9 @@
"relayerFee": "中继者费用",
"ethPurchase": "{currency} 购买",
"ethPurchaseTooltip": "在提款的过程中将部分存款 {currency} 兑换成 {networkCurrency},以便在以后的交易中用于支付矿工费。",
"incorrectAmount": "数量不正确。 请输入一个数字。",
"amountIsHigh": "数量太高。 最大值为 {value}。",
"amountIsLow": "数量太低。 最小值为 {value}。",
"tokensToReceive": "接收代币",
"relayer": "中继者",
"relayerTooltip": "使用中继者服务来发送你的交易。由于矿工费是从存款中扣除的,所以匿名性更好。",
@ -96,6 +104,7 @@
"txHash": "交易 Hash",
"status": "状态",
"copyNote": "复制凭证",
"decryptCopyNote": "解密和复制凭证",
"v1Deposit": "v1 存款",
"waitingForReceipt": "等待收款中",
"failed": "失败",
@ -105,6 +114,7 @@
"pleaseMakeSureYouHaveBackedUpYourNote": "如果你的凭证还没有被使用,请确认已经做好了备份。你是否确实希望从浏览器中删除这个凭证?",
"remove": "删除",
"noteHasBeenDeleted": "凭证已经被删除",
"accountHasBeenDeleted": "账号信息已被删除",
"cancelButton": "取消",
"donationsAddress": "捐赠地址:",
"rate": "Pool Rate",
@ -116,6 +126,9 @@
"totalFee": "总费用",
"networkFee": "网络费",
"connectYourWalletFirst": "首先连接你的钱包",
"changeNetwork": "切换网络",
"changeNetworkNote": "您的凭证来自另一个网络,请在应用程序中更改网络。",
"changingNetwork": "网络切换中",
"relayerShouldSupportSSL": "中继者应该支持 SSL",
"relayerStatusOk": "中继者状态: OK",
"proposalIsActive": "Proposal status must be active",
@ -124,12 +137,12 @@
"compliance": "来源证明",
"complianceTool": "来源证明工具",
"complianceReport": "来源证明报告",
"complianceSubtitle": "维护财务隐私对于保全我们的自由至关重要。{newline}。 借助Tornado.cash,您可以随时查看您的资金来源。为了显示您提款地址中持有资产的来源,这可能是必要的。{newline} 要生成来源证明报告,请您在下面输入 Tornado.cash 凭证。",
"complianceSubtitle": "维护财务隐私对于保全我们的自由至关重要。{newline}但是,它不应该以违规为代价。 借助Tornado.cash,您始终可以使用您存/取款的地址提供经过加密验证的交易历史证明。 这将会显示您的提款地址的资产来源。{newline}要生成资产来源报告,请在下面输入您的 Tornado.сash存款凭证。",
"from": "从",
"to": "到",
"withdrawal": "提款",
"noteHasNotBeenSpent": "该凭证还未被使用",
"thereIsNoRelatedDeposit": "无效凭证",
"thereIsNoRelatedDeposit": "无相关存款记录。凭证无效。",
"warning": "警告",
"doNotShareYouNote": "不要与任何人分享您的凭证,它可以被用于提取您的资金",
"date": "日期",
@ -179,6 +192,8 @@
"createProposal": "创建提案",
"startDate": "开始时间",
"endDate": "结束时间",
"quorum": "法定人数",
"quorumTooltip": "提案的投票期为 {days}。 只有当多数票和 {votes} 票达到法定人数(赞成 + 反对票的总和大于 {votes})时,该提案才会通过。",
"for": "赞成",
"against": "反对",
"title": "标题",
@ -186,8 +201,10 @@
"proposalAddress": "提案地址",
"lock": "锁入",
"unlock": "解锁",
"proposalThresholdError": "锁入余额应大于等于 {PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD} TORN",
"proposalThresholdError": "锁定余额应大于或等于 {PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD} TORN",
"castYourVote": "投票",
"back": "后退",
"yourCurrentVote": "您当前的投票:{vote}",
"currentResults": "当前结果",
"information": "信息",
"amountToLock": "要锁入的余额",
@ -231,6 +248,7 @@
"viewOnEtherscan": "在 Etherscan 上查看",
"awaitingExecution": "等待执行",
"execute": "执行",
"executeProposal": "执行提案",
"executingProposal": "提案正在执行",
"locked": "已锁入",
"lockedNotice": "已锁入",
@ -252,7 +270,7 @@
"onlyOneProposalErr": "每个地址一次只能提出一个提案",
"max": "最大",
"withDisconnectedWallet": "请连接钱包或更改提款类型",
"relayerError": "此中继者无法处理您的请求,请重试或在设置中更换一个中继者",
"relayerError": "选定的中继器无法发送您的交易。 请重试或在设置中选择其他中继器。",
"relayerIsNotResponding": "此中继者无法处理您的请求,请重试或在设置中更换一个中继者",
"transactionFailed": "交易失败",
"none": "无",
@ -273,6 +291,130 @@
"button": "启动应用"
"rejectedRequest": "您拒绝了请求",
"updateCacheEvents": "同步存款事件中。请稍等",
"notEnoughTokens": "总费用高于要收到的代币数量。 这可能是由于高中继费用或临时网络拥塞。",
"gasPriceSlider": {
"low": "慢",
"standard": "标准",
"fast": "快"
"decrypt": "解密",
"account": {
"title": "凭证账户",
"description": "凭证账户允许在链上存储加密后的私人凭证。这使得资金的安全存储变得轻松无忧,以太坊区块链保障了每个凭证的安全性。",
"button": "账户",
"account": "凭证账户",
"backedUpWith": "备份",
"modals": {
"recoverAccount": {
"title": "使用凭证账户密钥连接",
"description": "请输入您的凭证账户密钥以导入您之前设置的账户。",
"warning": "凭证账户密钥无效。",
"connect": "连接"
"setupAccount": {
"title": "账户设置",
"label": "凭证账户密钥",
"description": "此密钥用于在以太坊区块链上加密和存储您的 Tornado.cash 私人凭证。 请备份它,永远不要与任何人分享。",
"setupAccount": "设置账户",
"setAccount": "完成",
"backedUp": "我已备份了凭证账户密钥",
"saveOnChain": "使用您的钱包为您的凭证账户密钥额外创建链上备份",
"isNotSupportedWithHw": "请注意,硬件钱包或移动钱包不支持您的凭证账户的链上备份",
"successfulNotice": "恭喜! 您已成功设置凭证账户。 现在,您可以加密您的凭证并将其存储在链上。",
"yourRecoveryKeyWontBeSaved": "您的恢复密钥不会保存在浏览器缓存中,请确保您已备份好。"
"showRecoveryKey": {
"title": "当前凭证账户密钥",
"description": "",
"close": "关闭"
"checkRecoveryKey": {
"title": "会话更新",
"description": "凭证账户会话已闲置 5 分钟。 你想继续吗?",
"inactiveDescription": "你已经很久没有活动了。 出于安全原因,您的凭证账户会话已终止。",
"no": "否",
"yes": "是"
"decryptInfo": {
"title": "您的凭证",
"description": "所有凭证均已使用您的凭证账户密钥成功下载和解密",
"all": "下载的事件总数:",
"warning": "带有警告的凭证:",
"close": "关闭",
"unSpent": "发现您未使用的凭证:",
"spent": "发现您已使用的凭证:",
"redirect": "主页"
"removeAccount": {
"title": "清除账户信息",
"description": "从当前浏览器的会话中删除账户信息",
"cancel": "取消",
"remove": "移除"
"wallet": {
"label": "连接的 Web3 钱包",
"desc": "连接您的 Web3 钱包",
"disconnect": "与您的钱包断开连接",
"rpcDesc": "更改您的以太坊RPC",
"connectWeb3": "连接 Web3",
"logout": "登出",
"changeRpc": "更改PRC"
"setup": {
"decrypt": "请在 Web3 钱包中确认解密请求。",
"setTooltip": "一个账户已与此 Web3 钱包关联。 请使用下面的“恢复账户”。",
"recTooltip": "请设置一个账户。 该地址没有账户。",
"desc": "设置凭证账户以在以太坊区块链上存储加密凭证",
"account": "设置账户",
"recoverDesc": "恢复与此 Web3 钱包关联的凭证账户",
"recover": "恢复账户",
"enterRawDesc": "使用之前设置的凭证账户密钥",
"enterRaw": "输入账户密钥",
"accSetupDescription": "此密钥用于在以太坊区块链上加密和存储您的 Tornado.cash 私人凭证。 请备份它,永远不要与任何人分享。"
"control": {
"balance": "凭证账户余额:{value}",
"loadAllDesc": "使用当前凭证账户密钥加载和解密您的所有私人凭证",
"loadAll": "加载所有加密凭证",
"showRecoveryKeyDesc": "显示当前凭证账户密钥",
"showRecoveryKey": "显示",
"removeDesc": "从当前浏览器的会话中删除账户信息",
"remove": "清除账户信息",
"fileDesc": "存款时默认下载原始私人凭证"
"notification": {
"text": "Tornado.cash 添加了链上凭证备份。 立即设置您的 {note} 或 查看{medium}信息。",
"link": {
"note": "凭证账户",
"medium": "阅读更多"
"saveNote": "保存您的凭证",
"pleaseSetUpAccount": "请提供一个账户来解密您的凭证",
"decryptNote": "请确认凭证解密",
"decryptFailed": "解密失败。 请尝试使用其他账户登录",
"recoverFromKeyTitle": "当前凭证账户密钥",
"trezorNotSupported": "目前不支持 Trezor 钱包",
"ledgerNotSupported": "目前不支持 Ledger 钱包",
"startDecryptingNotes": "开始解密凭证",
"decryptingNotes": "解密凭证中",
"getAndValidateEvents": "接收和验证 {name} 事件",
"notConnected": "未连接",
"regular": "通常",
"encrypted": "已加密",
"notDecryptedWithBackup": "此凭证由 {address} 凭证账户加密,该账户已连接到 {backup} MetaMask账户。 请切换并解密。",
"notDecrypted": "此凭证由{address}凭证账户加密,请切换到该账户。",
"noteAccountKey": "解密失败。 连接到 {address} MetaMask账户以解密凭证账户密钥 {noteAddress}。",
"yourEncrypted": "此凭证将使用 {address} 账户加密。",
"lockTooltip": "存储在链上的这个凭证是加密的。 它可以通过凭证账户 {address} 恢复。",
"connected": "已连接",
"accountConnected": "凭证账户",
"web3connected": "Web3 已连接",
"haveAccountSetupWithWallet": "看起来您已经使用当前的 Web3 钱包设置了账户。 请使用“恢复账户”选项",
"connectAccount": "连接凭证账户",
"fetchFile": "无法获取验证密钥,请检查互联网连接或尝试使用 VPN。",
"mobileWallet": {
"loading": {
@ -283,5 +425,21 @@
"disabled": "手机钱包不支持此功能"
"dayPlural": "0天 | {n}天 | {n}天"
"missingENSSubdomain": "缺少ENS子域",
"dayPlural": "0天 | {n}天 | {n}天",
"stakingReward": {
"title": "质押奖励",
"label": {
"tab": "领取",
"input": "可用的质押奖励"
"description": "您可以在此处领取您的质押奖励。 您获得的奖励与您在治理中锁定的 TORN 成正比。",
"action": "领取"
"relayerTotal": {
"label": "当前中继器",
"name": "名",
"fee": "费用"
"withdrawalQueueIsOverloaded": "提款队列已超载"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user