require('dotenv').config() const HDWalletProvider = require('truffle-hdwallet-provider') const utils = require('web3-utils') const { PRIVATE_KEY, INFURA_TOKEN } = process.env module.exports = { // Uncommenting the defaults below // provides for an easier quick-start with Ganache. // You can also follow this format for other networks; // see // for more details on how to specify configuration options! // networks: { // development: { // host: '', // port: 8545, // network_id: '*', // }, // test: { // host: "", // port: 7545, // network_id: "*" // } mainnet: { provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(PRIVATE_KEY, `${INFURA_TOKEN}`), network_id: 1, gas: 6000000, gasPrice: utils.toWei('100', 'gwei'), // confirmations: 0, // timeoutBlocks: 200, skipDryRun: true, }, kovan: { provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(PRIVATE_KEY, `${INFURA_TOKEN}`), network_id: 42, gas: 6000000, gasPrice: utils.toWei('1', 'gwei'), // confirmations: 0, // timeoutBlocks: 200, skipDryRun: true, }, coverage: { host: 'localhost', network_id: '*', port: 8554, // <-- If you change this, also set the port option in .solcover.js. gas: 0xfffffffffff, // <-- Use this high gas value gasPrice: 0x01, // <-- Use this low gas price }, }, compilers: { solc: { version: '0.6.12', settings: { optimizer: { enabled: true, runs: 200, }, }, }, external: { command: 'node ./compileHasher.js', targets: [ { path: './build/contracts/Hasher2.json', }, { path: './build/contracts/Hasher3.json', }, ], }, }, plugins: ['truffle-plugin-verify', 'solidity-coverage'], }