const { toBN } = require('web3-utils') const Web3 = require('web3') const { bitsToNumber, toFixedHex, poseidonHash, poseidonHash2, getExtRewardArgsHash, getExtWithdrawArgsHash, packEncryptedMessage, RewardArgs, } = require('./utils') const Account = require('./account') const MerkleTree = require('fixed-merkle-tree') const websnarkUtils = require('websnark/src/utils') const buildGroth16 = require('websnark/src/groth16') const web3 = new Web3() class Controller { constructor({ contract, tornadoTreesContract, merkleTreeHeight, provingKeys, groth16 }) { this.merkleTreeHeight = Number(merkleTreeHeight) this.provingKeys = provingKeys this.contract = contract this.tornadoTreesContract = tornadoTreesContract this.groth16 = groth16 } async init() { this.groth16 = await buildGroth16() } async _fetchAccountCommitments() { const events = await this.contract.getPastEvents('NewAccount', { fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest', }) return events .sort((a, b) => a.returnValues.index - b.returnValues.index) .map((e) => toBN(e.returnValues.commitment)) } _fetchDepositDataEvents() { return this._fetchEvents('DepositData') } _fetchWithdrawalDataEvents() { return this._fetchEvents('WithdrawalData') } async _fetchEvents(eventName) { const events = await this.tornadoTreesContract.getPastEvents(eventName, { fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest', }) return events .sort((a, b) => a.returnValues.index - b.returnValues.index) .map((e) => ({ instance: toFixedHex(e.returnValues.instance, 20), hash: toFixedHex(e.returnValues.hash), block: Number(e.returnValues.block), index: Number(e.returnValues.index), })) } _updateTree(tree, element) { const oldRoot = tree.root() tree.insert(element) const newRoot = tree.root() const { pathElements, pathIndices } = tree.path(tree.elements().length - 1) return { oldRoot, newRoot, pathElements, pathIndices: bitsToNumber(pathIndices), } } async batchReward({ account, notes, publicKey, fee = 0, relayer = 0 }) { const accountCommitments = await this._fetchAccountCommitments() let lastAccount = account const proofs = [] for (const note of notes) { const proof = await this.reward({ account: lastAccount, note, publicKey, fee, relayer, accountCommitments: accountCommitments.slice(), }) proofs.push(proof) lastAccount = proof.account accountCommitments.push(lastAccount.commitment) } const args = => web3.eth.abi.encodeParameters(['bytes', RewardArgs], [x.proof, x.args])) return { proofs, args } } /** * Generates proof and args to claim AP (anonymity points) for a note * @param {Account} account The account the AP will be added to * @param {Note} note The target note * @param {String} publicKey ETH public key for the Account encryption * @param {Number} fee Fee for the relayer * @param {String} relayer Relayer address * @param {Number} rate How many AP is generated for the note in block time * @param {String[]} accountCommitments An array of account commitments from miner contract * @param {String[]} depositDataEvents An array of account commitments from miner contract * @param {{instance: String, hash: String, block: Number, index: Number}[]} depositDataEvents An array of deposit objects from tornadoTrees contract. hash = commitment * @param {{instance: String, hash: String, block: Number, index: Number}[]} withdrawalDataEvents An array of withdrawal objects from tornadoTrees contract. hash = nullifierHash */ async reward({ account, note, publicKey, fee = 0, relayer = 0, rate = null, accountCommitments = null, depositDataEvents = null, withdrawalDataEvents = null, }) { rate = rate || (await this.contract.methods.rates(note.instance).call()) const newAmount = account.amount.add( toBN(rate) .mul(toBN(note.withdrawalBlock).sub(toBN(note.depositBlock))) .sub(toBN(fee)), ) const newAccount = new Account({ amount: newAmount }) depositDataEvents = depositDataEvents || (await this._fetchDepositDataEvents()) const depositLeaves = => { if (x.poseidon) { return x.poseidon } return poseidonHash([x.instance, x.hash, x.block]) }) const depositTree = new MerkleTree(this.merkleTreeHeight, depositLeaves, { hashFunction: poseidonHash2 }) const depositItem = depositDataEvents.filter((x) => x.hash === toFixedHex(note.commitment)) if (depositItem.length === 0) { throw new Error('The deposits tree does not contain such note commitment') } const depositPath = depositTree.path(depositItem[0].index) withdrawalDataEvents = withdrawalDataEvents || (await this._fetchWithdrawalDataEvents()) const withdrawalLeaves = => { if (x.poseidon) { return x.poseidon } return poseidonHash([x.instance, x.hash, x.block]) }) const withdrawalTree = new MerkleTree(this.merkleTreeHeight, withdrawalLeaves, { hashFunction: poseidonHash2, }) const withdrawalItem = withdrawalDataEvents.filter((x) => x.hash === toFixedHex(note.nullifierHash)) if (withdrawalItem.length === 0) { throw new Error('The withdrawals tree does not contain such note nullifier') } const withdrawalPath = withdrawalTree.path(withdrawalItem[0].index) accountCommitments = accountCommitments || (await this._fetchAccountCommitments()) const accountTree = new MerkleTree(this.merkleTreeHeight, accountCommitments, { hashFunction: poseidonHash2, }) const zeroAccount = { pathElements: new Array(this.merkleTreeHeight).fill(0), pathIndices: new Array(this.merkleTreeHeight).fill(0), } const accountIndex = accountTree.indexOf(account.commitment, (a, b) => toBN(a).eq(toBN(b))) const accountPath = accountIndex !== -1 ? accountTree.path(accountIndex) : zeroAccount const accountTreeUpdate = this._updateTree(accountTree, newAccount.commitment) const encryptedAccount = packEncryptedMessage(newAccount.encrypt(publicKey)) const extDataHash = getExtRewardArgsHash({ relayer, encryptedAccount }) const input = { rate, fee, instance: note.instance, rewardNullifier: note.rewardNullifier, extDataHash, noteSecret: note.secret, noteNullifier: note.nullifier, inputAmount: account.amount, inputSecret: account.secret, inputNullifier: account.nullifier, inputRoot: accountTreeUpdate.oldRoot, inputPathElements: accountPath.pathElements, inputPathIndices: bitsToNumber(accountPath.pathIndices), inputNullifierHash: account.nullifierHash, outputAmount: newAccount.amount, outputSecret: newAccount.secret, outputNullifier: newAccount.nullifier, outputRoot: accountTreeUpdate.newRoot, outputPathIndices: accountTreeUpdate.pathIndices, outputPathElements: accountTreeUpdate.pathElements, outputCommitment: newAccount.commitment, depositBlock: note.depositBlock, depositRoot: depositTree.root(), depositPathIndices: bitsToNumber(depositPath.pathIndices), depositPathElements: depositPath.pathElements, withdrawalBlock: note.withdrawalBlock, withdrawalRoot: withdrawalTree.root(), withdrawalPathIndices: bitsToNumber(withdrawalPath.pathIndices), withdrawalPathElements: withdrawalPath.pathElements, } const proofData = await websnarkUtils.genWitnessAndProve( this.groth16, input, this.provingKeys.rewardCircuit, this.provingKeys.rewardProvingKey, ) const { proof } = websnarkUtils.toSolidityInput(proofData) const args = { rate: toFixedHex(input.rate), fee: toFixedHex(input.fee), instance: toFixedHex(input.instance, 20), rewardNullifier: toFixedHex(input.rewardNullifier), extDataHash: toFixedHex(input.extDataHash), depositRoot: toFixedHex(input.depositRoot), withdrawalRoot: toFixedHex(input.withdrawalRoot), extData: { relayer: toFixedHex(relayer, 20), encryptedAccount, }, account: { inputRoot: toFixedHex(input.inputRoot), inputNullifierHash: toFixedHex(input.inputNullifierHash), outputRoot: toFixedHex(input.outputRoot), outputPathIndices: toFixedHex(input.outputPathIndices), outputCommitment: toFixedHex(input.outputCommitment), }, } return { proof, args, account: newAccount, } } async withdraw({ account, amount, recipient, publicKey, fee = 0, relayer = 0, accountCommitments = null }) { const newAmount = account.amount.sub(toBN(amount)).sub(toBN(fee)) const newAccount = new Account({ amount: newAmount }) accountCommitments = accountCommitments || (await this._fetchAccountCommitments()) const accountTree = new MerkleTree(this.merkleTreeHeight, accountCommitments, { hashFunction: poseidonHash2, }) const accountIndex = accountTree.indexOf(account.commitment, (a, b) => toBN(a).eq(toBN(b))) if (accountIndex === -1) { throw new Error('The accounts tree does not contain such account commitment') } const accountPath = accountTree.path(accountIndex) const accountTreeUpdate = this._updateTree(accountTree, newAccount.commitment) const encryptedAccount = packEncryptedMessage(newAccount.encrypt(publicKey)) const extDataHash = getExtWithdrawArgsHash({ fee, recipient, relayer, encryptedAccount }) const input = { amount: toBN(amount).add(toBN(fee)), extDataHash, inputAmount: account.amount, inputSecret: account.secret, inputNullifier: account.nullifier, inputNullifierHash: account.nullifierHash, inputRoot: accountTreeUpdate.oldRoot, inputPathIndices: bitsToNumber(accountPath.pathIndices), inputPathElements: accountPath.pathElements, outputAmount: newAccount.amount, outputSecret: newAccount.secret, outputNullifier: newAccount.nullifier, outputRoot: accountTreeUpdate.newRoot, outputPathIndices: accountTreeUpdate.pathIndices, outputPathElements: accountTreeUpdate.pathElements, outputCommitment: newAccount.commitment, } const proofData = await websnarkUtils.genWitnessAndProve( this.groth16, input, this.provingKeys.withdrawCircuit, this.provingKeys.withdrawProvingKey, ) const { proof } = websnarkUtils.toSolidityInput(proofData) const args = { amount: toFixedHex(input.amount), extDataHash: toFixedHex(input.extDataHash), extData: { fee: toFixedHex(fee), recipient: toFixedHex(recipient, 20), relayer: toFixedHex(relayer, 20), encryptedAccount, }, account: { inputRoot: toFixedHex(input.inputRoot), inputNullifierHash: toFixedHex(input.inputNullifierHash), outputRoot: toFixedHex(input.outputRoot), outputPathIndices: toFixedHex(input.outputPathIndices), outputCommitment: toFixedHex(input.outputCommitment), }, } return { proof, args, account: newAccount, } } async treeUpdate(commitment, accountTree = null) { if (!accountTree) { const accountCommitments = await this._fetchAccountCommitments() accountTree = new MerkleTree(this.merkleTreeHeight, accountCommitments, { hashFunction: poseidonHash2, }) } const accountTreeUpdate = this._updateTree(accountTree, commitment) const input = { oldRoot: accountTreeUpdate.oldRoot, newRoot: accountTreeUpdate.newRoot, leaf: commitment, pathIndices: accountTreeUpdate.pathIndices, pathElements: accountTreeUpdate.pathElements, } const proofData = await websnarkUtils.genWitnessAndProve( this.groth16, input, this.provingKeys.treeUpdateCircuit, this.provingKeys.treeUpdateProvingKey, ) const { proof } = websnarkUtils.toSolidityInput(proofData) const args = { oldRoot: toFixedHex(input.oldRoot), newRoot: toFixedHex(input.newRoot), leaf: toFixedHex(input.leaf), pathIndices: toFixedHex(input.pathIndices), } return { proof, args, } } } module.exports = Controller