include "../node_modules/circomlib/circuits/poseidon.circom"; include "../node_modules/circomlib/circuits/bitify.circom"; include "../node_modules/circomlib/circuits/comparators.circom"; include "./Utils.circom"; include "./MerkleTree.circom"; include "./MerkleTreeUpdater.circom"; template Reward(levels, zeroLeaf) { signal input rate; signal input fee; signal input instance; signal input rewardNullifier; signal input extDataHash; signal private input noteSecret; signal private input noteNullifier; signal private input inputAmount; signal private input inputSecret; signal private input inputNullifier; signal input inputRoot; signal private input inputPathElements[levels]; signal private input inputPathIndices; signal input inputNullifierHash; signal private input outputAmount; signal private input outputSecret; signal private input outputNullifier; signal input outputRoot; signal input outputPathIndices; signal private input outputPathElements[levels]; signal input outputCommitment; signal private input depositBlock; signal input depositRoot; signal private input depositPathIndices; signal private input depositPathElements[levels]; signal private input withdrawalBlock; signal input withdrawalRoot; signal private input withdrawalPathIndices; signal private input withdrawalPathElements[levels]; // Check amount invariant inputAmount + rate * (withdrawalBlock - depositBlock) === outputAmount + fee; // === check input and output accounts and block range === // Check that amounts fit into 248 bits to prevent overflow // Fee range is checked by the smart contract // Technically block range check could be skipped because it can't be large enough // negative number that `outputAmount` fits into 248 bits component inputAmountCheck = Num2Bits(248); component outputAmountCheck = Num2Bits(248); component blockRangeCheck = Num2Bits(32); <== inputAmount; <== outputAmount; <== withdrawalBlock - depositBlock; // Compute input commitment component inputHasher = Poseidon(3); inputHasher.inputs[0] <== inputAmount; inputHasher.inputs[1] <== inputSecret; inputHasher.inputs[2] <== inputNullifier; // Verify that input commitment exists in the tree component inputTree = MerkleTree(levels); inputTree.leaf <== inputHasher.out; inputTree.pathIndices <== inputPathIndices; for (var i = 0; i < levels; i++) { inputTree.pathElements[i] <== inputPathElements[i]; } // Check merkle proof only if amount is non-zero component checkRoot = ForceEqualIfEnabled();[0] <== inputRoot;[1] <== inputTree.root; checkRoot.enabled <== inputAmount; // Verify input nullifier hash component inputNullifierHasher = Poseidon(1); inputNullifierHasher.inputs[0] <== inputNullifier; inputNullifierHasher.out === inputNullifierHash; // Compute and verify output commitment component outputHasher = Poseidon(3); outputHasher.inputs[0] <== outputAmount; outputHasher.inputs[1] <== outputSecret; outputHasher.inputs[2] <== outputNullifier; outputHasher.out === outputCommitment; // Update accounts tree with output account commitment component accountTreeUpdater = MerkleTreeUpdater(levels, zeroLeaf); accountTreeUpdater.oldRoot <== inputRoot; accountTreeUpdater.newRoot <== outputRoot; accountTreeUpdater.leaf <== outputCommitment; accountTreeUpdater.pathIndices <== outputPathIndices; for (var i = 0; i < levels; i++) { accountTreeUpdater.pathElements[i] <== outputPathElements[i]; } // === check deposit and withdrawal === // Compute commitment and nullifier component noteHasher = TornadoCommitmentHasher(); noteHasher.nullifier <== noteNullifier; noteHasher.secret <== noteSecret; // Compute deposit commitment component depositHasher = Poseidon(3); depositHasher.inputs[0] <== instance; depositHasher.inputs[1] <== noteHasher.commitment; depositHasher.inputs[2] <== depositBlock; // Verify that deposit commitment exists in the tree component depositTree = MerkleTree(levels); depositTree.leaf <== depositHasher.out; depositTree.pathIndices <== depositPathIndices; for (var i = 0; i < levels; i++) { depositTree.pathElements[i] <== depositPathElements[i]; } depositTree.root === depositRoot; // Compute withdrawal commitment component withdrawalHasher = Poseidon(3); withdrawalHasher.inputs[0] <== instance; withdrawalHasher.inputs[1] <== noteHasher.nullifierHash; withdrawalHasher.inputs[2] <== withdrawalBlock; // Verify that withdrawal commitment exists in the tree component withdrawalTree = MerkleTree(levels); withdrawalTree.leaf <== withdrawalHasher.out; withdrawalTree.pathIndices <== withdrawalPathIndices; for (var i = 0; i < levels; i++) { withdrawalTree.pathElements[i] <== withdrawalPathElements[i]; } withdrawalTree.root === withdrawalRoot; // Compute reward nullifier component rewardNullifierHasher = Poseidon(1); rewardNullifierHasher.inputs[0] <== noteNullifier; rewardNullifierHasher.out === rewardNullifier; // Add hidden signals to make sure that tampering with recipient or fee will invalidate the snark proof // Most likely it is not required, but it's better to stay on the safe side and it only takes 2 constraints // Squares are used to prevent optimizer from removing those constraints signal extDataHashSquare; extDataHashSquare <== extDataHash * extDataHash; } // zeroLeaf = keccak256("tornado") % FIELD_SIZE component main = Reward(20, 21663839004416932945382355908790599225266501822907911457504978515578255421292);