2021-06-06 17:27:41 +02:00

425 lines
14 KiB

Copyright 2021 0kims association.
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/* Implementation of this paper: */
import {readR1csHeader} from "r1csfile";
import * as utils from "./powersoftau_utils.js";
import {
} from "@iden3/binfileutils";
import { log2 } from "./misc.js";
import { Scalar, BigBuffer } from "ffjavascript";
import Blake2b from "blake2b-wasm";
import BigArray from "./bigarray.js";
export default async function plonkSetup(r1csName, ptauName, zkeyName, logger) {
await Blake2b.ready();
const {fd: fdPTau, sections: sectionsPTau} = await readBinFile(ptauName, "ptau", 1, 1<<22, 1<<24);
const {curve, power} = await utils.readPTauHeader(fdPTau, sectionsPTau);
const {fd: fdR1cs, sections: sectionsR1cs} = await readBinFile(r1csName, "r1cs", 1, 1<<22, 1<<24);
const r1cs = await readR1csHeader(fdR1cs, sectionsR1cs, false);
const sG1 = curve.G1.F.n8*2;
const G1 = curve.G1;
const sG2 = curve.G2.F.n8*2;
const Fr = curve.Fr;
const n8r = curve.Fr.n8;
if (logger)"Reading r1cs");
let sR1cs = await readSection(fdR1cs, sectionsR1cs, 2);
const plonkConstraints = new BigArray();
const plonkAdditions = new BigArray();
let plonkNVars = r1cs.nVars;
const nPublic = r1cs.nOutputs + r1cs.nPubInputs;
await processConstraints();
const fdZKey = await createBinFile(zkeyName, "zkey", 1, 14, 1<<22, 1<<24);
if ( != curve.r) {
if (logger) logger.error("r1cs curve does not match powers of tau ceremony curve");
return -1;
let cirPower = log2(plonkConstraints.length -1) +1;
if (cirPower < 3) cirPower = 3; // As the t polinomal is n+5 whe need at least a power of 4
const domainSize = 2 ** cirPower;
if (logger)"Plonk constraints: " + plonkConstraints.length);
if (cirPower > power) {
if (logger) logger.error(`circuit too big for this power of tau ceremony. ${plonkConstraints.length} > 2**${power}`);
return -1;
if (!sectionsPTau[12]) {
if (logger) logger.error("Powers of tau is not prepared.");
return -1;
const LPoints = new BigBuffer(domainSize*sG1);
const o = sectionsPTau[12][0].p + ((2 ** (cirPower)) -1)*sG1;
await fdPTau.readToBuffer(LPoints, 0, domainSize*sG1, o);
const [k1, k2] = getK1K2();
const vk = {};
await writeAdditions(3, "Additions");
await writeWitnessMap(4, 0, "Amap");
await writeWitnessMap(5, 1, "Bmap");
await writeWitnessMap(6, 2, "Cmap");
await writeQMap(7, 3, "Qm");
await writeQMap(8, 4, "Ql");
await writeQMap(9, 5, "Qr");
await writeQMap(10, 6, "Qo");
await writeQMap(11, 7, "Qc");
await writeSigma(12, "sigma");
await writeLs(13, "lagrange polynomials");
// Write PTau points
await startWriteSection(fdZKey, 14);
const buffOut = new BigBuffer((domainSize+6)*sG1);
await fdPTau.readToBuffer(buffOut, 0, (domainSize+6)*sG1, sectionsPTau[2][0].p);
await fdZKey.write(buffOut);
await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
await writeHeaders();
await fdZKey.close();
await fdR1cs.close();
await fdPTau.close();
if (logger)"Setup Finished");
return ;
async function processConstraints() {
let r1csPos = 0;
function r1cs_readULE32() {
const buff = sR1cs.slice(r1csPos, r1csPos+4);
r1csPos += 4;
const buffV = new DataView(buff.buffer);
return buffV.getUint32(0, true);
function r1cs_readCoef() {
const res = Fr.fromRprLE(sR1cs.slice(r1csPos, r1csPos+curve.Fr.n8));
r1csPos += curve.Fr.n8;
return res;
function r1cs_readCoefs() {
const coefs = [];
const res = {
const nA = r1cs_readULE32();
for (let i=0; i<nA; i++) {
const s = r1cs_readULE32();
const coefp = r1cs_readCoef();
if (s==0) {
res.k = coefp;
} else {
coefs.push([s, coefp]);
const resCoef = reduceCoef(coefs);
res.s = resCoef[0];
res.coef = resCoef[1];
return res;
function reduceCoef(coefs) {
if (coefs.length == 0) {
return [0,];
if (coefs.length == 1) {
return coefs[0];
const arr1 = coefs.slice(0, coefs.length >> 1);
const arr2 = coefs.slice(coefs.length >> 1);
const coef1 = reduceCoef(arr1);
const coef2 = reduceCoef(arr2);
const sl = coef1[0];
const sr = coef2[0];
const so = plonkNVars++;
const qm =;
const ql = Fr.neg(coef1[1]);
const qr = Fr.neg(coef2[1]);
const qo =;
const qc =;
plonkConstraints.push([sl, sr, so, qm, ql, qr, qo, qc]);
plonkAdditions.push([sl, sr, coef1[1], coef2[1]]);
return [so,];
for (let s = 1; s <= nPublic ; s++) {
const sl = s;
const sr = 0;
const so = 0;
const qm =;
const ql =;
const qr =;
const qo =;
const qc =;
plonkConstraints.push([sl, sr, so, qm, ql, qr, qo, qc]);
for (let c=0; c<r1cs.nConstraints; c++) {
if ((logger)&&(c%10000 == 0)) logger.debug(`processing constraints: ${c}/${r1cs.nConstraints}`);
const A = r1cs_readCoefs();
const B = r1cs_readCoefs();
const C = r1cs_readCoefs();
const sl = A.s;
const sr = B.s;
const so = C.s;
const qm = curve.Fr.mul(A.coef, B.coef);
const ql = curve.Fr.mul(A.coef, B.k);
const qr = curve.Fr.mul(A.k, B.coef);
const qo = curve.Fr.neg(C.coef);
const qc = curve.Fr.sub(curve.Fr.mul(A.k, B.k) , C.k);
plonkConstraints.push([sl, sr, so, qm, ql, qr, qo, qc]);
async function writeWitnessMap(sectionNum, posConstraint, name) {
await startWriteSection(fdZKey, sectionNum);
for (let i=0; i<plonkConstraints.length; i++) {
await fdZKey.writeULE32(plonkConstraints[i][posConstraint]);
if ((logger)&&(i%1000000 == 0)) logger.debug(`writing ${name}: ${i}/${plonkConstraints.length}`);
await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
async function writeQMap(sectionNum, posConstraint, name) {
let Q = new BigBuffer(domainSize*n8r);
for (let i=0; i<plonkConstraints.length; i++) {
Q.set(plonkConstraints[i][posConstraint], i*n8r);
if ((logger)&&(i%1000000 == 0)) logger.debug(`writing ${name}: ${i}/${plonkConstraints.length}`);
await startWriteSection(fdZKey, sectionNum);
await writeP4(Q);
await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
Q = await Fr.batchFromMontgomery(Q);
vk[name]= await curve.G1.multiExpAffine(LPoints, Q, logger, "multiexp "+name);
async function writeP4(buff) {
const q = await Fr.ifft(buff);
const q4 = new BigBuffer(domainSize*n8r*4);
q4.set(q, 0);
const Q4 = await Fr.fft(q4);
await fdZKey.write(q);
await fdZKey.write(Q4);
async function writeAdditions(sectionNum, name) {
await startWriteSection(fdZKey, sectionNum);
const buffOut = new Uint8Array((2*4+2*n8r));
const buffOutV = new DataView(buffOut.buffer);
for (let i=0; i<plonkAdditions.length; i++) {
const addition=plonkAdditions[i];
let o=0;
buffOutV.setUint32(o, addition[0], true); o+=4;
buffOutV.setUint32(o, addition[1], true); o+=4;
// The value is storen in Montgomery. stored = v*R
// so when montgomery multiplicated by the witness it result = v*R*w/R = v*w
buffOut.set(addition[2], o); o+= n8r;
buffOut.set(addition[3], o); o+= n8r;
await fdZKey.write(buffOut);
if ((logger)&&(i%1000000 == 0)) logger.debug(`writing ${name}: ${i}/${plonkAdditions.length}`);
await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
async function writeSigma(sectionNum, name) {
const sigma = new BigBuffer(n8r*domainSize*3);
const lastAparence = new BigArray(plonkNVars);
const firstPos = new BigArray(plonkNVars);
let w =;
for (let i=0; i<domainSize;i++) {
if (i<plonkConstraints.length) {
buildSigma(plonkConstraints[i][0], i);
buildSigma(plonkConstraints[i][1], domainSize + i);
buildSigma(plonkConstraints[i][2], domainSize*2 + i);
} else {
buildSigma(0, i);
buildSigma(0, domainSize + i);
buildSigma(0, domainSize*2 + i);
w = Fr.mul(w, Fr.w[cirPower]);
if ((logger)&&(i%1000000 == 0)) logger.debug(`writing ${name} phase1: ${i}/${plonkConstraints.length}`);
for (let s=0; s<plonkNVars; s++) {
if (typeof firstPos[s] !== "undefined") {
sigma.set(lastAparence[s], firstPos[s]*n8r);
} else {
throw new Error("Variable not used");
if ((logger)&&(s%1000000 == 0)) logger.debug(`writing ${name} phase2: ${s}/${plonkNVars}`);
await startWriteSection(fdZKey, sectionNum);
let S1 = sigma.slice(0, domainSize*n8r);
await writeP4(S1);
let S2 = sigma.slice(domainSize*n8r, domainSize*n8r*2);
await writeP4(S2);
let S3 = sigma.slice(domainSize*n8r*2, domainSize*n8r*3);
await writeP4(S3);
await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
S1 = await Fr.batchFromMontgomery(S1);
S2 = await Fr.batchFromMontgomery(S2);
S3 = await Fr.batchFromMontgomery(S3);
vk.S1= await curve.G1.multiExpAffine(LPoints, S1, logger, "multiexp S1");
vk.S2= await curve.G1.multiExpAffine(LPoints, S2, logger, "multiexp S2");
vk.S3= await curve.G1.multiExpAffine(LPoints, S3, logger, "multiexp S3");
function buildSigma(s, p) {
if (typeof lastAparence[s] === "undefined") {
firstPos[s] = p;
} else {
sigma.set(lastAparence[s], p*n8r);
let v;
if (p<domainSize) {
v = w;
} else if (p<2*domainSize) {
v = Fr.mul(w, k1);
} else {
v = Fr.mul(w, k2);
async function writeLs(sectionNum, name) {
await startWriteSection(fdZKey, sectionNum);
const l=Math.max(nPublic, 1);
for (let i=0; i<l; i++) {
let buff = new BigBuffer(domainSize*n8r);
buff.set(, i*n8r);
await writeP4(buff);
if (logger) logger.debug(`writing ${name} ${i}/${l}`);
await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
async function writeHeaders() {
// Write the header
await startWriteSection(fdZKey, 1);
await fdZKey.writeULE32(2); // Plonk
await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
// Write the Plonk header section
await startWriteSection(fdZKey, 2);
const primeQ = curve.q;
const n8q = (Math.floor( (Scalar.bitLength(primeQ) - 1) / 64) +1)*8;
const primeR = curve.r;
const n8r = (Math.floor( (Scalar.bitLength(primeR) - 1) / 64) +1)*8;
await fdZKey.writeULE32(n8q);
await writeBigInt(fdZKey, primeQ, n8q);
await fdZKey.writeULE32(n8r);
await writeBigInt(fdZKey, primeR, n8r);
await fdZKey.writeULE32(plonkNVars); // Total number of bars
await fdZKey.writeULE32(nPublic); // Total number of public vars (not including ONE)
await fdZKey.writeULE32(domainSize); // domainSize
await fdZKey.writeULE32(plonkAdditions.length); // domainSize
await fdZKey.writeULE32(plonkConstraints.length);
await fdZKey.write(k1);
await fdZKey.write(k2);
await fdZKey.write(G1.toAffine(vk.Qm));
await fdZKey.write(G1.toAffine(vk.Ql));
await fdZKey.write(G1.toAffine(vk.Qr));
await fdZKey.write(G1.toAffine(vk.Qo));
await fdZKey.write(G1.toAffine(vk.Qc));
await fdZKey.write(G1.toAffine(vk.S1));
await fdZKey.write(G1.toAffine(vk.S2));
await fdZKey.write(G1.toAffine(vk.S3));
let bX_2;
bX_2 = await, sectionsPTau[3][0].p + sG2);
await fdZKey.write(bX_2);
await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
function getK1K2() {
let k1 = Fr.two;
while (isIncluded(k1, [], cirPower)) Fr.add(k1,;
let k2 = Fr.add(k1,;
while (isIncluded(k2, [k1], cirPower)) Fr.add(k2,;
return [k1, k2];
function isIncluded(k, kArr, pow) {
const domainSize= 2**pow;
let w =;
for (let i=0; i<domainSize; i++) {
if (Fr.eq(k, w)) return true;
for (let j=0; j<kArr.length; j++) {
if (Fr.eq(k, Fr.mul(kArr[j], w))) return true;
w = Fr.mul(w, Fr.w[pow]);
return false;