2020-07-11 10:31:52 +02:00

61 lines
2.2 KiB

import * as binFileUtils from "./binfileutils.js";
This function creates a new section in the fdTo file with id idSection.
It multiplies the pooints in fdFrom by first, first*inc, first*inc^2, ....
nPoint Times.
It also updates the newChallangeHasher with the new points
export async function applyKeyToSection(fdOld, sections, fdNew, idSection, curve, groupName, first, inc, sectionName, logger) {
const MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 1 << 16;
const G = curve[groupName];
const sG = G.F.n8*2;
const nPoints = sections[idSection][0].size / sG;
await binFileUtils.startReadUniqueSection(fdOld, sections,idSection );
await binFileUtils.startWriteSection(fdNew, idSection);
let t = first;
for (let i=0; i<nPoints; i += MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) {
if (logger) logger.debug(`Applying key: ${sectionName}: ${i}/${nPoints}`);
const n= Math.min(nPoints - i, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
let buff;
buff = await*sG);
buff = await G.batchApplyKey(buff, t, inc);
await fdNew.write(buff);
t = curve.Fr.mul(t, curve.Fr.exp(inc, n));
await binFileUtils.endWriteSection(fdNew);
await binFileUtils.endReadSection(fdOld);
export async function applyKeyToChallangeSection(fdOld, fdNew, responseHasher, curve, groupName, nPoints, first, inc, formatOut, sectionName, logger) {
const G = curve[groupName];
const sG = G.F.n8*2;
const chunkSize = Math.floor((1<<20) / sG); // 128Mb chunks
let t = first;
for (let i=0 ; i<nPoints ; i+= chunkSize) {
if (logger) logger.debug(`Applying key ${sectionName}: ${i}/${nPoints}`);
const n= Math.min(nPoints-i, chunkSize );
const buffInU = await * sG);
const buffInLEM = await G.batchUtoLEM(buffInU);
const buffOutLEM = await G.batchApplyKey(buffInLEM, t, inc);
let buffOut;
if (formatOut == "COMPRESSED") {
buffOut = await G.batchLEMtoC(buffOutLEM);
} else {
buffOut = await G.batchLEMtoU(buffOutLEM);
if (responseHasher) responseHasher.update(buffOut);
await fdNew.write(buffOut);
t = curve.Fr.mul(t, curve.Fr.exp(inc, n));