2020-07-28 19:02:24 +08:00

350 lines
10 KiB

import { Scalar } from "ffjavascript";
import Blake2b from "blake2b-wasm";
import * as keyPair from "./keypair.js";
import * as misc from "./misc.js";
import { getCurveFromQ } from "./curves.js";
export async function writePTauHeader(fd, curve, power, ceremonyPower) {
// Write the header
if (! ceremonyPower) ceremonyPower = power;
await fd.writeULE32(1); // Header type
const pHeaderSize = fd.pos;
await fd.writeULE64(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
await fd.writeULE32(curve.F1.n64*8);
const buff = new Uint8Array(curve.F1.n8);
Scalar.toRprLE(buff, 0, curve.q, curve.F1.n8);
await fd.write(buff);
await fd.writeULE32(power); // power
await fd.writeULE32(ceremonyPower); // power
const headerSize = fd.pos - pHeaderSize - 8;
const oldPos = fd.pos;
await fd.writeULE64(headerSize, pHeaderSize);
fd.pos = oldPos;
export async function readPTauHeader(fd, sections) {
if (!sections[1]) throw new Error(fd.fileName + ": File has no header");
if (sections[1].length>1) throw new Error(fd.fileName +": File has more than one header");
fd.pos = sections[1][0].p;
const n8 = await fd.readULE32();
const buff = await;
const q = Scalar.fromRprLE(buff);
const curve = await getCurveFromQ(q);
if (curve.F1.n64*8 != n8) throw new Error(fd.fileName +": Invalid size");
const power = await fd.readULE32();
const ceremonyPower = await fd.readULE32();
if (fd.pos-sections[1][0].p != sections[1][0].size) throw new Error("Invalid PTau header size");
return {curve, power, ceremonyPower};
export async function readPtauPubKey(fd, curve, montgomery) {
const buff = await*2*6 + curve.F2.n8*2*3);
return fromPtauPubKeyRpr(buff, 0, curve, montgomery);
export function fromPtauPubKeyRpr(buff, pos, curve, montgomery) {
const key = {
tau: {},
alpha: {},
beta: {}
key.tau.g1_s = readG1();
key.tau.g1_sx = readG1();
key.alpha.g1_s = readG1();
key.alpha.g1_sx = readG1();
key.beta.g1_s = readG1();
key.beta.g1_sx = readG1();
key.tau.g2_spx = readG2();
key.alpha.g2_spx = readG2();
key.beta.g2_spx = readG2();
return key;
function readG1() {
let p;
if (montgomery) {
p = curve.G1.fromRprLEM( buff, pos );
} else {
p = curve.G1.fromRprUncompressed( buff, pos );
pos += curve.G1.F.n8*2;
return p;
function readG2() {
let p;
if (montgomery) {
p = curve.G2.fromRprLEM( buff, pos );
} else {
p = curve.G2.fromRprUncompressed( buff, pos );
pos += curve.G2.F.n8*2;
return p;
export function toPtauPubKeyRpr(buff, pos, curve, key, montgomery) {
async function writeG1(p) {
if (montgomery) {
curve.G1.toRprLEM(buff, pos, p);
} else {
curve.G1.toRprUncompressed(buff, pos, p);
pos += curve.F1.n8*2;
async function writeG2(p) {
if (montgomery) {
curve.G2.toRprLEM(buff, pos, p);
} else {
curve.G2.toRprUncompressed(buff, pos, p);
pos += curve.F2.n8*2;
return buff;
export async function writePtauPubKey(fd, curve, key, montgomery) {
const buff = new Uint8Array(curve.F1.n8*2*6 + curve.F2.n8*2*3);
toPtauPubKeyRpr(buff, 0, curve, key, montgomery);
await fd.write(buff);
async function readContribution(fd, curve) {
const c = {};
c.tauG1 = await readG1();
c.tauG2 = await readG2();
c.alphaG1 = await readG1();
c.betaG1 = await readG1();
c.betaG2 = await readG2();
c.key = await readPtauPubKey(fd, curve, true);
c.partialHash = await;
c.nextChallenge = await;
c.type = await fd.readULE32();
const buffV = new Uint8Array(curve.G1.F.n8*2*6+curve.G2.F.n8*2*3);
toPtauPubKeyRpr(buffV, 0, curve, c.key, false);
const responseHasher = Blake2b(64);
c.responseHash = responseHasher.digest();
const paramLength = await fd.readULE32();
const curPos = fd.pos;
let lastType =0;
while (fd.pos-curPos < paramLength) {
const buffType = await readDV(1);
if (buffType[0]<= lastType) throw new Error("Parameters in the contribution must be sorted");
lastType = buffType[0];
if (buffType[0]==1) { // Name
const buffLen = await readDV(1);
const buffStr = await readDV(buffLen[0]); = new TextDecoder().decode(buffStr);
} else if (buffType[0]==2) {
const buffExp = await readDV(1);
c.numIterationsExp = buffExp[0];
} else if (buffType[0]==3) {
const buffLen = await readDV(1);
c.beaconHash = await readDV(buffLen[0]);
} else {
throw new Error("Parameter not recognized");
if (fd.pos != curPos + paramLength) {
throw new Error("Parametes do not match");
return c;
async function readG1() {
const pBuff = await*2);
return curve.G1.fromRprLEM( pBuff );
async function readG2() {
const pBuff = await*2);
return curve.G2.fromRprLEM( pBuff );
async function readDV(n) {
const b = await;
return new Uint8Array(b);
export async function readContributions(fd, curve, sections) {
if (!sections[7]) throw new Error(fd.fileName + ": File has no contributions");
if (sections[7][0].length>1) throw new Error(fd.fileName +": File has more than one contributions section");
fd.pos = sections[7][0].p;
const nContributions = await fd.readULE32();
const contributions = [];
for (let i=0; i<nContributions; i++) {
const c = await readContribution(fd, curve); = i+1;
if (fd.pos-sections[7][0].p != sections[7][0].size) throw new Error("Invalid contribution section size");
return contributions;
async function writeContribution(fd, curve, contribution) {
const buffG1 = new Uint8Array(curve.F1.n8*2);
const buffG2 = new Uint8Array(curve.F2.n8*2);
await writeG1(contribution.tauG1);
await writeG2(contribution.tauG2);
await writeG1(contribution.alphaG1);
await writeG1(contribution.betaG1);
await writeG2(contribution.betaG2);
await writePtauPubKey(fd, curve, contribution.key, true);
await fd.write(contribution.partialHash);
await fd.write(contribution.nextChallenge);
await fd.writeULE32(contribution.type || 0);
const params = [];
if ( {
params.push(1); // Param Name
const nameData = new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode(,64));
for (let i=0; i<nameData.byteLength; i++) params.push(nameData[i]);
if (contribution.type == 1) {
params.push(2); // Param numIterationsExp
params.push(3); // Beacon Hash
for (let i=0; i<contribution.beaconHash.byteLength; i++) params.push(contribution.beaconHash[i]);
if (params.length>0) {
const paramsBuff = new Uint8Array(params);
await fd.writeULE32(paramsBuff.byteLength);
await fd.write(paramsBuff);
} else {
await fd.writeULE32(0);
async function writeG1(p) {
curve.G1.toRprLEM(buffG1, 0, p);
await fd.write(buffG1);
async function writeG2(p) {
curve.G2.toRprLEM(buffG2, 0, p);
await fd.write(buffG2);
export async function writeContributions(fd, curve, contributions) {
await fd.writeULE32(7); // Header type
const pContributionsSize = fd.pos;
await fd.writeULE64(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
await fd.writeULE32(contributions.length);
for (let i=0; i< contributions.length; i++) {
await writeContribution(fd, curve, contributions[i]);
const contributionsSize = fd.pos - pContributionsSize - 8;
const oldPos = fd.pos;
await fd.writeULE64(contributionsSize, pContributionsSize);
fd.pos = oldPos;
export function calculateFirstChallengeHash(curve, power, logger) {
if (logger) logger.debug("Calculating First Challenge Hash");
const hasher = new Blake2b(64);
const vG1 = new Uint8Array(curve.G1.F.n8*2);
const vG2 = new Uint8Array(curve.G2.F.n8*2);
curve.G1.toRprUncompressed(vG1, 0, curve.G1.g);
curve.G2.toRprUncompressed(vG2, 0, curve.G2.g);
let n;
n=(1 << power)*2 -1;
if (logger) logger.debug("Calculate Initial Hash: tauG1");
hashBlock(vG1, n);
n= 1 << power;
if (logger) logger.debug("Calculate Initial Hash: tauG2");
hashBlock(vG2, n);
if (logger) logger.debug("Calculate Initial Hash: alphaTauG1");
hashBlock(vG1, n);
if (logger) logger.debug("Calculate Initial Hash: betaTauG1");
hashBlock(vG1, n);
return hasher.digest();
function hashBlock(buff, n) {
const blockSize = 500000;
const nBlocks = Math.floor(n / blockSize);
const rem = n % blockSize;
const bigBuff = new Uint8Array(blockSize * buff.byteLength);
for (let i=0; i<blockSize; i++) {
bigBuff.set(buff, i*buff.byteLength);
for (let i=0; i<nBlocks; i++) {
if (logger) logger.debug("Initial hash: " +i*blockSize);
for (let i=0; i<rem; i++) {
export function keyFromBeacon(curve, challengeHash, beaconHash, numIterationsExp) {
const rng = misc.rngFromBeaconParams(beaconHash, numIterationsExp);
const key = keyPair.createPTauKey(curve, challengeHash, rng);
return key;