import Blake2b from "blake2b-wasm"; import * as utils from "./powersoftau_utils.js"; import * as keyPair from "./keypair.js"; import crypto from "crypto"; import * as binFileUtils from "./binfileutils.js"; import { ChaCha } from "ffjavascript"; import * as misc from "./misc.js"; const sameRatio = misc.sameRatio; async function verifyContribution(curve, cur, prev, logger) { let sr; if (cur.type == 1) { // Verify the beacon. const beaconKey = utils.keyFromBeacon(curve, prev.nextChallange, cur.beaconHash, cur.numIterationsExp); if (!curve.G1.eq(cur.key.tau.g1_s, beaconKey.tau.g1_s)) { if (logger) logger.error(`BEACON key (tauG1_s) is not generated correctly in challange #${} ${ || ""}` ); return false; } if (!curve.G1.eq(cur.key.tau.g1_sx, beaconKey.tau.g1_sx)) { if (logger) logger.error(`BEACON key (tauG1_sx) is not generated correctly in challange #${} ${ || ""}` ); return false; } if (!curve.G2.eq(cur.key.tau.g2_spx, beaconKey.tau.g2_spx)) { if (logger) logger.error(`BEACON key (tauG2_spx) is not generated correctly in challange #${} ${ || ""}` ); return false; } if (!curve.G1.eq(cur.key.alpha.g1_s, beaconKey.alpha.g1_s)) { if (logger) logger.error(`BEACON key (alphaG1_s) is not generated correctly in challange #${} ${ || ""}` ); return false; } if (!curve.G1.eq(cur.key.alpha.g1_sx, beaconKey.alpha.g1_sx)) { if (logger) logger.error(`BEACON key (alphaG1_sx) is not generated correctly in challange #${} ${ || ""}` ); return false; } if (!curve.G2.eq(cur.key.alpha.g2_spx, beaconKey.alpha.g2_spx)) { if (logger) logger.error(`BEACON key (alphaG2_spx) is not generated correctly in challange #${} ${ || ""}` ); return false; } if (!curve.G1.eq(cur.key.beta.g1_s, beaconKey.beta.g1_s)) { if (logger) logger.error(`BEACON key (betaG1_s) is not generated correctly in challange #${} ${ || ""}` ); return false; } if (!curve.G1.eq(cur.key.beta.g1_sx, beaconKey.beta.g1_sx)) { if (logger) logger.error(`BEACON key (betaG1_sx) is not generated correctly in challange #${} ${ || ""}` ); return false; } if (!curve.G2.eq(cur.key.beta.g2_spx, beaconKey.beta.g2_spx)) { if (logger) logger.error(`BEACON key (betaG2_spx) is not generated correctly in challange #${} ${ || ""}` ); return false; } } cur.key.tau.g2_sp = curve.G2.toAffine(keyPair.getG2sp(curve, 0, prev.nextChallange, cur.key.tau.g1_s, cur.key.tau.g1_sx)); cur.key.alpha.g2_sp = curve.G2.toAffine(keyPair.getG2sp(curve, 1, prev.nextChallange, cur.key.alpha.g1_s, cur.key.alpha.g1_sx)); cur.key.beta.g2_sp = curve.G2.toAffine(keyPair.getG2sp(curve, 2, prev.nextChallange, cur.key.beta.g1_s, cur.key.beta.g1_sx)); sr = await sameRatio(curve, cur.key.tau.g1_s, cur.key.tau.g1_sx, cur.key.tau.g2_sp, cur.key.tau.g2_spx); if (sr !== true) { if (logger) logger.error("INVALID key (tau) in challange #"; return false; } sr = await sameRatio(curve, cur.key.alpha.g1_s, cur.key.alpha.g1_sx, cur.key.alpha.g2_sp, cur.key.alpha.g2_spx); if (sr !== true) { if (logger) logger.error("INVALID key (alpha) in challange #"; return false; } sr = await sameRatio(curve, cur.key.beta.g1_s, cur.key.beta.g1_sx, cur.key.beta.g2_sp, cur.key.beta.g2_spx); if (sr !== true) { if (logger) logger.error("INVALID key (beta) in challange #"; return false; } sr = await sameRatio(curve, prev.tauG1, cur.tauG1, cur.key.tau.g2_sp, cur.key.tau.g2_spx); if (sr !== true) { if (logger) logger.error("INVALID tau*G1. challange #"" It does not follow the previous contribution"); return false; } sr = await sameRatio(curve, cur.key.tau.g1_s, cur.key.tau.g1_sx, prev.tauG2, cur.tauG2); if (sr !== true) { if (logger) logger.error("INVALID tau*G2. challange #"" It does not follow the previous contribution"); return false; } sr = await sameRatio(curve, prev.alphaG1, cur.alphaG1, cur.key.alpha.g2_sp, cur.key.alpha.g2_spx); if (sr !== true) { if (logger) logger.error("INVALID alpha*G1. challange #"" It does not follow the previous contribution"); return false; } sr = await sameRatio(curve, prev.betaG1, cur.betaG1, cur.key.beta.g2_sp, cur.key.beta.g2_spx); if (sr !== true) { if (logger) logger.error("INVALID beta*G1. challange #"" It does not follow the previous contribution"); return false; } sr = await sameRatio(curve, cur.key.beta.g1_s, cur.key.beta.g1_sx, prev.betaG2, cur.betaG2); if (sr !== true) { if (logger) logger.error("INVALID beta*G2. challange #""It does not follow the previous contribution"); return false; } if (logger)"Powers Of tau file OK!"); return true; } export default async function verify(tauFilename, logger) { let sr; await Blake2b.ready(); const {fd, sections} = await binFileUtils.readBinFile(tauFilename, "ptau", 1); const {curve, power, ceremonyPower} = await utils.readPTauHeader(fd, sections); const contrs = await utils.readContributions(fd, curve, sections); if (logger) logger.debug("power: 2**" + power); // Verify Last contribution if (logger) logger.debug("Computing initial contribution hash"); const initialContribution = { tauG1: curve.G1.g, tauG2: curve.G2.g, alphaG1: curve.G1.g, betaG1: curve.G1.g, betaG2: curve.G2.g, nextChallange: utils.calculateFirstChallangeHash(curve, ceremonyPower, logger), responseHash: Blake2b(64).digest() }; if (contrs.length == 0) { if (logger) logger.error("This file has no contribution! It cannot be used in production"); return false; } let prevContr; if (contrs.length>1) { prevContr = contrs[contrs.length-2]; } else { prevContr = initialContribution; } const curContr = contrs[contrs.length-1]; if (logger) logger.debug("Validating contribution #"+contrs[contrs.length-1].id); const res = await verifyContribution(curve, curContr, prevContr, logger); if (!res) return false; const nextContributionHasher = Blake2b(64); nextContributionHasher.update(curContr.responseHash); // Verify powers and compute nextChallangeHash // await test(); // Verify Section tau*G1 if (logger) logger.debug("Verifying powers in tau*G1 section"); const rTau1 = await processSection(2, "G1", "tauG1", (1 << power)*2-1, [0, 1], logger); sr = await sameRatio(curve, rTau1.R1, rTau1.R2, curve.G2.g, curContr.tauG2); if (sr !== true) { if (logger) logger.error("tauG1 section. Powers do not match"); return false; } if (!curve.G1.eq(curve.G1.g, rTau1.singularPoints[0])) { if (logger) logger.error("First element of tau*G1 section must be the generator"); return false; } if (!curve.G1.eq(curContr.tauG1, rTau1.singularPoints[1])) { if (logger) logger.error("Second element of tau*G1 section does not match the one in the contribution section"); return false; } // await test(); // Verify Section tau*G2 if (logger) logger.debug("Verifying powers in tau*G2 section"); const rTau2 = await processSection(3, "G2", "tauG2", 1 << power, [0, 1], logger); sr = await sameRatio(curve, curve.G1.g, curContr.tauG1, rTau2.R1, rTau2.R2); if (sr !== true) { if (logger) logger.error("tauG2 section. Powers do not match"); return false; } if (!curve.G2.eq(curve.G2.g, rTau2.singularPoints[0])) { if (logger) logger.error("First element of tau*G2 section must be the generator"); return false; } if (!curve.G2.eq(curContr.tauG2, rTau2.singularPoints[1])) { if (logger) logger.error("Second element of tau*G2 section does not match the one in the contribution section"); return false; } // Verify Section alpha*tau*G1 if (logger) logger.debug("Verifying powers in alpha*tau*G1 section"); const rAlphaTauG1 = await processSection(4, "G1", "alphatauG1", 1 << power, [0], logger); sr = await sameRatio(curve, rAlphaTauG1.R1, rAlphaTauG1.R2, curve.G2.g, curContr.tauG2); if (sr !== true) { if (logger) logger.error("alphaTauG1 section. Powers do not match"); return false; } if (!curve.G1.eq(curContr.alphaG1, rAlphaTauG1.singularPoints[0])) { if (logger) logger.error("First element of alpha*tau*G1 section (alpha*G1) does not match the one in the contribution section"); return false; } // Verify Section beta*tau*G1 if (logger) logger.debug("Verifying powers in beta*tau*G1 section"); const rBetaTauG1 = await processSection(5, "G1", "betatauG1", 1 << power, [0], logger); sr = await sameRatio(curve, rBetaTauG1.R1, rBetaTauG1.R2, curve.G2.g, curContr.tauG2); if (sr !== true) { if (logger) logger.error("betaTauG1 section. Powers do not match"); return false; } if (!curve.G1.eq(curContr.betaG1, rBetaTauG1.singularPoints[0])) { if (logger) logger.error("First element of beta*tau*G1 section (beta*G1) does not match the one in the contribution section"); return false; } //Verify Beta G2 const betaG2 = await processSectionBetaG2(logger); if (!curve.G2.eq(curContr.betaG2, betaG2)) { if (logger) logger.error("betaG2 element in betaG2 section does not match the one in the contribution section"); return false; } const nextContributionHash = nextContributionHasher.digest(); // Check the nextChallangeHash if (!misc.hashIsEqual(nextContributionHash,curContr.nextChallange)) { if (logger) logger.error("Hash of the values does not match the next challange of the last contributor in the contributions section"); return false; } if (logger), "Next challange hash: ")); // Verify Previous contributions printContribution(curContr, prevContr); for (let i = contrs.length-2; i>=0; i--) { const curContr = contrs[i]; const prevContr = (i>0) ? contrs[i-1] : initialContribution; const res = await verifyContribution(curve, curContr, prevContr, logger); if (!res) return false; printContribution(curContr, prevContr, logger); } if (logger)"-----------------------------------------------------"); if ((!sections[12]) || (!sections[13]) || (!sections[14]) || (!sections[15])) { if (logger) logger.warn( "this file does not contain phase2 precalculated values. Please run: \n" + " snarkjs \"powersoftau preparephase2\" to prepare this file to be used in the phase2 ceremony." ); } else { let res; res = await verifyLagrangeEvaluations("G1", 2, 12, "tauG1", logger); if (!res) return false; res = await verifyLagrangeEvaluations("G2", 3, 13, "tauG2", logger); if (!res) return false; res = await verifyLagrangeEvaluations("G1", 4, 14, "alphaTauG1", logger); if (!res) return false; res = await verifyLagrangeEvaluations("G1", 5, 15, "betaTauG1", logger); if (!res) return false; } await fd.close(); return true; function printContribution(curContr, prevContr) { if (!logger) return;"-----------------------------------------------------");`Contribution #${}: ${ ||""}`);, "Next Challange: ")); const buffV = new Uint8Array(curve.G1.F.n8*2*6+curve.G2.F.n8*2*3); utils.toPtauPubKeyRpr(buffV, 0, curve, curContr.key, false); const responseHasher = Blake2b(64); responseHasher.setPartialHash(curContr.partialHash); responseHasher.update(buffV); const responseHash = responseHasher.digest();, "Response Hash:"));, "Response Hash:")); if (curContr.type == 1) {`Beacon generator: ${misc.byteArray2hex(curContr.beaconHash)}`);`Beacon iterations Exp: ${curContr.numIterationsExp}`); } } async function processSectionBetaG2(logger) { const G = curve.G2; const sG = G.F.n8*2; const buffUv = new Uint8Array(sG); if (!sections[6]) { logger.error("File has no BetaG2 section"); throw new Error("File has no BetaG2 section"); } if (sections[6].length>1) { logger.error("File has no BetaG2 section"); throw new Error("File has more than one GetaG2 section"); } fd.pos = sections[6][0].p; const buff = await; const P = G.fromRprLEM(buff); G.toRprUncompressed(buffUv, 0, P); nextContributionHasher.update(buffUv); return P; } async function processSection(idSection, groupName, sectionName, nPoints, singularPointIndexes, logger) { const MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 1<<16; const G = curve[groupName]; const sG = G.F.n8*2; await binFileUtils.startReadUniqueSection(fd, sections, idSection); const singularPoints = []; let R1 =; let R2 =; let lastBase =; for (let i=0; i0) { const firstBase = G.fromRprLEM(bases, 0); const r = crypto.randomBytes(4).readUInt32BE(0, true); R1 = G.add(R1, G.timesScalar(lastBase, r)); R2 = G.add(R2, G.timesScalar(firstBase, r)); } const r1 = await G.multiExpAffine(bases.slice(0, (n-1)*sG), scalars); const r2 = await G.multiExpAffine(bases.slice(sG), scalars); R1 = G.add(R1, r1); R2 = G.add(R2, r2); lastBase = G.fromRprLEM( bases, (n-1)*sG); for (let j=0; j=i) && (sp < i+n)) { const P = G.fromRprLEM(bases, (sp-i)*sG); singularPoints.push(P); } } } await binFileUtils.endReadSection(fd); return { R1: R1, R2: R2, singularPoints: singularPoints }; } async function verifyLagrangeEvaluations(gName, tauSection, lagrangeSection, sectionName, logger) { if (logger) logger.debug(`Verifying phase2 calculated values ${sectionName}...`); const G = curve[gName]; const sG = G.F.n8*2; const seed= new Array(8); for (let i=0; i<8; i++) { seed[i] = crypto.randomBytes(4).readUInt32BE(0, true); } const rng = new ChaCha(seed); for (let p=0; p<= power; p ++) { const res = await verifyPower(p); if (!res) return false; } return true; async function verifyPower(p) { if (logger) logger.debug(`Power ${p}...`); const n8r = curve.Fr.n8; const nPoints = 1<