/* Copyright 2018 0kims association. This file is part of snarkjs. snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with snarkjs. If not, see . */ /* global BigInt */ const bigInt = require("big-integer"); let wBigInt; if (typeof(BigInt) != "undefined") { wBigInt = BigInt; wBigInt.one = wBigInt(1); wBigInt.zero = wBigInt(0); // Affine wBigInt.genAffine = (q) => { const nq = -q; return (a) => { let aux = a; if (aux < 0) { if (aux <= nq) { aux = aux % q; } if (aux < wBigInt.zero) { aux = aux + q; } } else { if (aux >= q) { aux = aux % q; } } return aux.valueOf(); }; }; // Inverse wBigInt.genInverse = (q) => { return (a) => { let t = wBigInt.zero; let r = q; let newt = wBigInt.one; let newr = wBigInt.affine(a, q); while (newr!=wBigInt.zero) { let q = r/newr; [t, newt] = [newt, t-q*newt]; [r, newr] = [newr, r-q*newr]; } if (t { if (q) { return (a,b) => (a+b) % q; } else { return (a,b) => a+b; } }; // Sub wBigInt.genSub = (q) => { if (q) { return (a,b) => (a-b) % q; } else { return (a,b) => a-b; } }; // Neg wBigInt.genNeg = (q) => { if (q) { return (a) => (-a) % q; } else { return (a) => -a; } }; // Mul wBigInt.genMul = (q) => { if (q) { return (a,b) => (a*b) % q; } else { return (a,b) => a*b; } }; // Shr wBigInt.genShr = () => { return (a,b) => a >> wBigInt(b); }; // Shl wBigInt.genShl = (q) => { if (q) { return (a,b) => (a << wBigInt(b)) % q; } else { return (a,b) => a << wBigInt(b); } }; // Equals wBigInt.genEquals = (q) => { if (q) { return (a,b) => (a.affine(q) == b.affine(q)); } else { return (a,b) => a == b; } }; // Square wBigInt.genSquare = (q) => { if (q) { return (a) => (a*a) %q; } else { return (a) => a*a; } }; // Double wBigInt.genDouble = (q) => { if (q) { return (a) => (a+a) %q; } else { return (a) => a+a; } }; // IsZero wBigInt.genIsZero = (q) => { if (q) { return (a) => (a.affine(q) == wBigInt.zero); } else { return (a) => a == wBigInt.zero; } }; // Other minor functions wBigInt.prototype.isOdd = function() { return (this & wBigInt.one) == wBigInt(1); }; wBigInt.prototype.isNegative = function() { return this < wBigInt.zero; }; wBigInt.prototype.and = function(m) { return this & m; }; wBigInt.prototype.div = function(c) { return this / c; }; wBigInt.prototype.mod = function(c) { return this % c; }; wBigInt.prototype.pow = function(c) { return this ** c; }; wBigInt.prototype.abs = function() { return (this > wBigInt.zero) ? this : -this; }; wBigInt.prototype.modPow = function(e, m) { let acc = wBigInt.one; let exp = this; let rem = e; while (rem) { if (rem & wBigInt.one) { acc = (acc * exp) %m; } exp = (exp * exp) % m; rem = rem >> wBigInt.one; } return acc; }; wBigInt.prototype.greaterOrEquals = function(b) { return this >= b; }; wBigInt.prototype.greater = function(b) { return this > b; }; wBigInt.prototype.gt = wBigInt.prototype.greater; wBigInt.prototype.lesserOrEquals = function(b) { return this <= b; }; wBigInt.prototype.lesser = function(b) { return this < b; }; wBigInt.prototype.lt = wBigInt.prototype.lesser; wBigInt.prototype.equals = function(b) { return this == b; }; wBigInt.prototype.eq = wBigInt.prototype.equals; wBigInt.prototype.neq = function(b) { return this != b; }; wBigInt.prototype.toJSNumber = function() { return Number(this); }; } else { var oldProto = bigInt.prototype; wBigInt = function(a) { if ((typeof a == "string") && (a.slice(0,2) == "0x")) { return bigInt(a.slice(2), 16); } else { return bigInt(a); } }; wBigInt.one = bigInt.one; wBigInt.zero = bigInt.zero; wBigInt.prototype = oldProto; wBigInt.prototype.div = function(c) { return this.divide(c); }; // Affine wBigInt.genAffine = (q) => { const nq = wBigInt.zero.minus(q); return (a) => { let aux = a; if (aux.isNegative()) { if (aux.lesserOrEquals(nq)) { aux = aux.mod(q); } if (aux.isNegative()) { aux = aux.add(q); } } else { if (aux.greaterOrEquals(q)) { aux = aux.mod(q); } } return aux; }; }; // Inverse wBigInt.genInverse = (q) => { return (a) => a.affine(q).modInv(q); }; // Add wBigInt.genAdd = (q) => { if (q) { return (a,b) => { const r = a.add(b); return r.greaterOrEquals(q) ? r.minus(q) : r; }; } else { return (a,b) => a.add(b); } }; // Sub wBigInt.genSub = (q) => { if (q) { return (a,b) => a.greaterOrEquals(b) ? a.minus(b) : a.minus(b).add(q); } else { return (a,b) => a.minus(b); } }; wBigInt.genNeg = (q) => { if (q) { return (a) => a.isZero() ? a : q.minus(a); } else { return (a) => wBigInt.zero.minus(a); } }; // Mul wBigInt.genMul = (q) => { if (q) { return (a,b) => a.times(b).mod(q); } else { return (a,b) => a.times(b); } }; // Shr wBigInt.genShr = () => { return (a,b) => a.shiftRight(wBigInt(b).value); }; // Shr wBigInt.genShl = (q) => { if (q) { return (a,b) => a.shiftLeft(wBigInt(b).value).mod(q); } else { return (a,b) => a.shiftLeft(wBigInt(b).value); } }; // Square wBigInt.genSquare = (q) => { if (q) { return (a) => a.square().mod(q); } else { return (a) => a.square(); } }; // Double wBigInt.genDouble = (q) => { if (q) { return (a) => a.add(a).mod(q); } else { return (a) => a.add(a); } }; // Equals wBigInt.genEquals = (q) => { if (q) { return (a,b) => a.affine(q).equals(b.affine(q)); } else { return (a,b) => a.equals(b); } }; // IsZero wBigInt.genIsZero = (q) => { if (q) { return (a) => (a.affine(q).isZero()); } else { return (a) => a.isZero(); } }; } wBigInt.affine = function(a, q) { return wBigInt.genAffine(q)(a); }; wBigInt.prototype.affine = function (q) { return wBigInt.affine(this, q); }; wBigInt.inverse = function(a, q) { return wBigInt.genInverse(q)(a); }; wBigInt.prototype.inverse = function (q) { return wBigInt.genInverse(q)(this); }; wBigInt.add = function(a, b, q) { return wBigInt.genAdd(q)(a,b); }; wBigInt.prototype.add = function (a, q) { return wBigInt.genAdd(q)(this, a); }; wBigInt.sub = function(a, b, q) { return wBigInt.genSub(q)(a,b); }; wBigInt.prototype.sub = function (a, q) { return wBigInt.genSub(q)(this, a); }; wBigInt.neg = function(a, q) { return wBigInt.genNeg(q)(a); }; wBigInt.prototype.neg = function (q) { return wBigInt.genNeg(q)(this); }; wBigInt.mul = function(a, b, q) { return wBigInt.genMul(q)(a,b); }; wBigInt.prototype.mul = function (a, q) { return wBigInt.genMul(q)(this, a); }; wBigInt.shr = function(a, b, q) { return wBigInt.genShr(q)(a,b); }; wBigInt.prototype.shr = function (a, q) { return wBigInt.genShr(q)(this, a); }; wBigInt.shl = function(a, b, q) { return wBigInt.genShl(q)(a,b); }; wBigInt.prototype.shl = function (a, q) { return wBigInt.genShl(q)(this, a); }; wBigInt.equals = function(a, b, q) { return wBigInt.genEquals(q)(a,b); }; wBigInt.prototype.equals = function (a, q) { return wBigInt.genEquals(q)(this, a); }; wBigInt.square = function(a, q) { return wBigInt.genSquare(q)(a); }; wBigInt.prototype.square = function (q) { return wBigInt.genSquare(q)(this); }; wBigInt.double = function(a, q) { return wBigInt.genDouble(q)(a); }; wBigInt.prototype.double = function (q) { return wBigInt.genDouble(q)(this); }; wBigInt.isZero = function(a, q) { return wBigInt.genIsZero(q)(a); }; wBigInt.prototype.isZero = function (q) { return wBigInt.genIsZero(q)(this); }; wBigInt.leBuff2int = function(buff) { let res = wBigInt.zero; for (let i=0; i=0)) { let c = Number(r.and(wBigInt("255"))); buff[o] = c; o--; r = r.shr(8); } if (r.greater(wBigInt.zero)) throw new Error("Number does not feed in buffer"); return buff; }; wBigInt.prototype.beInt2Buff = function (len) { return wBigInt.beInt2Buff(this,len); }; module.exports = wBigInt;