2022-08-22 22:26:44 +02:00

308 lines
9.8 KiB

import { Element, HashFunction, ProofPath, MultiProofPath } from './'
export class BaseTree {
levels: number
protected _hashFn: HashFunction<Element>
protected zeroElement: Element
protected _zeros: Element[]
protected _layers: Array<Element[]>
get capacity() {
return 2 ** this.levels
get layers(): Array<Element[]> {
return this._layers.slice()
get zeros(): Element[] {
return this._zeros.slice()
get elements(): Element[] {
return this._layers[0].slice()
get root(): Element {
return this._layers[this.levels][0] ?? this._zeros[this.levels]
* Find an element in the tree
* @param elements elements of tree
* @param element An element to find
* @param comparator A function that checks leaf value equality
* @param fromIndex The index to start the search at. If the index is greater than or equal to the array's length, -1 is returned
* @returns {number} Index if element is found, otherwise -1
static indexOf(
elements: Element[],
element: Element,
fromIndex?: number,
comparator?: <T>(arg0: T, arg1: T) => boolean,
): number {
if (comparator) {
return elements.findIndex((el) => comparator<Element>(element, el))
} else {
return elements.indexOf(element, fromIndex)
* Insert new element into the tree
* @param element Element to insert
insert(element: Element) {
if (this._layers[0].length >= this.capacity) {
throw new Error('Tree is full')
this.update(this._layers[0].length, element)
* Insert multiple elements into the tree.
* @param {Array} elements Elements to insert
bulkInsert(elements: Element[]): void {
if (!elements.length) {
if (this._layers[0].length + elements.length > this.capacity) {
throw new Error('Tree is full')
// First we insert all elements except the last one
// updating only full subtree hashes (all layers where inserted element has odd index)
// the last element will update the full path to the root making the tree consistent again
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length - 1; i++) {
let level = 0
let index = this._layers[0].length - 1
while (index % 2 === 1) {
index >>= 1
const left = this._layers[level - 1][index * 2]
const right = this._layers[level - 1][index * 2 + 1]
this._layers[level][index] = this._hashFn(left, right)
this.insert(elements[elements.length - 1])
* Change an element in the tree
* @param {number} index Index of element to change
* @param element Updated element value
update(index: number, element: Element) {
if (isNaN(Number(index)) || index < 0 || index > this._layers[0].length || index >= this.capacity) {
throw new Error('Insert index out of bounds: ' + index)
this._layers[0][index] = element
* Get merkle path to a leaf
* @param {number} index Leaf index to generate path for
* @returns {{pathElements: Object[], pathIndex: number[]}} An object containing adjacent elements and left-right index
path(index: number): ProofPath {
if (isNaN(Number(index)) || index < 0 || index >= this._layers[0].length) {
throw new Error('Index out of bounds: ' + index)
let elIndex = +index
const pathElements: Element[] = []
const pathIndices: number[] = []
const pathPositions: number[] = []
for (let level = 0; level < this.levels; level++) {
pathIndices[level] = elIndex % 2
const leafIndex = elIndex ^ 1
if (leafIndex < this._layers[level].length) {
pathElements[level] = this._layers[level][leafIndex]
pathPositions[level] = leafIndex
} else {
pathElements[level] = this._zeros[level]
pathPositions[level] = 0
elIndex >>= 1
return {
pathRoot: this.root,
* Return the indices for the next layer in the multiPath calculation
* @param {number} indices A list of leaf indices
* @returns {number[]} the new list of indices
static nextLayerMultiPathIndices(indices: number[]): number[] {
const nextIndices: Set<number> = new Set()
for (let i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
nextIndices.add(indices[i] >> 1)
return [...nextIndices]
* Get merkle path to a list of leaves
* @param {number} indices A list of leaf indices to generate path for
* @returns {{pathElements: Element[], leafIndices: number[]}} An object containing adjacent elements and leaves indices
multiPath(indices: number[]): MultiProofPath {
let pathElements: Element[] = []
let layerIndices = indices
for (let level = 0; level < this.levels; level++) {
// find whether there is a neighbor idx that is not in layerIndices
const proofElements = layerIndices.reduce((elements, idx) => {
const leafIndex = idx ^ 1
if (!layerIndices.includes(leafIndex)) {
if (leafIndex < this._layers[level].length) {
} else {
return elements
}, [])
pathElements = pathElements.concat(proofElements)
layerIndices = BaseTree.nextLayerMultiPathIndices(layerIndices)
return {
leafIndices: indices,
pathRoot: this.root,
* Verifies a merkle proof
* @param {Element} root the root of the merkle tree
* @param {number} levels the number of levels of the tree
* @param {HashFunction<Element>} hashFn hash function
* @param {Element} leaf the leaf to be verified
* @param {Element[]} pathElements adjacent path elements
* @param {number[]} pathIndices left-right indices
* @returns {Boolean} whether the proof is valid for the given root
static verifyProof(
root: Element,
levels: number,
hashFn: HashFunction<Element>,
leaf: Element,
pathElements: Element[],
pathIndices: number[],
): boolean {
const layerProofs: Element[] = []
for (let level = 0; level < levels; level++) {
let elem = level == 0 ? leaf : layerProofs[level - 1]
if (pathIndices[level] == 0) {
layerProofs[level] = hashFn(elem, pathElements[level])
} else {
layerProofs[level] = hashFn(pathElements[level], elem)
return root === layerProofs[levels - 1]
* Verifies a merkle multiproof
* @param {Element} root the root of the merkle tree
* @param {number} levels the number of levels of the tree
* @param {HashFunction<Element>} hashFn hash function
* @param {Element[]} leaves the list of leaves to be verified
* @param {Element[]} pathElements multiproof path elements
* @param {number[]} leafIndices multiproof leaf indices
* @returns {Boolean} whether the proof is valid for the given root
static verifyMultiProof(
root: Element,
levels: number,
hashFn: HashFunction<Element>,
leaves: Element[],
pathElements: Element[],
leafIndices: number[],
): boolean {
let layerElements: Element[] = leaves
let layerIndices: number[] = leafIndices
const proofElements: Element[] = pathElements
const layerProofs: Element[] = []
for (let level = 0; level < levels; level++) {
for (let i = 0; i < layerIndices.length; i++) {
let layerHash: string
const elIndex = layerIndices[i]
const leafIndex = elIndex ^ 1
if (layerIndices.includes(leafIndex)) {
if (elIndex % 2 === 0) {
layerHash = hashFn(layerElements[0], layerElements[1])
} else {
layerHash = hashFn(layerElements[1], layerElements[0])
layerElements.splice(0, 2) // remove 1st and 2nd element
i++ // skip next idx
} else {
if (elIndex % 2 === 0) {
layerHash = hashFn(layerElements[0], proofElements[0])
} else {
layerHash = hashFn(proofElements[0], layerElements[0])
layerElements.shift() // remove 1st element
if (proofElements.shift() === undefined) {
layerIndices = BaseTree.nextLayerMultiPathIndices(layerIndices)
layerElements = layerProofs
if (proofElements.length == 0 && layerElements.length == 2) {
layerProofs[0] = hashFn(layerProofs[0], layerProofs[1])
return root === layerProofs[0]
protected _buildZeros() {
this._zeros = [this.zeroElement]
for (let i = 1; i <= this.levels; i++) {
this._zeros[i] = this._hashFn(this._zeros[i - 1], this._zeros[i - 1])
protected _processNodes(nodes: Element[], layerIndex: number) {
const length = nodes.length
let currentLength = Math.ceil(length / 2)
const currentLayer = new Array(currentLength)
const starFrom = length - ((length % 2) ^ 1)
let j = 0
for (let i = starFrom; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
if (nodes[i - 1] === undefined) break
const left = nodes[i - 1]
const right = (i === starFrom && length % 2 === 1) ? this._zeros[layerIndex - 1] : nodes[i]
currentLayer[currentLength - j] = this._hashFn(left, right)
return currentLayer
protected _processUpdate(index: number) {
for (let level = 1; level <= this.levels; level++) {
index >>= 1
const left = this._layers[level - 1][index * 2]
const right = index * 2 + 1 < this._layers[level - 1].length
? this._layers[level - 1][index * 2 + 1]
: this._zeros[level - 1]
this._layers[level][index] = this._hashFn(left, right)