import chai from "chai"; import {createCode, abi} from "../src/mimcsponge_gencontract.js"; import ethers from "ethers"; import ganache from "ganache-cli"; import buildMimcSponge from "../src/mimcsponge.js"; const assert = chai.assert; const log = (msg) => { if (process.env.MOCHA_VERBOSE) console.log(msg); }; const SEED = "mimcsponge"; describe("MiMC Sponge Smart contract test", () => { let mimc; let mimcJS; let account; before(async () => { const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(ganache.provider()); account = provider.getSigner(0); mimcJS = await buildMimcSponge(); }); after(async () => { globalThis.curve_bn128.terminate(); }); it("Should deploy the contract", async () => { const C = new ethers.ContractFactory( abi, createCode(SEED, 220), account ); mimc = await C.deploy(); }); it("Shold calculate the mimc correctly", async () => { const res = await mimc["MiMCSponge"](1,2, 3); // console.log("Cir: " + bigInt(res.toString(16)).toString(16)); const res2 = mimcJS.hash(1,2, 3); // console.log("Ref: " + bigInt(res2).toString(16)); assert.equal(res.xL.toString(), mimcJS.F.toString(res2.xL)); assert.equal(res.xR.toString(), mimcJS.F.toString(res2.xR)); }); });