const express = require('express') const Webtask = require('webtask-tools') const cors = require('cors') const bodyParser = require('body-parser') const request = require('request') const server = express() server.listen(4430) server.use(bodyParser.json()) // // Allow requests from these domains only // const corsOptions = { origin: ['', /\.oceanprotocol\.com$/], optionsSuccessStatus: 200 // some legacy browsers (IE11, various SmartTVs) choke on 204 } server.use(cors(corsOptions)) // // Zoho APIs // const apiUrlZohoCampaigns = '' const apiUrlZohoCRM = '' const sendRequest = (options, res) => { request(options, (error, response, body) => { if (error) res.send(error) // just pass through whatever we get from the APIs // as the response res.send(body) }) } server.get('/', (req, res) => { res.send(`

Please provide one of these endpoints:

- /newsletter/:data
- /crm/:data `) }) // // Subscribe to newsletter via Zoho Campaigns API // // server.get('/newsletter', (req, res) => { res.send(`

Please pass your data in the following format

- /newsletter/{Contact}
`) }) server.get('/newsletter/:data', (req, res) => { const { ZOHO_CAMPAIGNS_TOKEN, ZOHO_CAMPAIGNS_LIST_KEY } = req.webtaskContext.secrets const { data } = req.params const options = { url: `${apiUrlZohoCampaigns}json/listsubscribe?authtoken=${ZOHO_CAMPAIGNS_TOKEN}&scope=CampaignsAPI&resfmt=JSON&listkey=${ZOHO_CAMPAIGNS_LIST_KEY}&contactinfo=${decodeURIComponent(data)}` } sendRequest(options, res) }) // // Create a new lead via Zoho CRM API // // server.get('/crm', (req, res) => { res.send(`

Please pass your data in the following format

- /crm/{First Name:First Name, Last Name:Last Name,Contact}`) }) server.get('/crm/:data', (req, res) => { const { ZOHO_CRM_TOKEN } = req.webtaskContext.secrets const { data } = req.params const options = { url: `${apiUrlZohoCRM}Leads`, headers: { 'Authorization': `Zoho-oauthtoken ${ZOHO_CRM_TOKEN}` }, method: 'POST', formData: data } sendRequest(options, res) }) module.exports = Webtask.fromExpress(server)