
140 lines
4.9 KiB

import { Contract } from 'web3-eth-contract'
import { TransactionReceipt } from 'web3-core'
import ContractHandler from '../ContractHandler'
import { Instantiable, InstantiableConfig } from '../../Instantiable.abstract'
export abstract class ContractBase extends Instantiable {
protected static instance = null
public contractName: string
private contract: Contract = null
get address() {
return this.contract.options.address
constructor(contractName: string, private optional: boolean = false) {
this.contractName = contractName
public async getEventData(eventName: string, options: any) {
if (!this.contract.events[eventName]) {
throw new Error(`Event "${eventName}" not found on contract "${this.contractName}"`)
return this.contract.getPastEvents(eventName, options)
public getPastEvents(eventName: string, filter: { [key: string]: any }) {
return this.getEventData(eventName, {
fromBlock: 0,
toBlock: 'latest'
public getAddress(): string {
return this.contract.options.address
public getSignatureOfMethod(methodName: string): string {
const foundMethod = this.searchMethod(methodName)
return foundMethod.signature
public getInputsOfMethod(methodName: string): any[] {
const foundMethod = this.searchMethod(methodName)
return foundMethod.inputs
protected async init(config: InstantiableConfig) {
const contractHandler = new ContractHandler(config)
this.contract = await contractHandler.get(this.contractName, this.optional)
protected async getFromAddress(from?: string): Promise<string> {
if (!from) {
from = (await this.web3.eth.getAccounts())[0]
return from
protected async sendFrom(name: string, args: any[], from?: string): Promise<TransactionReceipt> {
from = await this.getFromAddress(from)
return this.send(name, from, args)
protected async send(name: string, from: string, args: any[]): Promise<TransactionReceipt> {
if (!this.contract.methods[name]) {
throw new Error(`Method "${name}" is not part of contract "${this.contractName}"`)
// Logger.log(name, args)
const method = this.contract.methods[name]
try {
const methodInstance = method(...args)
const estimatedGas = await methodInstance.estimateGas(args, {
const tx = methodInstance.send({
gas: estimatedGas
return tx
} catch (err) {
const mappedArgs = this.searchMethod(name, args).inputs.map((input, i) => {
return {
name: input.name,
value: args[i]
this.logger.error(`Sending transaction "${name}" on contract "${this.contractName}" failed.`)
this.logger.error(`Error: ${err.message}`)
this.logger.error(`From: ${from}`)
this.logger.error(`Parameters: ${JSON.stringify(mappedArgs, null, 2)}`)
throw err
protected async call<T extends any>(name: string, args: any[], from?: string): Promise<T> {
if (!this.contract.methods[name]) {
throw new Error(`Method ${name} is not part of contract ${this.contractName}`)
// Logger.log(name)
try {
const method = this.contract.methods[name](...args)
return method.call(from ? { from } : null)
} catch (err) {
this.logger.error(`Calling method "${name}" on contract "${this.contractName}" failed. Args: ${args}`, err)
throw err
protected getEvent(eventName: string, filter: { [key: string]: any }) {
if (!this.contract.events[eventName]) {
throw new Error(`Event ${eventName} is not part of contract ${this.contractName}`)
return this.ocean.keeper.utils.eventHandler.getEvent(this, eventName, filter)
private searchMethod(methodName: string, args: any[] = []) {
const methods = this.contract.options.jsonInterface
.map(method => ({
signature: (method as any).signature
.filter((method: any) => method.name === methodName)
const foundMethod = methods.find(({ inputs }) => inputs.length === args.length) || methods[0]
if (!foundMethod) {
throw new Error(`Method "${methodName}" is not part of contract "${this.contractName}"`)
return foundMethod
export default ContractBase