
422 lines
14 KiB

import { URL } from 'whatwg-url'
import { DDO } from '../ddo/DDO'
import DID from '../ocean/DID'
import { EditableMetaData } from '../ddo/MetaData'
import { Logger } from '../utils'
import { WebServiceConnector } from '../ocean/utils/WebServiceConnector'
const apiPath = '/api/v1/aquarius/assets/ddo'
export interface QueryResult {
results: DDO[]
page: number
totalPages: number
totalResults: number
export interface SearchQuery {
text?: string
offset?: number
page?: number
query: { [property: string]: string | number | string[] | number[] }
sort?: { [jsonPath: string]: number }
* Provides an interface with Aquarius.
* Aquarius provides an off-chain database store for metadata about data assets.
export class Aquarius {
public fetch: WebServiceConnector
private logger: Logger
private aquariusUri: string
private get url() {
return this.aquariusUri
* Instantiate Aquarius (independently of Ocean) for off-chain interaction.
* @param {String} aquariusUri
* @param {Logger} logger
constructor(aquariusUri: string, logger: Logger) {
this.fetch = new WebServiceConnector(logger)
this.logger = logger
this.aquariusUri = aquariusUri
public async getVersionInfo() {
return (await this.fetch.get(this.url)).json()
public async getAccessUrl(accessToken: any, payload: any): Promise<string> {
const accessUrl: string = await this.fetch
.post(`${accessToken.service_endpoint}/${accessToken.resource_id}`, payload)
.then((response: any): string => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.text()
this.logger.error('Failed: ', response.status, response.statusText)
return null
.then((consumptionUrl: string): string => {
this.logger.error('Success accessing consume endpoint: ', consumptionUrl)
return consumptionUrl
.catch((error) => {
'Error fetching the data asset consumption url: ',
return null
return accessUrl
* Search over the DDOs using a query.
* @param {SearchQuery} query Query to filter the DDOs.
* @return {Promise<QueryResult>}
public async queryMetadata(query: SearchQuery): Promise<QueryResult> {
const result: QueryResult = await this.fetch
.post(`${this.url}${apiPath}/query`, JSON.stringify(query))
.then((response: any) => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json() as DDO[]
'queryMetadata failed:',
return this.transformResult()
.then((results) => {
return this.transformResult(results)
.catch((error) => {
this.logger.error('Error fetching querying metadata: ', error)
return this.transformResult()
return result
* Search over the DDOs using a query.
* @param {SearchQuery} query Query to filter the DDOs.
* @return {Promise<QueryResult>}
public async queryMetadataByText(query: SearchQuery): Promise<QueryResult> {
const fullUrl = new URL(`${this.url}${apiPath}/query`)
fullUrl.searchParams.append('text', query.text)
fullUrl.searchParams.append('offset', query.offset.toString())
fullUrl.searchParams.append('page', query.page.toString())
const result: QueryResult = await this.fetch
.then((response: any) => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json() as DDO[]
'queryMetadataByText failed:',
return this.transformResult()
.then((results) => {
return this.transformResult(results)
.catch((error) => {
this.logger.error('Error fetching querying metadata by text: ', error)
return this.transformResult()
return result
* Stores a DDO in Aquarius.
* @param {DDO} ddo DDO to be stored.
* @return {Promise<DDO>} Final DDO.
public async storeDDO(ddo: DDO): Promise<DDO> {
const fullUrl = `${this.url}${apiPath}`
const result: DDO = await this.fetch
.post(fullUrl, DDO.serialize(ddo))
.then((response: any) => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json()
'storeDDO failed:',
return null as DDO
.then((response: DDO) => {
return new DDO(response) as DDO
.catch((error) => {
this.logger.error('Error fetching querying metadata: ', error)
return null as DDO
return result
* Retrieves a DDO by DID.
* @param {DID | string} did DID of the asset.
* @return {Promise<DDO>} DDO of the asset.
public async retrieveDDO(
did: DID | string,
metadataServiceEndpoint?: string
): Promise<DDO> {
did = did && DID.parse(did)
const fullUrl = metadataServiceEndpoint || `${this.url}${apiPath}/${did.getDid()}`
const result = await this.fetch
.then((response: any) => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json()
'retrieveDDO failed:',
return null as DDO
.then((response: DDO) => {
return new DDO(response) as DDO
.catch((error) => {
this.logger.error('Error fetching querying metadata: ', error)
return null as DDO
return result
public async retrieveDDOByUrl(metadataServiceEndpoint?: string) {
return this.retrieveDDO(undefined, metadataServiceEndpoint)
* Transfer ownership of a DDO
* @param {DID | string} did DID of the asset to update.
* @param {String} newOwner New owner of the DDO
* @param {String} updated Updated field of the DDO
* @param {String} signature Signature using updated field to verify that the consumer has rights
* @return {Promise<String>} Result.
public async transferOwnership(
did: DID | string,
newOwner: string,
updated: string,
signature: string
): Promise<string> {
did = did && DID.parse(did)
const fullUrl = `${this.url}${apiPath}/owner/update/${did.getDid()}`
const result = await this.fetch
signature: signature,
updated: updated,
newOwner: newOwner
.then((response: any) => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.text
'transferownership failed:',
return null
.catch((error) => {
this.logger.error('Error transfering ownership metadata: ', error)
return null
return result
* Update Compute Privacy
* @param {DID | string} did DID of the asset to update.
* @param {number } serviceIndex Service index
* @param {boolean} allowRawAlgorithm Allow Raw Algorithms
* @param {boolean} allowNetworkAccess Allow Raw Algorithms
* @param {String[]} trustedAlgorithms Allow Raw Algorithms
* @param {String} updated Updated field of the DDO
* @param {String} signature Signature using updated field to verify that the consumer has rights
* @return {Promise<String>} Result.
public async updateComputePrivacy(
did: DID | string,
serviceIndex: number,
allowRawAlgorithm: boolean,
allowNetworkAccess: boolean,
trustedAlgorithms: string[],
updated: string,
signature: string
): Promise<string> {
did = did && DID.parse(did)
const fullUrl = `${this.url}${apiPath}/computePrivacy/update/${did.getDid()}`
const result = await this.fetch
signature: signature,
updated: updated,
serviceIndex: serviceIndex,
allowRawAlgorithm: allowRawAlgorithm,
allowNetworkAccess: allowNetworkAccess,
trustedAlgorithms: trustedAlgorithms
.then((response: any) => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.text
'update compute privacy failed:',
return null
.catch((error) => {
this.logger.error('Error updating compute privacy: ', error)
return null
return result
* Edit Metadata for a DDO.
* @param {did} string DID.
* @param {newMetadata} EditableMetaData Metadata fields & new values.
* @param {String} updated Updated field of the DDO
* @param {String} signature Signature using updated field to verify that the consumer has rights
* @return {Promise<String>} Result.
public async editMetadata(
did: DID | string,
newMetadata: EditableMetaData,
updated: string,
signature: string
): Promise<string> {
did = did && DID.parse(did)
const fullUrl = `${this.url}${apiPath}/metadata/${did.getDid()}`
const data = Object()
if (newMetadata.description != null) data.description = newMetadata.description
if (newMetadata.title != null) data.title = newMetadata.title
if (newMetadata.servicePrices != null)
data.servicePrices = newMetadata.servicePrices
if (newMetadata.links != null) data.links = newMetadata.links
data.updated = updated
data.signature = signature
const result = await this.fetch
.put(fullUrl, JSON.stringify(data))
.then((response: any) => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.text
'editMetaData failed:',
return null
.catch((error) => {
this.logger.error('Error transfering ownership metadata: ', error)
return null
return result
* Retire a DDO (Delete)
* @param {DID | string} did DID of the asset to update.
* @param {String} updated Updated field of the DDO
* @param {String} signature Signature using updated field to verify that the consumer has rights
* @return {Promise<String>} Result.
public async retire(
did: DID | string,
updated: string,
signature: string
): Promise<string> {
did = did && DID.parse(did)
const fullUrl = `${this.url}${apiPath}/${did.getDid()}`
const result = await this.fetch
signature: signature,
updated: updated
.then((response: any) => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.text
this.logger.log('retire failed:', response.status, response.statusText)
return null
.catch((error) => {
this.logger.error('Error transfering ownership metadata: ', error)
return null
return result
public getServiceEndpoint(did: DID) {
return `${this.url}/api/v1/aquarius/assets/ddo/did:op:${did.getId()}`
private transformResult(
{ results, page, total_pages: totalPages, total_results: totalResults }: any = {
result: [],
page: 0,
total_pages: 0, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase
total_results: 0 // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase
): QueryResult {
return {
results: (results || []).map((ddo) => new DDO(ddo as DDO)),