mirror of https://github.com/oceanprotocol-archive/squid-js.git synced 2024-02-02 15:31:51 +01:00
2019-03-18 13:37:49 +01:00

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import { assert } from 'chai'
import { config } from "../config"
import { Ocean, templates, conditions, generateId, Keeper } from '../../src' // @oceanprotocol/squid
const { LockRewardCondition, EscrowReward, AccessSecretStoreCondition } = conditions
const { EscrowAccessSecretStoreTemplate } = templates
describe("Register Escrow Access Secret Store Template", () => {
let ocean: Ocean
let keeper: Keeper
const agreementId = `0x${generateId()}`
const escrowAmount = 12
const did = `0x${"a".repeat(64)}`
const url = 'https://example.com/did/ocean/test-attr-example.txt'
const checksum = "b".repeat(32)
let templateManagerOwner: string
let sender: string
let receiver: string
let accessSecretStoreCondition: conditions.AccessSecretStoreCondition
let lockRewardCondition: conditions.LockRewardCondition
let escrowReward: conditions.EscrowReward
let template: templates.EscrowAccessSecretStoreTemplate
let conditionIdAccess: string
let conditionIdLock: string
let conditionIdEscrow: string
before(async () => {
ocean = await Ocean.getInstance(config)
keeper = await Keeper.getInstance()
template = await EscrowAccessSecretStoreTemplate.getInstance()
// Accounts
templateManagerOwner = (await ocean.accounts.list())[0].getId()
sender = (await ocean.accounts.list())[1].getId()
receiver = (await ocean.accounts.list())[2].getId()
// Conditions
accessSecretStoreCondition = await AccessSecretStoreCondition.getInstance()
lockRewardCondition = await LockRewardCondition.getInstance()
escrowReward = await EscrowReward.getInstance()
it("should propose the template", async () => {
await keeper.templateStoreManager.proposeTemplate(template.getAddress(), receiver, true)
// TODO: Use a event to detect template mined
await new Promise(_ => setTimeout(_, 6 * 1000))
it("should approve the template", async () => {
await keeper.templateStoreManager.approveTemplate(template.getAddress(), templateManagerOwner, true)
// TODO: Use a event to detect template mined
await new Promise(_ => setTimeout(_, 6 * 1000))
it("should generate the condition IDs", async () => {
conditionIdAccess = await accessSecretStoreCondition.generateId(agreementId, await accessSecretStoreCondition.hashValues(did, receiver))
conditionIdLock = await lockRewardCondition.generateIdHash(agreementId, await escrowReward.getAddress(), escrowAmount)
conditionIdEscrow = await escrowReward.generateId(agreementId, await escrowReward.hashValues(escrowAmount, receiver, sender, conditionIdLock, conditionIdAccess))
it("should have conditions types", async () => {
const conditionTypes = await template.getConditionTypes()
assert.equal(conditionTypes.length, 3, "Expected 3 conditions.")
[accessSecretStoreCondition.getAddress(), escrowReward.getAddress(), lockRewardCondition.getAddress()].sort(),
"The conditions doesn't match",
it("should have condition instances asociated", async () => {
const conditions = await template.getConditions()
assert.equal(conditions.length, 3, "Expected 3 conditions.")
const conditionClasses = [AccessSecretStoreCondition, EscrowReward, LockRewardCondition]
.forEach(conditionClass => {
if (!conditions.find(condition => condition instanceof conditionClass)) {
throw `${conditionClass.name} is not part of the conditions.`;
it("should create a new agreement", async () => {
await keeper.didRegistry.registerAttribute(did.replace("0x", ""), checksum, url, sender)
const agreement = await template.createAgreement(
[conditionIdAccess, conditionIdLock, conditionIdEscrow],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],