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import {assert} from "chai"
import AquariusProvider from "../../src/aquarius/AquariusProvider"
import ConfigProvider from "../../src/ConfigProvider"
import ContractHandler from "../../src/keeper/ContractHandler"
import AccessStatus from "../../src/models/AccessStatus"
import Account from "../../src/ocean/Account"
import Asset from "../../src/ocean/Asset"
import Ocean from "../../src/ocean/Ocean"
import Order from "../../src/ocean/Order"
import config from "../config"
import AquariusMock from "../mocks/Aquarius.mock"
const testName = "Order Test Asset"
const testDescription = "This asset is pure owange"
const testPrice = 100
const timeout = 1000000
const accessToken = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzM4NCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJPbmxpbmUgSldUIEJ1aWxkZXIiLCJpYXQiOjE1Mzk3ODcxMDEsImV4cCI6NDcyNjk5NjcwNCwiYXVkIjoiIiwic3ViIjoiIiwic2VydmljZV9lbmRwb2ludCI6Imh0dHA6Ly9hZGFzZCIsInJlc291cmNlX2lkIjoiMTIzNDUifQ.2H3TRC3CAToVE9divSckwHi_HNvgOHKrtJPo8128qrKBHTk7YYb0UNfVCuYqwhGR"
let ocean: Ocean
let testAsset: Asset
let accounts: Account[]
let testPublisher: Account
let testConsumer: Account
describe("Order", () => {
before(async () => {
AquariusProvider.setAquarius(new AquariusMock())
await ContractHandler.deployContracts()
ocean = await Ocean.getInstance(config)
accounts = await ocean.getAccounts()
testPublisher = accounts[0]
testConsumer = accounts[1]
// register an asset to play around with
testAsset = new Asset(testName, testDescription, testPrice, testPublisher)
await ocean.register(testAsset)
describe("#pay()", async () => {
it("should pay for an order", async () => {
const order: Order = await testAsset.purchase(testConsumer, timeout)
await order.commit(accessToken)
await testConsumer.requestTokens(testAsset.price)
const paymentId: string = await order.pay(testConsumer)
describe("#commit()", async () => {
it("should commit the order", async () => {
const order: Order = await testAsset.purchase(testConsumer, timeout)
await order.commit(accessToken)
describe("#getStatus()", async () => {
it("should get status Requested on new order", async () => {
const order: Order = await testAsset.purchase(testConsumer, timeout)
const status: AccessStatus = await order.getStatus()
assert(status === AccessStatus.Requested)
it("should get status Delivered on commited order", async () => {
const order: Order = await testAsset.purchase(testConsumer, timeout)
await order.commit(accessToken)
const status: AccessStatus = await order.getStatus()
assert(status === AccessStatus.Delivered)
describe("#consume()", () => {
it("should consume an asset", async () => {
const consumerAccount = accounts[5]
await consumerAccount.requestTokens(testAsset.price)
// place order - consumer
const order: Order = await testAsset.purchase(consumerAccount, timeout)
// commit order - provider
await order.commit(accessToken)
// pay order - consumer
await order.pay(consumerAccount)
const url = await order.consume(consumerAccount)