#!/bin/bash # Wait for contracts migration and extract Keeper artifacts RETRY_COUNT=0 COMMAND_STATUS=1 printf '\n\e[33m◯ Waiting for contracts to be generated...\e[0m\n' mkdir -p artifacts until [ $COMMAND_STATUS -eq 0 ] || [ $RETRY_COUNT -eq 120 ]; do keeper_contracts_docker_id=$(docker container ls | grep keeper-contracts | awk '{print $1}') docker cp ${keeper_contracts_docker_id}:/keeper-contracts/artifacts/ready ./artifacts/ COMMAND_STATUS=$? sleep 5 let RETRY_COUNT=RETRY_COUNT+1 done printf '\e[32m✔ Found new contract artifacts.\e[0m\n' rm -rf ./artifacts/ if [ $COMMAND_STATUS -ne 0 ]; then echo "Waited for more than two minutes, but keeper contracts have not been migrated yet. Did you run an Ethereum RPC client and the migration script?" exit 1 fi docker cp "${keeper_contracts_docker_id}":/keeper-contracts/artifacts/. ./node_modules/@oceanprotocol/keeper-contracts/artifacts/ printf '\e[32m✔ Copied new contract artifacts.\e[0m\n'