import { assert } from 'chai' import { config } from '../config' import { Ocean, templates, conditions, utils, Account, Keeper } from '../../src' // @oceanprotocol/squid const { LockRewardCondition, EscrowReward, ComputeExecutionCondition } = conditions describe('Register Escrow Compute Execution Template', () => { let ocean: Ocean let keeper: Keeper let template: templates.EscrowComputeExecutionTemplate const url = '' const checksum = 'b'.repeat(32) let escrowAmount = 12 let templateManagerOwner: Account let publisher: Account let consumer: Account let computeExecutionCondition: conditions.ComputeExecutionCondition let lockRewardCondition: conditions.LockRewardCondition let escrowReward: conditions.EscrowReward before(async () => { ocean = await Ocean.getInstance(config) keeper = ocean.keeper template = keeper.templates.escrowComputeExecutionTemplate // Accounts templateManagerOwner = (await ocean.accounts.list())[0] publisher = (await ocean.accounts.list())[1] consumer = (await ocean.accounts.list())[2] // Conditions computeExecutionCondition = keeper.conditions.computeExecutionCondition lockRewardCondition = keeper.conditions.lockRewardCondition escrowReward = keeper.conditions.escrowReward if (!ocean.keeper.dispenser) { escrowAmount = 0 } }) describe('Propose and approve template', () => { it('should propose the template', async () => { await keeper.templateStoreManager.proposeTemplate( template.getId(), consumer.getId(), true ) // TODO: Use a event to detect template mined await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2 * 1000)) }) it('should approve the template', async () => { await keeper.templateStoreManager.approveTemplate( template.getId(), templateManagerOwner.getId(), true ) // TODO: Use a event to detect template mined await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2 * 1000)) }) }) describe('Full flow', () => { const agreementId = `0x${utils.generateId()}` const did = `0x${utils.generateId()}` let conditionIdCompute: string let conditionIdLock: string let conditionIdEscrow: string it('should register a DID', async () => { await keeper.didRegistry.registerAttribute( did, checksum, [], url, publisher.getId() ) }) it('should generate the condition IDs', async () => { conditionIdCompute = await computeExecutionCondition.generateIdHash( agreementId, did, consumer.getId() ) conditionIdLock = await lockRewardCondition.generateIdHash( agreementId, await escrowReward.getAddress(), escrowAmount ) conditionIdEscrow = await escrowReward.generateIdHash( agreementId, escrowAmount, publisher.getId(), consumer.getId(), conditionIdLock, conditionIdCompute ) }) it('should have conditions types', async () => { const conditionTypes = await template.getConditionTypes() assert.equal(conditionTypes.length, 3, 'Expected 3 conditions.') assert.deepEqual( [...conditionTypes].sort(), [ computeExecutionCondition.getAddress(), escrowReward.getAddress(), lockRewardCondition.getAddress() ].sort(), "The conditions doesn't match" ) }) it('should have condition instances asociated', async () => { const conditionInstances = await template.getConditions() assert.equal(conditionInstances.length, 3, 'Expected 3 conditions.') const conditionClasses = [ ComputeExecutionCondition, EscrowReward, LockRewardCondition ] conditionClasses.forEach(conditionClass => { if ( !conditionInstances.find( condition => condition instanceof conditionClass ) ) { throw new Error( `${} is not part of the conditions.` ) } }) }) it('should create a new agreement', async () => { const agreement = await keeper.agreementStoreManager.createAgreement( agreementId, did, template.getId(), [conditionIdLock, conditionIdCompute, conditionIdEscrow], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [consumer.getId(), config.brizoAddress], consumer.getId() ) assert.isTrue(agreement.status) }) it('should not trigger the compute', async () => { const computeTriggered = await computeExecutionCondition.wasComputeTriggered( did, consumer.getId() ) assert.isFalse(computeTriggered, 'Compute has been triggered.') }) it('should fulfill LockRewardCondition', async () => { try { await consumer.requestTokens(escrowAmount) } catch {} await keeper.token.approve( lockRewardCondition.getAddress(), escrowAmount, consumer.getId() ) const fulfill = await lockRewardCondition.fulfill( agreementId, escrowReward.getAddress(), escrowAmount, consumer.getId() ) assert.isDefined(, 'Not Fulfilled event.') }) it('should fulfill ComputeExecutionCondition', async () => { const fulfill = await computeExecutionCondition.fulfill( agreementId, did, consumer.getId(), publisher.getId() ) assert.isDefined(, 'Not Fulfilled event.') }) it('should fulfill EscrowReward', async () => { const fulfill = await escrowReward.fulfill( agreementId, escrowAmount, publisher.getId(), consumer.getId(), conditionIdLock, conditionIdCompute, consumer.getId() ) assert.isDefined(, 'Not Fulfilled event.') }) it('should grant the access to the consumer', async () => { const computeTriggered = await computeExecutionCondition.wasComputeTriggered( did, consumer.getId() ) assert.isTrue(computeTriggered, 'Compute has not been triggered.') }) }) describe('Short flow', () => { const did = utils.generateId() let agreementId it('should register a DID', async () => { // This part is executed inside Ocean.assets.create() await keeper.didRegistry.registerAttribute( did, checksum, [], url, publisher.getId() ) }) it('should create a new agreement (short way)', async () => { agreementId = await template.createFullAgreement( did, escrowAmount, consumer.getId(), config.brizoAddress, consumer.getId() ) assert.match(agreementId, /^0x[a-f0-9]{64}$/i) }) it('should not grant the access to the consumer', async () => { const computeTriggered = await computeExecutionCondition.wasComputeTriggered( did, consumer.getId() ) assert.isFalse(computeTriggered, 'Compute has been triggered.') }) it('should fulfill the conditions from consumer side', async () => { try { await consumer.requestTokens(escrowAmount) } catch {} await ocean.agreements.conditions.lockReward( agreementId, escrowAmount, consumer ) }) it('should fulfill the conditions from computing side', async () => { await ocean.agreements.conditions.grantServiceExecution( agreementId, did, consumer.getId(), publisher ) await ocean.agreements.conditions.releaseReward( agreementId, escrowAmount, did, consumer.getId(), publisher.getId(), publisher ) }) it('should grant the access to the consumer', async () => { const computeTriggered = await computeExecutionCondition.wasComputeTriggered( did, consumer.getId() ) assert.isTrue(computeTriggered, 'Compute has not been triggered.') }) }) })