import { assert } from 'chai' import * as fs from 'fs' import { config } from '../config' import { getMetadata } from '../utils' import { Ocean, Account, DDO } from '../../src' // @oceanprotocol/squid describe('Consume Asset (Brizo)', () => { let ocean: Ocean let publisher: Account let consumer: Account let ddo: DDO let agreementId: string let metadata = getMetadata() before(async () => { ocean = await Ocean.getInstance(config) // Accounts ;[publisher, consumer] = await ocean.accounts.list() if (!ocean.keeper.dispenser) { metadata = getMetadata(0) } }) after(() => { try { localStorage.clear() } catch {} }) it('should authenticate the accounts', async () => { await publisher.authenticate() await consumer.authenticate() }) it('should register an asset', async () => { const steps = [] ddo = await ocean.assets .create(metadata as any, publisher) .next(step => steps.push(step)) assert.instanceOf(ddo, DDO) assert.deepEqual(steps, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) }) it('should order the asset', async () => { const accessService = ddo.findServiceByType('access') try { await consumer.requestTokens( +metadata.main.price * 10 ** -(await ocean.keeper.token.decimals()) ) } catch {} const steps = [] agreementId = await ocean.assets .order(, accessService.index, consumer) .next(step => steps.push(step)) assert.isDefined(agreementId) assert.deepEqual(steps, [0, 1, 2, 3]) }) it('should consume and store the assets', async () => { const accessService = ddo.findServiceByType('access') const folder = '/tmp/ocean/squid-js' const path = await ocean.assets.consume( agreementId,, accessService.index, consumer, folder ) assert.include(path, folder, 'The storage path is not correct.') const files = await new Promise(resolve => { fs.readdir(path, (e, fileList) => { resolve(fileList) }) }) assert.deepEqual( files, ['', 'package.json'], 'Stored files are not correct.' ) }) })