import ContractBase from "../ContractBase" import { AgreementStoreManager, ConditionStoreManager } from "../managers" import { Condition, ConditionState, conditionStateNames } from "../conditions/Condition.abstract" import Keeper from "../../Keeper" import { DDO } from '../../../ddo/DDO' import { ServiceAgreementTemplate } from '../../../ddo/ServiceAgreementTemplate' import { zeroX, Logger } from "../../../utils" export abstract class AgreementTemplate extends ContractBase { protected constructor(contractName: string) { super(contractName) } public static async getInstance(conditionName: string, templateClass: any): Promise { const condition: AgreementTemplate = new (templateClass as any)(conditionName) await condition.init() return condition } // tslint:disable-next-line public createAgreement(agreementId: string, did: string, conditionIds: string[], timeLocks: number[], timeOuts: number[], ...args: any[]) public createAgreement( agreementId: string, did: string, conditionIds: string[], timeLocks: number[], timeOuts: number[], extraArgs: any[], from?: string, ) { return this.sendFrom( "createAgreement", [ zeroX(agreementId), zeroX(did),, timeLocks, timeOuts, ...extraArgs, ], from, ) } public getConditionTypes(): Promise { return"getConditionTypes", []) } public async getConditions(): Promise { const keeper = await Keeper.getInstance() return (await this.getConditionTypes()) .map(address => keeper.getConditionByAddress(address)) } abstract getAgreementIdsFromDDO(agreementId: string, ddo: DDO, from: string): Promise abstract async getServiceAgreementTemplate(): Promise public async getServiceAgreementTemplateConditions() { const serviceAgreementTemplate = await this.getServiceAgreementTemplate() return serviceAgreementTemplate.conditions } public async getServiceAgreementTemplateConditionByRef(ref: string) { const name = (await this.getServiceAgreementTemplateConditions()) .find(({name: conditionRef}) => conditionRef === ref) .contractName return (await this.getConditions()) .find(condition => condition.contractName === name) } public async getServiceAgreementTemplateDependencies() { const serviceAgreementTemplate = await this.getServiceAgreementTemplate() return serviceAgreementTemplate.conditionDependency } /** * Returns the status of the conditions. * @param {string} agreementId Agreement ID. * @return {Promise} Conditions status. */ public async getAgreementStatus( agreementId: string ): Promise<{ [condition: string]: { condition: string, contractName: string, state: ConditionState, blocked: boolean, blockedBy: string[] } }> { const agreementStore = await AgreementStoreManager.getInstance() const conditionStore = await ConditionStoreManager.getInstance() const dependencies = await this.getServiceAgreementTemplateDependencies() const {conditionIds} = await agreementStore.getAgreement(agreementId) const conditionIdByConddition = (await this.getConditions()) .reduce((acc, {contractName}, i) => ({...acc, [contractName]: conditionIds[i]}), {}) const statesPromises = Object.keys(dependencies) .map(async (ref, i) => { const {contractName} = await this.getServiceAgreementTemplateConditionByRef(ref) return { ref, contractName, state: (await conditionStore.getCondition(conditionIdByConddition[contractName])).state } }) const states = await Promise.all(statesPromises) return states .reduce((acc, {contractName, ref, state}) => { const blockers = dependencies[ref] .map(dependency => states.find(({ref}) => ref === dependency)) .filter(condition => condition.state !== ConditionState.Fulfilled) return { ...acc, [ref]: { condition: ref, contractName, state, blocked: !!blockers.length, blockedBy: => _.ref), } } }, {}) } /** * Prints the agreement status. * @param {string} agreementId Agreement ID. */ public async printAgreementStatus(agreementId: string) { const status = await this.getAgreementStatus(agreementId) Logger.bypass("-".repeat(80)) Logger.bypass("Template:", this.contractName) Logger.bypass("Agreement ID:", agreementId) Logger.bypass("-".repeat(40)) Object.values(status) .forEach(({condition, contractName, state, blocked, blockedBy}, i) => { if (i) { Logger.bypass("-".repeat(20)) } Logger.bypass(`${condition} (${contractName})`) Logger.bypass(" Status:", state, `(${conditionStateNames[state]})`) if (blocked) { Logger.bypass(" Blocked by:", blockedBy) } }) Logger.bypass("-".repeat(80)) } }