import { lookup } from '@ethereum-navigator/navigator' import { ContractBase } from './contracts/ContractBase' import DIDRegistry from './contracts/DIDRegistry' import Dispenser from './contracts/Dispenser' import OceanToken from './contracts/Token' import { Condition, LockRewardCondition, EscrowReward, AccessSecretStoreCondition, ComputeExecutionCondition } from './contracts/conditions' import { EscrowAccessSecretStoreTemplate, EscrowComputeExecutionTemplate } from './contracts/templates' import { TemplateStoreManager, AgreementStoreManager, ConditionStoreManager } from './contracts/managers' import { objectPromiseAll } from '../utils' import { EventHandler } from './EventHandler' import { Instantiable, InstantiableConfig } from '../Instantiable.abstract' import { AgreementTemplateBase } from './contracts/templates/AgreementTemplateBase' /** * Interface with Ocean Keeper contracts. * Ocean Keeper implementation where we put the following modules together: * - TCRs: users create challenges and resolve them through voting to maintain registries. * - Ocean Tokens: the intrinsic tokens circulated inside Ocean network, which is used in the voting of TCRs. * - Marketplace: the core marketplace where people can transact with each other with Ocean tokens. */ export class Keeper extends Instantiable { /** * Returns Keeper instance. * @return {Promise} */ public static async getInstance(config: InstantiableConfig): Promise { const keeper = new Keeper() keeper.setInstanceConfig(config) // Adding keeper inside Ocean to prevent `Keeper not defined yet` error config.ocean.keeper = keeper keeper.instances = {} try { keeper.instances = await objectPromiseAll({ // Main contracts dispenser: undefined, // Optional token: OceanToken.getInstance(config), didRegistry: DIDRegistry.getInstance(config), // Managers templateStoreManager: TemplateStoreManager.getInstance(config), agreementStoreManager: AgreementStoreManager.getInstance(config), conditionStoreManager: ConditionStoreManager.getInstance(config), // Conditions lockRewardCondition: LockRewardCondition.getInstance(config), escrowReward: EscrowReward.getInstance(config), accessSecretStoreCondition: AccessSecretStoreCondition.getInstance( config ), computeExecutionCondition: ComputeExecutionCondition.getInstance(config) }) keeper.connected = true } catch { keeper.connected = false return } // Optionals try { keeper.instances.dispenser = await Dispenser.getInstance(config) } catch { keeper.logger.warn('Dispenser not available on this network.') } // Main contracts keeper.dispenser = keeper.instances.dispenser keeper.token = keeper.instances.token keeper.didRegistry = keeper.instances.didRegistry // Managers keeper.templateStoreManager = keeper.instances.templateStoreManager keeper.agreementStoreManager = keeper.instances.agreementStoreManager keeper.conditionStoreManager = keeper.instances.conditionStoreManager // Conditions keeper.conditions = { lockRewardCondition: keeper.instances.lockRewardCondition, escrowReward: keeper.instances.escrowReward, accessSecretStoreCondition: keeper.instances.accessSecretStoreCondition, computeExecutionCondition: keeper.instances.computeExecutionCondition } // Templates keeper.templates = Object() keeper.templates.escrowAccessSecretStoreTemplate = new EscrowAccessSecretStoreTemplate( keeper.templateStoreManager, keeper.agreementStoreManager, keeper.didRegistry, keeper.conditions ) keeper.templates.escrowComputeExecutionTemplate = new EscrowComputeExecutionTemplate( keeper.templateStoreManager, keeper.agreementStoreManager, keeper.didRegistry, keeper.conditions ) // Utils keeper.utils = { eventHandler: new EventHandler(config) } return keeper } /** * Is connected to the correct network or not. * @type {boolean} */ public connected: boolean = false /** * Ocean Token smart contract instance. * @type {OceanToken} */ public token: OceanToken /** * Ocean Market smart contract instance. * @type {Dispenser} */ public dispenser: Dispenser /** * DID registry smart contract instance. * @type {DIDRegistry} */ public didRegistry: DIDRegistry /** * Template store manager smart contract instance. * @type {TemplateStoreManager} */ public templateStoreManager: TemplateStoreManager /** * Template store manager smart contract instance. * @type {AgreementStoreManager} */ public agreementStoreManager: AgreementStoreManager /** * Template store manager smart contract instance. * @type {ConditionStoreManager} */ public conditionStoreManager: ConditionStoreManager /** * Conditions instances. */ public conditions: { lockRewardCondition: LockRewardCondition escrowReward: EscrowReward accessSecretStoreCondition: AccessSecretStoreCondition computeExecutionCondition: ComputeExecutionCondition } /** * Templates instances. */ public templates: { escrowAccessSecretStoreTemplate: EscrowAccessSecretStoreTemplate escrowComputeExecutionTemplate: EscrowComputeExecutionTemplate } /** * Helpers for contracts. */ public utils: { eventHandler: EventHandler } private instances: { [contractRef: string]: ContractBase & any } /** * Returns a condition by address. * @param {string} address Address of deployed condition. * @return {Condition} Condition instance. */ public getConditionByAddress(address: string): Condition { return Object.values(this.conditions).find( (condition) => condition.getAddress() === address ) } /** * Returns a template by name. * @param {string} name Template name. * @return {AgreementTemplateBase} AgreementTemplateBase instance. */ public getTemplateByName(name: string): AgreementTemplateBase { return Object.values(this.templates).find( (template) => template.templateName === name ) } /** * Returns a template by address. * @param {string} templateId Template id (hex representation of bytes32). * @return {AgreementTemplateBase} AgreementTemplateBase instance. */ public getTemplateById(templateId: string): AgreementTemplateBase { return Object.values(this.templates).find( (template) => template.getId() === templateId ) } /** * Returns network id. * @return {Promise} Network ID. */ public getNetworkId(): Promise { return } /** * Returns the network by name. * @return {Promise} Network name. */ public async getNetworkName(): Promise { return number) => { const network = lookup(networkId) return network && ? : 'Development' }) } public getAllInstances() { return this.instances } } export default Keeper