import { assert, expect, spy, use } from 'chai' import spies from 'chai-spies' import config from '../../config' import { Ocean } from '../../../src/ocean/Ocean' use(spies) describe('SignatureUtils', () => { const publicKey = `0x${'a'.repeat(40)}` const text = '0123456789abcde' const signature = `0x${'a'.repeat(130)}` let web3 let ocean: Ocean before(async () => { ocean = await Ocean.getInstance(config) web3 = (ocean as any).web3 }) afterEach(() => { spy.restore() }) describe('#signText', () => { let personalSignSpy beforeEach(() => { personalSignSpy = spy.on(web3.eth.personal, 'sign', () => signature) }) it('should sign a text as expected', async () => { const signed = await ocean.utils.signature.signText(text, publicKey) assert.equal(signed, signature) expect(personalSignSpy).to.have.been.called.with(text, publicKey) }) it('should sign a text as expected using password', async () => { const signed = await ocean.utils.signature.signText( text, publicKey, 'test' ) assert.equal(signed, signature) expect(personalSignSpy).to.have.been.called.with( text, publicKey, 'test' ) }) }) describe('#verifyText', () => { it('should recover the privateKey of a signed message', async () => { const personalRecoverSpy = spy.on( web3.eth.personal, 'ecRecover', () => publicKey ) const verifiedPublicKey = await ocean.utils.signature.verifyText( text, signature ) assert.equal(publicKey, verifiedPublicKey) expect(personalRecoverSpy).to.have.been.called.with(text, signature) }) }) })