import {assert} from "chai" import ConfigProvider from "../../src/ConfigProvider" import ContractHandler from "../../src/keeper/ContractHandler" import Web3Provider from "../../src/keeper/Web3Provider" import Account from "../../src/ocean/Account" import Ocean from "../../src/ocean/Ocean" import config from "../config" let ocean: Ocean let accounts: Account[] describe("Account", () => { before(async () => { ConfigProvider.configure(config) await ContractHandler.deployContracts() ocean = await Ocean.getInstance(config) accounts = await ocean.getAccounts() }) describe("#getOceanBalance()", () => { it("should get initial ocean balance", async () => { const balance = await accounts[8].getOceanBalance() assert(0 === balance, `Expected 0 got ${balance}`) }) it("should get the correct balance", async () => { const amount: number = 100 const account: Account = accounts[0] await account.requestTokens(amount) const balance = await account.getOceanBalance() assert(amount === balance) }) }) describe("#getEthBalance()", () => { it("should get initial ether balance", async () => { const account: Account = accounts[9] const balance = await account.getEtherBalance() const web3 = Web3Provider.getWeb3() assert(Number(web3.utils.toWei("100", "ether")) === balance) }) }) describe("#getBalance()", () => { it("should get initial balance", async () => { const account: Account = accounts[9] const balance = await account.getBalance() const web3 = Web3Provider.getWeb3() assert(Number(web3.utils.toWei("100", "ether")) === balance.eth) assert(0 === balance.ocn) }) }) describe("#requestTokens()", () => { it("should return the amount of tokens granted", async () => { const tokens = 500 const account: Account = accounts[0] const tokensGranted: number = await account.requestTokens(tokens) assert(tokensGranted === tokens) }) }) })