import { TransactionReceipt } from 'web3-core' import { SearchQuery } from '../aquarius/Aquarius' import { DDO } from '../ddo/DDO' import { MetaData, EditableMetaData } from '../ddo/MetaData' import { Service, ServiceAccess, ServiceComputePrivacy } from '../ddo/Service' import Account from './Account' import DID from './DID' import { fillConditionsWithDDO, SubscribablePromise, didZeroX } from '../utils' import { Instantiable, InstantiableConfig } from '../Instantiable.abstract' import { OrderProgressStep } from './utils/ServiceUtils' export enum CreateProgressStep { EncryptingFiles, FilesEncrypted, GeneratingProof, ProofGenerated, RegisteringDid, DidRegistred, StoringDdo, DdoStored } /** * Assets submodule of Ocean Protocol. */ export class OceanAssets extends Instantiable { /** * Returns the instance of OceanAssets. * @return {Promise} */ public static async getInstance(config: InstantiableConfig): Promise { const instance = new OceanAssets() instance.setInstanceConfig(config) return instance } /** * Returns a DDO by DID. * @param {string} did Decentralized ID. * @return {Promise} */ public async resolve(did: string): Promise { const { serviceEndpoint } = await this.ocean.keeper.didRegistry.getAttributesByDid(did) return this.ocean.aquarius.retrieveDDOByUrl(serviceEndpoint) } /** * Creates a new DDO. * @param {MetaData} metadata DDO metadata. * @param {Account} publisher Publisher account. * @param {list} services list of Service description documents * @return {Promise} */ public create( metadata: MetaData, publisher: Account, services: Service[] = [] ): SubscribablePromise { this.logger.log('Creating asset') return new SubscribablePromise(async observer => { const { secretStoreUri } = this.config const { didRegistry, templates } = this.ocean.keeper const did: DID = DID.generate() this.logger.log('Encrypting files') const encryptedFiles = await this.ocean.secretStore.encrypt( did.getId(), metadata.main.files, publisher ) this.logger.log('Files encrypted') // make sure that access service is defined if services is empty if (services.length === 0) { const accessService = await this.createAccessServiceAttributes( publisher, metadata.main.price, metadata.main.datePublished ) services.push(accessService) } const serviceAgreementTemplate = await templates.escrowAccessSecretStoreTemplate.getServiceAgreementTemplate() const serviceEndpoint = this.ocean.aquarius.getServiceEndpoint(did) let indexCount = 0 // create ddo itself const ddo: DDO = new DDO({ id: did.getDid(), authentication: [ { type: 'RsaSignatureAuthentication2018', publicKey: did.getDid() } ], publicKey: [ { id: did.getDid(), type: 'EthereumECDSAKey', owner: publisher.getId() } ], service: [ { type: 'authorization', service: 'SecretStore', serviceEndpoint: secretStoreUri, attributes: { main: {} } }, { type: 'metadata', serviceEndpoint, attributes: { // Default values curation: { rating: 0, numVotes: 0 }, // Overwrites defaults ...metadata, encryptedFiles, // Cleaning not needed information main: { ...metadata.main, files:, index) => ({ ...file, index, url: undefined })) } as any } }, ] // Remove duplications .reverse() .filter( ({ type }, i, list) => list.findIndex(({ type: t }) => t === type) === i ) .reverse() // Adding index .map(_ => ({ ..._, index: indexCount++ })) as Service[] }) // Overwrite initial service agreement conditions serviceAgreementTemplate.conditions = fillConditionsWithDDO( await templates.escrowAccessSecretStoreTemplate.getServiceAgreementTemplateConditions(), ddo ) for (const service of services) { if (service.type === 'compute') { service.attributes.serviceAgreementTemplate.conditions = fillConditionsWithDDO( await templates.escrowComputeExecutionTemplate.getServiceAgreementTemplateConditions(), ddo ) } } this.logger.log('Generating proof') await ddo.addProof(this.ocean, publisher.getId(), publisher.getPassword()) this.logger.log('Proof generated') this.logger.log('Registering DID') await didRegistry.registerAttribute( did.getId(), ddo.getChecksum(), [this.config.brizoAddress], serviceEndpoint, publisher.getId() ) this.logger.log('DID registred') this.logger.log('Storing DDO') const storedDdo = await this.ocean.aquarius.storeDDO(ddo) this.logger.log('DDO stored') return storedDdo }) } public async consume( agreementId: string, did: string, consumerAccount: Account, resultPath: string, index?: number, useSecretStore?: boolean ): Promise /* eslint-disable no-dupe-class-members */ public async consume( agreementId: string, did: string, consumerAccount: Account, resultPath?: undefined | null, index?: number, useSecretStore?: boolean ): Promise public async consume( agreementId: string, did: string, consumerAccount: Account, resultPath?: string, index: number = -1, useSecretStore?: boolean ): Promise { const ddo = await this.resolve(did) const { attributes } = ddo.findServiceByType('metadata') const accessService = ddo.findServiceByType('access') const { files } = attributes.main const { serviceEndpoint } = accessService if (!serviceEndpoint) { throw new Error( 'Consume asset failed, service definition is missing the `serviceEndpoint`.' ) } this.logger.log('Consuming files') resultPath = resultPath ? `${resultPath}/datafile.${ddo.shortId()}.${accessService.index}/` : undefined if (!useSecretStore) { await this.ocean.brizo.consumeService( agreementId, serviceEndpoint, consumerAccount, files, resultPath, index ) } else { const files = await this.ocean.secretStore.decrypt( did, ddo.findServiceByType('metadata').attributes.encryptedFiles, consumerAccount, ddo.findServiceByType('authorization').serviceEndpoint ) const downloads = files .filter(({ index: i }) => index === -1 || index === i) .map(({ url, index: i }) => this.ocean.utils.fetch.downloadFile(url, resultPath, i) ) await Promise.all(downloads) } this.logger.log('Files consumed') if (resultPath) { return resultPath } return true } /* eslint-enable no-dupe-class-members */ /** * Start the purchase/order of an asset's service. Starts by signing the service agreement * then sends the request to the publisher via the service endpoint (Brizo http service). * @param {string} did Decentralized ID. * @param {Account} consumerAccount Consumer account. * @param {string} provider ethereum address of service provider (optional) * @return {Promise} Returns Agreement ID */ public order( did: string, consumerAccount: Account, provider?: string ): SubscribablePromise { return new SubscribablePromise(async observer => { const { keeper, utils } = this.ocean const ddo: DDO = await this.resolve(did) const condition = keeper.conditions.accessSecretStoreCondition const agreementId = await 'access', condition, observer, consumerAccount, ddo, provider ) return agreementId }) } /** * Returns the owner of an asset. * @param {string} did Decentralized ID. * @return {Promise} Returns Account ID */ public async owner(did: string): Promise { const owner = await this.ocean.keeper.didRegistry.getDIDOwner(did) return owner } /** * Returns the creator of a asset. * @param {string} did Decentralized ID. * @return {Promise} Returns eth address */ public async creator(did: string): Promise { const ddo = await this.resolve(did) const checksum = ddo.getChecksum() const { creator, signatureValue } = ddo.proof const signer = await this.ocean.utils.signature.verifyText( checksum, signatureValue ) if (signer.toLowerCase() !== creator.toLowerCase()) { this.logger.warn( `Owner of ${} doesn't match. Expected ${creator} instead of ${signer}.` ) } return creator } /** * Returns the assets of a owner. * @param {string} owner Owner address. * @return {Promise} List of DIDs. */ public async ownerAssets(owner: string): Promise { return this.ocean.keeper.didRegistry.getAttributesByOwner(owner) } /** * Transfer ownership of an asset. * @param {string} did Asset DID. * @param {string} newOwner Ethereum address of the new owner of the DID. * @param {Account} account Ethereum account of original/old owner to sign and prove the ownership. * @return {Promise} Returns Web3 transaction receipt. */ public async transferOwnership( did: string, newOwner: string, account: Account ): Promise { const oldOwner = await this.ocean.assets.owner(did) const oldDdo = await this.ocean.aquarius.retrieveDDO(did) // update owner on-chain const txReceipt = this.ocean.keeper.didRegistry.transferDIDOwnership( did, newOwner, oldOwner ) // get a signature const signature = await this.ocean.utils.signature.signForAquarius( oldDdo.updated, account ) if (signature != null) await this.ocean.aquarius.transferOwnership( did, newOwner, oldDdo.updated, signature ) return txReceipt } /** * Edit Metadata for a DDO. * @param {did} string DID. * @param {newMetadata} EditableMetaData Metadata fields & new values. * @param {Account} account Ethereum account of owner to sign and prove the ownership. * @return {Promise} */ public async editMetadata( did: string, newMetadata: EditableMetaData, account: Account ): Promise { const oldDdo = await this.ocean.aquarius.retrieveDDO(did) // get a signature const signature = await this.ocean.utils.signature.signForAquarius( oldDdo.updated, account ) let result = null if (signature != null) result = await this.ocean.aquarius.editMetadata( did, newMetadata, oldDdo.updated, signature ) return result } /** * Update Compute Privacy * @param {did} string DID. * @param {number} serviceIndex Index of the compute service in the DDO * @param {ServiceComputePrivacy} computePrivacy ComputePrivacy fields & new values. * @param {Account} account Ethereum account of owner to sign and prove the ownership. * @return {Promise} */ public async updateComputePrivacy( did: string, serviceIndex: number, computePrivacy: ServiceComputePrivacy, account: Account ): Promise { const oldDdo = await this.ocean.aquarius.retrieveDDO(did) // get a signature const signature = await this.ocean.utils.signature.signForAquarius( oldDdo.updated, account ) let result = null if (signature != null) result = await this.ocean.aquarius.updateComputePrivacy( did, serviceIndex, computePrivacy.allowRawAlgorithm, computePrivacy.allowNetworkAccess, computePrivacy.trustedAlgorithms, oldDdo.updated, signature ) return result } /** * Retire a DDO (Delete) * @param {did} string DID. * @param {Account} account Ethereum account of owner to sign and prove the ownership. * @return {Promise} */ public async retire(did: string, account: Account): Promise { const oldDdo = await this.ocean.aquarius.retrieveDDO(did) // get a signature const signature = await this.ocean.utils.signature.signForAquarius( oldDdo.updated, account ) let result = null if (signature != null) result = await this.ocean.aquarius.retire(did, oldDdo.updated, signature) return result } /** * Returns the assets of a consumer. * @param {string} consumer Consumer address. * @return {Promise} List of DIDs. */ public async consumerAssets(consumer: string): Promise { return ( await this.ocean.keeper.conditions.accessSecretStoreCondition.getGrantedDidByConsumer( consumer ) ).map(({ did }) => did) } /** * Search over the assets using a query. * @param {SearchQuery} query Query to filter the assets. * @return {Promise} */ public async query(query: SearchQuery) { return this.ocean.aquarius.queryMetadata(query) } /** * Search over the assets using a keyword. * @param {SearchQuery} text Text to filter the assets. * @return {Promise} */ public async search(text: string) { return this.ocean.aquarius.queryMetadataByText({ text, page: 1, offset: 100, query: { value: 1 }, sort: { value: 1 } } as SearchQuery) } public async createAccessServiceAttributes( consumerAccount: Account, price: string, datePublished: string, timeout: number = 0 ): Promise { const { templates } = this.ocean.keeper const serviceAgreementTemplate = await templates.escrowAccessSecretStoreTemplate.getServiceAgreementTemplate() return { type: 'access', index: 2, serviceEndpoint: this.ocean.brizo.getConsumeEndpoint(), templateId: templates.escrowAccessSecretStoreTemplate.getId(), attributes: { main: { creator: consumerAccount.getId(), datePublished, price, timeout: timeout, name: 'dataAssetAccessServiceAgreement' }, serviceAgreementTemplate } } } /** * Get FreeWhiteList for a DID * @param {string} did Asset DID. * @return {Promise} List of addresses. */ public async getFreeWhiteList(did: string): Promise { const events = await this.ocean.keeper.didRegistry.getPastEvents( 'DIDPermissionGranted', { _did: didZeroX(did) } ) const list ={ returnValues }) => returnValues._grantee) const filteredList = [] for (let index = 0; index < list.length; index++) { const address = list[index] const hasPermission = await this.ocean.keeper.didRegistry.getPermission( did, address ) if (hasPermission) filteredList.push(address) } return filteredList } /** * Add consumer to FreeWhiteList for a DID * @param {string} did Asset DID. * @param {string} consumer Ethereum address to add to the list. * @param {Account} account Ethereum account of DID owner * @return None */ public async addConsumerToFreeWhiteList( did: string, consumer: string, account: Account ): Promise { await this.ocean.keeper.didRegistry.grantPermission( did, consumer, account.getId() ) } /** * Remove consumer from DID's FreeWhiteList * @param {string} did Asset DID. * @param {string} consumer Ethereum address to add to the list. * @param {Account} account Ethereum account of DID owner * @return None */ public async removeConsumerFromFreeWhiteList( did: string, consumer: string, account: Account ): Promise { await this.ocean.keeper.didRegistry.revokePermission( did, consumer, account.getId() ) } }