import { assert, expect, spy, use } from "chai" import * as spies from "chai-spies" import ConfigProvider from "../../src/ConfigProvider" import { DDO } from "../../src/ddo/DDO" import { Service } from "../../src/ddo/Service" import * as signatureHelpers from "../../src/utils/SignatureHelpers" import config from "../config" import * as jsonDDO from "../testdata/ddo.json" use(spies) describe("DDO", () => { const testDDO: DDO = new DDO({ id: `did:op:${"a".repeat(64)}`, publicKey: [ { id: "did:op:123456789abcdefghi#keys-1", type: "RsaVerificationKey2018", owner: "did:op:123456789abcdefghi", publicKeyPem: "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY...END PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n", }, { id: "did:op:123456789abcdefghi#keys-2", type: "Ed25519VerificationKey2018", owner: "did:op:123456789abcdefghi", publicKeyBase58: "H3C2AVvLMv6gmMNam3uVAjZpfkcJCwDwnZn6z3wXmqPV", }, ], authentication: [ { type: "RsaSignatureAuthentication2018", publicKey: "did:op:123456789abcdefghi#keys-1", }, { type: "ieee2410Authentication2018", publicKey: "did:op:123456789abcdefghi#keys-2", }, ], service: [ { type: "OpenIdConnectVersion1.0Service", serviceEndpoint: "", }, { type: "CredentialRepositoryService", serviceEndpoint: "", }, { type: "XdiService", serviceEndpoint: "", }, { type: "HubService", serviceEndpoint: "", }, { type: "MessagingService", serviceEndpoint: "", }, { type: "SocialWebInboxService", serviceEndpoint: "", description: "My public social inbox", spamCost: { amount: "0.50", currency: "USD", }, } as any, { id: "did:op:123456789abcdefghi;bops", type: "BopsService", serviceEndpoint: "", }, { type: "Consume", // tslint:disable-next-line serviceEndpoint: "${pubKey}&serviceId={serviceId}&url={url}", }, { type: "Compute", // tslint:disable-next-line serviceEndpoint: "${pubKey}&serviceId={serviceId}&algo={algo}&container={container}", }, { type: "Metadata", serviceEndpoint: "{did}", metadata: { base: { name: "UK Weather information 2011", type: "dataset", description: "Weather information of UK including temperature and humidity", size: "3.1gb", dateCreated: "2012-10-10T17:00:000Z", author: "Met Office", license: "CC-BY", copyrightHolder: "Met Office", encoding: "UTF-8", compression: "zip", contentType: "text/csv", workExample: "423432fsd,51.509865,-0.118092,2011-01-01T10:55:11+00:00,7.2,68", contentUrls: [ "", "", ], links: [ { // tslint:disable-next-line sample1: "" }, { // tslint:disable-next-line sample2: "" }, { fieldsDescription: "", }, ], inLanguage: "en", tags: "weather, uk, 2011, temperature, humidity", price: 10, files: [ { url: "234ab87234acbd09543085340abffh21983ddhiiee982143827423421", checksum: "efb2c764274b745f5fc37f97c6b0e761", contentLength: "4535431", resourceId: "access-log2018-02-13-15-17-29-18386C502CAEA932", }, { url: "234ab87234acbd6894237582309543085340abffh21983ddhiiee982143827423421", checksum: "085340abffh21495345af97c6b0e761", contentLength: "12324", }, { url: "80684089027358963495379879a543085340abffh21983ddhiiee982143827abcc2", }, ], checksum: "", }, curation: { rating: 0.93, numVotes: 123, schema: "Binary Votting", }, additionalInformation: { updateFrecuency: "yearly", structuredMarkup: [ { uri: "", mediaType: "application/ld+json", }, { uri: "", mediaType: "text/turtle", }, ], }, }, }, ], }) before(async () => { ConfigProvider.setConfig(config) }) afterEach(() => { spy.restore() }) describe("#serialize()", () => { it("should properly serialize", async () => { const ddoString = DDO.serialize(testDDO) assert(ddoString) assert(ddoString.startsWith("{")) }) }) describe("#constructor()", () => { it("should create an empty ddo", async () => { const ddo = new DDO() assert(ddo) assert(ddo.service.length === 0) assert(ddo.authentication.length === 0) assert(ddo.publicKey.length === 0) }) it("should create an predefined ddo", async () => { const service: Partial = { serviceEndpoint: "http://", description: "nice service", } const ddo = new DDO({ service: [service as any], }) assert(ddo) assert(ddo.service.length === 1) assert(ddo.service[0].description === service.description) assert(ddo.authentication.length === 0) assert(ddo.publicKey.length === 0) }) }) describe("#deserialize()", () => { it("should properly deserialize from serialized object", async () => { const ddoString = DDO.serialize(testDDO) assert.typeOf(ddoString, "string") const ddo: DDO = DDO.deserialize(ddoString) assert.instanceOf(ddo, DDO) assert.equal(, assert.equal(ddo.publicKey[0].publicKeyPem, testDDO.publicKey[0].publicKeyPem) }) it("should properly deserialize from json file", async () => { const ddo: DDO = DDO.deserialize(JSON.stringify(jsonDDO)) assert(ddo) assert.equal(, assert.equal(ddo.publicKey[0].publicKeyPem, jsonDDO.publicKey[0].publicKeyPem) }) }) describe("#getChecksum()", () => { it("should properly generate a the checksum DDO", async () => { const ddo = new DDO(testDDO) const checksum = ddo.getChecksum() assert.equal(checksum, "0x15f27a7a3c7b15d2b06dec7347c6b8da168adddd7df51a8ebbbe87b59b80049b") }) }) describe("#generateProof()", () => { const publicKey = `0x${"a".repeat(40)}` const signature = `0x${"a".repeat(130)}` it("should properly generate the proof", async () => { const signTextSpy = spy.on(signatureHelpers, "signText", () => signature) const ddo = new DDO(testDDO) const checksum = ddo.getChecksum() const proof = await ddo.generateProof(publicKey) assert.include(proof as any, { creator: publicKey, type: "DDOIntegritySignature", signatureValue: signature, }) expect(signTextSpy).to.have.been.called.with(checksum, publicKey) }) }) describe("#addProof()", () => { const publicKey = `0x${"a".repeat(40)}` it("should properly add the proof on the DDO", async () => { const fakeProof = { creation:, creator: "test", type: "test", signaturValue: "test", } as any const ddo = new DDO(testDDO) const generateProofSpy = spy.on(ddo, "generateProof", () => fakeProof) await ddo.addProof(publicKey) assert.equal(ddo.proof, fakeProof) expect(generateProofSpy).to.have.been.called.with(publicKey) }) }) })