import { DDO, Logger } from '@oceanprotocol/lib' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { useOcean } from 'providers' import { PriceOptions } from './PriceOptions' import { TransactionReceipt } from 'web3-core' import { Decimal } from 'decimal.js' import { getFirstPoolPrice, getCreatePricingPoolFeedback, getCreatePricingExchangeFeedback, getBuyDTFeedback, getSellDTFeedback, sleep, getDataTokenPrice } from 'utils' interface UsePricing { dtSymbol?: string dtName?: string createPricing: ( priceOptions: PriceOptions ) => Promise buyDT: (dtAmount: number | string) => Promise sellDT: (dtAmount: number | string) => Promise mint: (tokensToMint: string) => Promise pricingStep?: number pricingStepText?: string pricingError?: string pricingIsLoading: boolean } function usePricing(ddo: DDO): UsePricing { const { ocean, accountId, config } = useOcean() const [pricingIsLoading, setPricingIsLoading] = useState(false) const [pricingStep, setPricingStep] = useState() const [pricingStepText, setPricingStepText] = useState() const [pricingError, setPricingError] = useState() const [dtSymbol, setDtSymbol] = useState() const [dtName, setDtName] = useState() const { dataToken, dataTokenInfo } = ddo // Get Datatoken info, from DDO first, then from chain useEffect(() => { if (!dataToken) return async function init() { const dtSymbol = dataTokenInfo ? dataTokenInfo.symbol : await ocean?.datatokens.getSymbol(dataToken) setDtSymbol(dtSymbol) const dtName = dataTokenInfo ? : await ocean?.datatokens.getName(dataToken) setDtName(dtName) } init() }, [ocean, dataToken, dataTokenInfo]) // Helper for setting steps & feedback for all flows function setStep(index: number, type: 'pool' | 'exchange' | 'buy' | 'sell') { setPricingStep(index) if (!dtSymbol) return let messages switch (type) { case 'pool': messages = getCreatePricingPoolFeedback(dtSymbol) break case 'exchange': messages = getCreatePricingExchangeFeedback(dtSymbol) break case 'buy': messages = getBuyDTFeedback(dtSymbol) break case 'sell': messages = getSellDTFeedback(dtSymbol) break } setPricingStepText(messages[index]) } async function mint( tokensToMint: string ): Promise { Logger.log('mint function', dataToken, accountId) const balance = new Decimal( await ocean.datatokens.balance(dataToken, accountId) ) const tokens = new Decimal(tokensToMint) if (tokens.greaterThan(balance)) { const mintAmount = tokens.minus(balance) const tx = await dataToken, accountId, mintAmount.toString() ) return tx } } async function buyDT( dtAmount: number | string ): Promise { if (!ocean || !accountId) return let tx try { setPricingIsLoading(true) setPricingError(undefined) setStep(1, 'buy') const bestPrice = await await getDataTokenPrice( ocean, ddo.dataToken, ddo?.price?.type, ddo.price.address ) Logger.log('Price found for buying', bestPrice) switch (bestPrice?.type) { case 'pool': { const price = new Decimal(bestPrice.value).times(1.05).toString() const maxPrice = new Decimal(bestPrice.value).times(2).toString() setStep(2, 'buy') Logger.log('Buying token from pool', bestPrice, accountId, price) tx = await ocean.pool.buyDT( accountId, bestPrice.address, String(dtAmount), price, maxPrice ) setStep(3, 'buy') Logger.log('DT buy response', tx) break } case 'exchange': { if (!config.oceanTokenAddress) { Logger.error(`'oceanTokenAddress' not set in config`) return } if (!config.fixedRateExchangeAddress) { Logger.error(`'fixedRateExchangeAddress' not set in config`) return } Logger.log('Buying token from exchange', bestPrice, accountId) await ocean.datatokens.approve( config.oceanTokenAddress, config.fixedRateExchangeAddress, `${bestPrice.value}`, accountId ) setStep(2, 'buy') tx = await ocean.fixedRateExchange.buyDT( bestPrice.address, `${dtAmount}`, accountId ) setStep(3, 'buy') Logger.log('DT exchange buy response', tx) break } } } catch (error) { setPricingError(error.message) Logger.error(error) } finally { setStep(0, 'buy') setPricingStepText(undefined) setPricingIsLoading(false) } return tx } async function sellDT( dtAmount: number | string ): Promise { if (!ocean || !accountId) return if (!config.oceanTokenAddress) { Logger.error(`'oceanTokenAddress' not set in config`) return } try { setPricingIsLoading(true) setPricingError(undefined) setStep(1, 'sell') const pool = await getFirstPoolPrice(ocean, dataToken) if (!pool || pool.value === 0) return const price = new Decimal(pool.value).times(0.95).toString() setStep(2, 'sell') Logger.log('Selling token to pool', pool, accountId, price) const tx = await ocean.pool.sellDT( accountId, pool.address, `${dtAmount}`, price ) setStep(3, 'sell') Logger.log('DT sell response', tx) return tx } catch (error) { setPricingError(error.message) Logger.error(error) } finally { setStep(0, 'sell') setPricingStepText(undefined) setPricingIsLoading(false) } } async function createPricing( priceOptions: PriceOptions ): Promise { if (!ocean || !accountId || !dtSymbol) return const { type, oceanAmount, price, weightOnDataToken, swapFee } = priceOptions let { dtAmount } = priceOptions const isPool = type === 'dynamic' if (!isPool && !config.fixedRateExchangeAddress) { Logger.error(`'fixedRateExchangeAddress' not set in config.`) return } setPricingIsLoading(true) setPricingError(undefined) setStep(99, 'pool') try { // if fixedPrice set dt to max amount if (!isPool) dtAmount = 1000 await mint(`${dtAmount}`) // dtAmount for fixed price is set to max const tx = isPool ? await ocean.pool .create( accountId, dataToken, `${dtAmount}`, weightOnDataToken, `${oceanAmount}`, swapFee ) .next((step: number) => setStep(step, 'pool')) : await ocean.fixedRateExchange .create(dataToken, `${price}`, accountId, `${dtAmount}`) .next((step: number) => setStep(step, 'exchange')) await sleep(20000) return tx } catch (error) { setPricingError(error.message) Logger.error(error) } finally { setPricingStep(0) setPricingStepText(undefined) setPricingIsLoading(false) } } return { dtSymbol, dtName, createPricing, buyDT, sellDT, mint, pricingStep, pricingStepText, pricingIsLoading, pricingError } } export { usePricing, UsePricing } export default usePricing