import { useState } from 'react' import { DDO, Metadata, Logger } from '@oceanprotocol/lib' import { useOcean } from '../../providers' import ProviderStatus from '../../providers/OceanProvider/ProviderStatus' import { Service, ServiceComputePrivacy, ServiceType } from '@oceanprotocol/lib/dist/node/ddo/interfaces/Service' import { PriceOptions } from './PriceOptions' import { publishFeedback } from '../../utils' import { DataTokenOptions } from '.' interface UsePublish { publish: ( asset: Metadata, priceOptions: PriceOptions, serviceConfigs: ServiceType, dataTokenOptions?: DataTokenOptions ) => Promise mint: (tokenAddress: string, tokensToMint: string) => void publishStep?: number publishStepText?: string publishError?: string isLoading: boolean } function usePublish(): UsePublish { const { ocean, status, account, accountId, config } = useOcean() const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false) const [publishStep, setPublishStep] = useState() const [publishStepText, setPublishStepText] = useState() const [publishError, setPublishError] = useState() function setStep(index?: number) { setPublishStep(index) index && setPublishStepText(publishFeedback[index]) } async function mint(tokenAddress: string, tokensToMint: string) { Logger.log('mint function', tokenAddress, accountId) await, accountId, tokensToMint) } async function createPricing( priceOptions: PriceOptions, dataTokenAddress: string, mintedTokens: string ): Promise { switch (priceOptions.type) { case 'dynamic': { const pool = await ocean.pool.createDTPool( accountId, dataTokenAddress, priceOptions.tokensToMint.toString(), priceOptions.weightOnDataToken, priceOptions.liquidityProviderFee ) break } case 'fixed': { if (!config.fixedRateExchangeAddress) { Logger.error(`'fixedRateExchangeAddress' not set in ccnfig.`) return null } const fixedPriceExchange = await ocean.fixedRateExchange.create( dataTokenAddress, priceOptions.price.toString(), accountId ) await ocean.datatokens.approve( dataTokenAddress, config.fixedRateExchangeAddress, mintedTokens, accountId ) break } } } /** * Publish an asset.It also creates the datatoken, mints tokens and gives the market allowance * @param {Metadata} asset The metadata of the asset. * @param {PriceOptions} priceOptions : number of tokens to mint, datatoken weight , liquidity fee, type : fixed, dynamic * @param {ServiceType} serviceType Desired service type of the asset access or compute * @param {DataTokenOptions} dataTokenOptions custom name, symbol and cap for datatoken * @return {Promise} Returns the newly published ddo */ async function publish( asset: Metadata, priceOptions: PriceOptions, serviceType: ServiceType, dataTokenOptions?: DataTokenOptions ): Promise { if (status !== ProviderStatus.CONNECTED || !ocean || !account) return null setIsLoading(true) setPublishError(undefined) try { const tokensToMint = priceOptions.tokensToMint.toString() const publishedDate = new Date('.')[0] + 'Z' const timeout = 0 const services: Service[] = [] const price = ocean.datatokens.toWei('1') switch (serviceType) { case 'access': { const accessService = await ocean.assets.createAccessServiceAttributes( account, price, publishedDate, timeout ) Logger.log('access service created', accessService) services.push(accessService) break } case 'compute': { const cluster = ocean.compute.createClusterAttributes( 'Kubernetes', '' ) const servers = [ ocean.compute.createServerAttributes( '1', 'xlsize', '50', '16', '0', '128gb', '160gb', timeout ) ] const containers = [ ocean.compute.createContainerAttributes( 'tensorflow/tensorflow', 'latest', 'sha256:cb57ecfa6ebbefd8ffc7f75c0f00e57a7fa739578a429b6f72a0df19315deadc' ) ] const provider = ocean.compute.createProviderAttributes( 'Azure', 'Compute service with 16gb ram for each node.', cluster, containers, servers ) const origComputePrivacy = { allowRawAlgorithm: true, allowNetworkAccess: false, trustedAlgorithms: [] as any } const computeService = ocean.compute.createComputeService( account, price, publishedDate, provider, origComputePrivacy as ServiceComputePrivacy ) services.push(computeService) break } } Logger.log('services created', services) const ddo = await ocean.assets .create( asset, account, services, dataTokenOptions?.cap, dataTokenOptions?.name, dataTokenOptions?.symbol ) .next(setStep) Logger.log('ddo created', ddo) setStep(7) await mint(ddo.dataToken, tokensToMint) Logger.log(`minted ${tokensToMint} tokens`) await createPricing(priceOptions, ddo.dataToken, tokensToMint) setStep(8) return ddo } catch (error) { setPublishError(error.message) Logger.error(error) setStep() } finally { setIsLoading(false) } } return { publish, mint, publishStep, publishStepText, isLoading, publishError } } export { usePublish, UsePublish } export default usePublish