import { useState } from 'react' import { Logger, DDO, ComputeJob } from '@oceanprotocol/squid' import { useOcean } from '../../providers' import { SearchQuery, Aquarius, QueryResult } from '@oceanprotocol/squid/dist/node/aquarius/Aquarius' import { ComputeItem } from './ComputeItem' // TODO searchText, interface UseSearch { searchWithQuery: (query: SearchQuery) => Promise getPublishedList: (page: number, offset: number) => Promise getConsumedList: () => Promise getComputeItems: () => Promise searchError?: string } function useSearch(): UseSearch { // should we call the useOcean hook in useSearch or in each function? const { ocean, account, config, accountId } = useOcean() const [searchError, setSearchError] = useState() async function searchWithQuery(query: SearchQuery): Promise { if (!ocean || !account) return setSearchError(undefined) try { const aquarius = new Aquarius(config.aquariusUri as string, Logger) return await aquarius.queryMetadata(query) } catch (error) { setSearchError(error.message) } } async function getPublishedList( page: number, offset: number ): Promise { if (!ocean || !accountId) return setSearchError(undefined) try { const query = { page, offset, query: { 'publicKey.owner': [accountId] }, sort: { created: -1 } } as SearchQuery return await searchWithQuery(query) } catch (error) { setSearchError(error.message) } } async function getConsumedList(): Promise { const consumed = await ocean.assets.consumerAssets(accountId) const consumedItems = await Promise.all( (did) => { try { const ddo = await ocean.assets.resolve(did) if (ddo) { // Since we are getting assets from chain there might be // assets from other marketplaces. So return only those assets // whose serviceEndpoint contains the configured Aquarius URI. const { serviceEndpoint } = ddo.findServiceByType('metadata') if (serviceEndpoint?.includes(config.aquariusUri)) return ddo } } catch (err) { Logger.error(err) } }) ) const filteredConsumedItems = consumedItems.filter( (value) => typeof value !== 'undefined' ) return filteredConsumedItems } async function getComputeItems(): Promise { if (!ocean || !account) return const jobList = await ocean.compute.status(account) const computeItems = await Promise.all( (job) => { if (!job) return try { const { did } = await ocean.keeper.agreementStoreManager.getAgreement( job.agreementId ) if ( did === '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' ) return const ddo = await ocean.assets.resolve(did) if (ddo) { // Since we are getting assets from chain there might be // assets from other marketplaces. So return only those assets // whose serviceEndpoint contains the configured Aquarius URI. const { serviceEndpoint } = ddo.findServiceByType('metadata') if (serviceEndpoint?.includes(config.aquariusUri)) { return { job, ddo } } } } catch (err) { Logger.error(err) } }) ) const filteredComputeItems = computeItems.filter( (value) => value !== undefined && typeof value.ddo !== 'undefined' ) return filteredComputeItems } return { searchWithQuery, getPublishedList, getConsumedList, getComputeItems, searchError } } export { useSearch, UseSearch } export default useSearch