# `OceanProvider` The `OceanProvider` maintains a connection to the Ocean Protocol network in multiple steps: 1. On mount, setup [Web3Modal](https://github.com/Web3Modal/). 2. Once connection with Web3Modal is started, Web3 becomes available. 3. Once Web3 becomes available, connection to Ocean Protocol components are initiated, all available under the `ocean` object. With the included `useOcean` helper hook you can access all context values from any component. ## Usage Wrap your whole app with the `OceanProvider`: ```tsx import React, { ReactNode } from 'react' import { OceanProvider } from '@oceanprotocol/react' import { ConfigHelper } from '@oceanprotocol/lib' const web3ModalOpts = { network: 'mainnet', // optional cacheProvider: true, // optional providerOptions // required } const oceanDefaultConfig = new ConfigHelper().getConfig( 'mainnet', 'YOUR_INFURA_PROJECT_ID' ) const config = { ...oceanDefaultConfig, metadataCacheUri: 'https://your-metadata-cache.com', providerUri: 'https://your-provider.com' } export default function MyApp({ children }: { children: ReactNode }): ReactNode { return (

My App

) } ``` The `OceanProvider` uses [Web3Modal](https://github.com/Web3Modal/) to make its initial wallet connection. If you do not pass `web3ModalOpts` as a prop, only the default injected provider will be available. Adding more providers requires you to add them as dependencies to your project and pass them as `providerOptions`. See all the available [Provider Options](https://github.com/Web3Modal/web3modal#provider-options). You can then access the provider context values with the `useOcean` hook: ```tsx import { useOcean } from '@oceanprotocol/react' function MyComponent() { const { ocean, accountId } = useOcean() return ( ) } ```