diff --git a/example/src/Publish.tsx b/example/src/Publish.tsx
index 2fe0db4..6e59af5 100644
--- a/example/src/Publish.tsx
+++ b/example/src/Publish.tsx
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { useState } from 'react'
export function Publish() {
const { accountId } = useOcean()
- const { publish } = usePublish()
+ const { publish, publishStepText } = usePublish()
const [ddo, setDdo] = useState
const asset = {
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ export function Publish() {
+ Status: {publishStepText}
DID: {ddo && ddo.id}
diff --git a/src/hooks/usePublish/usePublish.ts b/src/hooks/usePublish/usePublish.ts
index dd4ebe4..f85929b 100644
--- a/src/hooks/usePublish/usePublish.ts
+++ b/src/hooks/usePublish/usePublish.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
-import { useEffect } from 'react'
+import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { DDO, Metadata, DataTokens, Logger } from '@oceanprotocol/lib'
import { useOcean } from '../../providers'
import ProviderStatus from '../../providers/OceanProvider/ProviderStatus'
-import {
- Service,
- ServiceType
-} from '@oceanprotocol/lib/dist/node/ddo/interfaces/Service'
+import { Service } from '@oceanprotocol/lib/dist/node/ddo/interfaces/Service'
import { ServiceConfig } from './ServiceConfig'
+import { publishFeedback } from '../../utils'
interface UsePublish {
publish: (
@@ -16,79 +14,109 @@ interface UsePublish {
serviceConfigs: ServiceConfig[]
) => Promise
mint: (tokenAddress: string, tokensToMint: string) => void
+ giveMarketAllowance: (
+ tokenAddress: string,
+ marketAddress: string,
+ tokens: string
+ ) => void
+ publishStep?: number
+ publishStepText?: string
+ publishError?: string
+ isLoading: boolean
function usePublish(): UsePublish {
const { web3, ocean, status, account, accountId, config } = useOcean()
+ const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false)
+ const [publishStep, setPublishStep] = useState()
+ const [publishStepText, setPublishStepText] = useState()
+ const [publishError, setPublishError] = useState()
- function createDataToken() {
- return new DataTokens(
- ocean.datatokens.factoryAddress,
- ocean.datatokens.factoryABI.abi,
- ocean.datatokens.datatokensABI.abi,
- web3
- )
+ function setStep(index: number) {
+ setPublishStep(index)
+ setPublishStepText(publishFeedback[index])
+ /**
+ * Publish an asset.It also creates the datatoken, mints tokens and gives the market allowance
+ * @param {Metadata} asset The metadata of the asset.
+ * @param {string} tokensToMint Numer of tokens to mint and give allowance to market
+ * @param {string} marketAddress The address of the market
+ * @param {ServiceConfig[]} serviceConfigs Desired services of the asset, ex: [{serviceType: 'access', cost:'1'}]
+ * @return {Promise} Returns the newly published ddo
+ */
async function publish(
asset: Metadata,
tokensToMint: string,
marketAddress: string,
serviceConfigs: ServiceConfig[]
): Promise {
- if (status !== ProviderStatus.CONNECTED) return
+ if (status !== ProviderStatus.CONNECTED || !ocean || !account) return
+ setIsLoading(true)
+ setPublishError(undefined)
+ try {
+ setStep(0)
+ const data = { t: 1, url: config.metadataStoreUri }
+ const blob = JSON.stringify(data)
+ const tokenAddress = await ocean.datatokens.create(blob, accountId)
+ Logger.log('datatoken created', tokenAddress)
- Logger.log('ocean dt', ocean.datatokens)
- const data = { t: 1, url: config.metadataStoreUri }
- const blob = JSON.stringify(data)
- const tokenAddress = await ocean.datatokens.create(blob, accountId)
- Logger.log('datatoken created', tokenAddress)
- Logger.log('tokens to mint', tokensToMint)
+ setStep(1)
+ await mint(tokenAddress, tokensToMint)
+ Logger.log(`minted ${tokensToMint} tokens`)
- await mint(tokenAddress, tokensToMint)
- Logger.log('giving allowance to ', marketAddress)
- await giveMarketAllowance(tokenAddress, marketAddress, tokensToMint)
- Logger.log('tokenAddress created', tokenAddress)
- const publishedDate = new Date(Date.now()).toISOString().split('.')[0] + 'Z'
- const timeout = 0
- const services: Service[] = []
- serviceConfigs.forEach(async (serviceConfig) => {
- const price = ocean.datatokens.toWei(serviceConfig.cost)
- switch (serviceConfig.serviceType) {
- case 'access': {
- const accessService = await ocean.assets.createAccessServiceAttributes(
- account,
- price,
- publishedDate,
- timeout
- )
- Logger.log('access service created', accessService)
- services.push(accessService)
- break
+ setStep(2)
+ await giveMarketAllowance(tokenAddress, marketAddress, tokensToMint)
+ Logger.log('allowance to market', marketAddress)
+ const publishedDate =
+ new Date(Date.now()).toISOString().split('.')[0] + 'Z'
+ const timeout = 0
+ const services: Service[] = []
+ setStep(3)
+ serviceConfigs.forEach(async (serviceConfig) => {
+ const price = ocean.datatokens.toWei(serviceConfig.cost)
+ switch (serviceConfig.serviceType) {
+ case 'access': {
+ const accessService = await ocean.assets.createAccessServiceAttributes(
+ account,
+ price,
+ publishedDate,
+ timeout
+ )
+ Logger.log('access service created', accessService)
+ services.push(accessService)
+ break
+ }
+ case 'compute': {
+ const computeService = await ocean.assets.createAccessServiceAttributes(
+ account,
+ price,
+ publishedDate,
+ 0
+ )
+ services.push(computeService)
+ break
+ }
- case 'compute': {
- const computeService = await ocean.assets.createAccessServiceAttributes(
- account,
- price,
- publishedDate,
- 0
- )
- services.push(computeService)
- break
- }
- }
- })
+ })
+ Logger.log('services created', services)
+ setStep(4)
+ const ddo = await ocean.assets.create(
+ asset,
+ account,
+ services,
+ tokenAddress
+ )
+ setStep(5)
- const ddo = await ocean.assets.create(
- asset,
- account,
- services,
- tokenAddress
- )
- return ddo
+ return ddo
+ } catch (error) {
+ setPublishError(error.message)
+ Logger.error(error)
+ setStep(undefined)
+ } finally {
+ setIsLoading(false)
+ }
async function mint(tokenAddress: string, tokensToMint: string) {
@@ -111,7 +139,12 @@ function usePublish(): UsePublish {
return {
- mint
+ mint,
+ giveMarketAllowance,
+ publishStep,
+ publishStepText,
+ isLoading,
+ publishError
diff --git a/src/providers/OceanProvider/OceanProvider.tsx b/src/providers/OceanProvider/OceanProvider.tsx
index bb96f73..b48cbf5 100644
--- a/src/providers/OceanProvider/OceanProvider.tsx
+++ b/src/providers/OceanProvider/OceanProvider.tsx
@@ -36,7 +36,10 @@ function OceanProvider({
const [account, setAccount] = useState()
const [accountId, setAccountId] = useState()
const [balance, setBalance] = useState()
- const [status, setStatus] = useState(ProviderStatus.NOT_AVAILABLE)
+ const [status, setStatus] = useState(
+ ProviderStatus.NOT_AVAILABLE
+ )
+ const [web3ModalOpts, setWeb3ModalOpts] = useState>()
function init() {
Logger.log('Ocean Provider init')
@@ -64,10 +67,6 @@ function OceanProvider({
const web3 = new Web3(provider)
- // const factory = require('@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/development/Factory.json')
- // const datatokensTemplate = require('@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/development/DataTokenTemplate.json')
- // config.factoryABI = factory.abi
- // config.datatokensABI = datatokensTemplate.abi
config.web3Provider = web3
const ocean = await Ocean.getInstance(config)
@@ -115,22 +114,29 @@ function OceanProvider({
const handleAccountsChanged = async (accounts: string[]) => {
console.debug("Handling 'accountsChanged' event with payload", accounts)
- if (accounts.length > 0) {
- setAccountId(accounts[0])
- if (web3) {
- const balance = await getBalance(web3, accounts[0])
- setBalance(balance)
- }
+ if (status === ProviderStatus.CONNECTED) {
+ connect(web3ModalOpts)
+ // if (accounts.length > 0) {
+ // setAccountId(accounts[0])
+ // if (web3) {
+ // const balance = await getBalance(web3, accounts[0])
+ // setBalance(balance)
+ // }
+ // }
// ToDo need to handle this, it's not implemented, need to update chainId and reinitialize ocean lib
const handleNetworkChanged = async (networkId: string | number) => {
- console.debug("Handling 'networkChanged' event with payload", networkId)
- web3Provider.autoRefreshOnNetworkChange = false
- // init(networkId)
- // handleConnect(ethProvider)
+ console.debug(
+ "Handling 'networkChanged' event with payload",
+ networkId,
+ status
+ )
+ if (status === ProviderStatus.CONNECTED) {
+ connect(web3ModalOpts)
+ }
useEffect(() => {
@@ -145,7 +151,7 @@ function OceanProvider({
web3Provider.removeListener('networkChanged', handleNetworkChanged)
- }, [web3, web3Modal, web3Provider])
+ }, [web3Modal, web3Provider])
return (