import React, { useState } from 'react' import { asset } from './asset' import { algoAsset, createComputeService, rawAlgoMeta } from './compute-asset' export default function Compute({ ocean, web3 }) { const [ddoAssetId, setDdoAssetId] = useState('') const [jobStatus, setJobStatus] = useState('') const [jobId, setJobId] = useState('') const [agreementId, setAgreementId] = useState('') const [ddoAlgorithmId, setDdoAlgorithmId] = useState('') // publish a dataset and an algorithm async function publish() { try { const accounts = await ocean.accounts.list() console.log('Publishing asset.') const service = await createComputeService( ocean, accounts[0], '0', '2020-03-10T10:00:00Z' ) console.log(service) const ddoAssetNew = await ocean.assets.create(asset, accounts[0], [ service ]) console.log('Asset successfully submitted.') console.log(ddoAssetNew) // keep track of this registered asset for consumption later on setDdoAssetId( alert('Asset successfully submitted.') } catch (error) { console.error(error.message) } } async function publishalgo() { try { const accounts = await ocean.accounts.list() console.log('Publishing algo.') const ddoAlgorithmNew = await ocean.assets.create(algoAsset, accounts[0]) console.log(ddoAlgorithmNew) console.log('Algo asset successfully submitted.') // keep track of this registered asset for consumption later on setDdoAlgorithmId( alert('Algorithm successfully submitted.') } catch (error) { console.error(error.message) } } async function startCompute(algorithmId, algorithmMeta) { try { const accounts = await ocean.accounts.list() // order the compute service const agreement = await ocean.compute.order(accounts[0], ddoAssetId) setAgreementId(agreement) // start a compute job const status = await ocean.compute.start( accounts[0], agreement, algorithmId, algorithmMeta ) setJobId(status.jobId) console.log(status) alert('Job created. You can query for status now') } catch (error) { console.error(error.message) } } // order and start the compute service with an algorithm published as an asset async function startWithPublishedAlgo() { return startCompute(ddoAlgorithmId) } // order and start the compute service with a passed raw algorithm async function startWithRawAlgo() { return startCompute(undefined, rawAlgoMeta) } async function getStatus() { try { const accounts = await ocean.accounts.list() const status = await ocean.compute.status(accounts[0], agreementId, jobId) setJobStatus(JSON.stringify(status, null, '\t')) console.log(status) } catch (error) { console.error(error.message) } } if (!web3) { return null } return ( <>


Asset DID: Algo DID: Job ID: Compute status: