import React, { Component } from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-dom' import { Ocean } from '@oceanprotocol/squid' import Web3 from 'web3' import asset from './asset' let web3 if (window.web3) { web3 = new Web3(window.web3.currentProvider) window.ethereum.enable() } class App extends Component { state = { ocean: undefined, results: [], ddo: undefined } async componentDidMount() { const ocean = await new Ocean.getInstance({ web3Provider: web3, nodeUri: '', aquariusUri: '', brizoUri: '', brizoAddress: '0x4aaab179035dc57b35e2ce066919048686f82972', secretStoreUri: '', // local Spree connection // nodeUri: 'http://localhost:8545', // aquariusUri: 'http://aquarius:5000', // brizoUri: 'http://localhost:8030', // brizoAddress: '0x00bd138abd70e2f00903268f3db08f2d25677c9e', // secretStoreUri: 'http://localhost:12001', verbose: true }) this.setState({ ocean }) console.log('Finished loading contracts.') } async registerAsset() { try { const accounts = await this.state.ocean.accounts.list() const ddo = await this.state.ocean.assets.create(asset, accounts[0]) console.log('Asset successfully submitted.') console.log(ddo) // keep track of this registered asset for consumption later on this.setState({ ddo }) alert( 'Asset successfully submitted. Look into your console to see the response DDO object.' ) } catch (error) { console.error(error.message) } } async searchAssets() { try { const search = await '10 Monkey Species Small' ) this.setState({ results: search.results }) console.log(search) alert( 'Asset successfully retrieved. Look into your console to see the search response.' ) } catch (error) { console.error(error.message) } } async consumeAsset() { try { // get all accounts const accounts = await this.state.ocean.accounts.list() // get our registered asset const consumeAsset = this.state.ddo // get service we want to execute const service = consumeAsset.findServiceByType('access') // order service agreement const agreement = await this.state.ocean.assets.order(, service.index, accounts[0] ) // consume it await this.state.ocean.assets.consume( agreement,, service.index, accounts[0], '', 0 ) } catch (error) { console.error(error.message) } } render() { return (

My Little Ocean

{!web3 &&

No Web3 Browser!

) } } ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById('root'))