Alex Coseru 9bf71ba4f0
Features/ethers (#1696)
* add ethers

* global updates

* ve updates

* ve tests

* contract updates

* first test passing

* downgrade to ethers 5.7.2

* add log

* add tx wait

* full NftFactory.test

* add wait

* add Router tests

* fix dispenser

* Nft test

* add dispenser tests

* add fre tests part 1

* WIP datatoken unit tests

* add DFRewards test

* increase gas estimate

* increase gas estimate

* Work datatoken unit tests

* datatoken test more tests

* finished datatoken tests

* fix nft get data

* fix nft transfer tests

* Provider int tests

* Updating CodeExamples.md

* update provider & fix publish flow int test

* wip publish edit consume integration test

* more work on  publish edit consume integration test

* fix edit  publish edit consume integration test

* add 3 int tests

* Updating ComputeExamples.md

* fix signature and download

* fix compute flow integration test

* udapte handleComputeOrder helper

* update datatoken instance

* update datatoken global variable

* mint ocean tokens to consumer as well and added logs

* update compute exammples

* Updating ComputeExamples.md

* wip code examples readme

* update code examples readme

* Updating CodeExamples.md

* run all tests

* update dep in readme

* update readme

* code examples update metadata flags

* update dt instance in code examples md

* set metadata updates

* Updating CodeExamples.md

* update code examples readme structure

* Updating CodeExamples.md

* update readmes table links

* Updating CodeExamples.md

* Updating ComputeExamples.md

* clean-up

* Updating CodeExamples.md

* added missing unit tests for usdc fixed rate exchange tests

* more cleanup and jsdoc updates

* more  jsdoc updates

* donw with jsdoc updates

* handle provider errors

* add missing error handling file

* adds most of the provider errors

* update get compute env return type

* Release 3.0.0-next.0

* adding Typedoc to ethers branch

* update provider signature message

* fix lint

* Release 3.0.0-next.1

* fix lint

* adding Typedoc to ethers branch

* Updating CI to build and commit the documentation

* Updating documentation

* Updating script permissions

* fix todos add missing logic to send tx

* npm package cleanups

* Release 3.0.0-next.2

* update log messages for errors

* Release 3.0.0-next.3

* fix gasFee issue on sendTx

* Release 3.0.0-next.4

* add consume params typings (#1731)

* fix gas fee estimate

* remove comments

* add some delays before resolving datasets

* adds delay to Publish flow tests

* Release 3.0.0-next.5


Co-authored-by: Bogdan Fazakas <bogdan.fazakas@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: GitHub Actions Bot <>
Co-authored-by: Jamie Hewitt <jamie.hewitt15@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jamie Hewitt <jamie@oceanprotocol.com>
2023-05-29 11:20:38 +03:00
classes Features/ethers (#1696) 2023-05-29 11:20:38 +03:00
enums Features/ethers (#1696) 2023-05-29 11:20:38 +03:00
interfaces Features/ethers (#1696) 2023-05-29 11:20:38 +03:00
.nojekyll Features/ethers (#1696) 2023-05-29 11:20:38 +03:00
README.md Features/ethers (#1696) 2023-05-29 11:20:38 +03:00
modules.md Features/ethers (#1696) 2023-05-29 11:20:38 +03:00


@oceanprotocol/lib / Exports



JavaScript library to privately & securely publish, exchange, and consume data.

npm Build Status Maintainability Test Coverage code style: prettier js oceanprotocol

With ocean.js, you can:

  • Publish data services: downloadable files or compute-to-data. Create an ERC721 data NFT for each service, and ERC20 datatoken for access (1.0 datatokens to access).
  • Sell datatokens for a fixed price. Sell data NFTs.
  • Transfer data NFTs & datatokens to another owner, and all other ERC721 & ERC20 actions using web3.js etc.

ocean.js is part of the Ocean Protocol toolset.

This is in alpha state. If you run into problems, please open up a new issue.

📚 Prerequisites

🏗 Installation & Usage

npm install @oceanprotocol/lib

🦑 Development

The project is authored with TypeScript and compiled with tsc.

To start compiler in watch mode:

npm install
npm start

Code Style

For linting and auto-formatting you can use from the root of the project:

# lint all js with eslint
npm run lint

# auto format all js & css with prettier, taking all configs into account
npm run format

👩‍🔬 Testing

Test suite for unit & integration tests is setup with Mocha as test runner, and nyc for coverage reporting. A combined coverage report is sent to CodeClimate via the coverage GitHub Actions job.

Running all tests requires running Ocean Protocol components beforehand with Barge, which also runs a ganache-cli instance:

git clone https://github.com/oceanprotocol/barge
cd barge

./start_ocean.sh --with-provider2 --no-dashboard --with-c2d

You can then proceed to run in another terminal.

Let ocean.js know where to pickup the smart contract addresses, which has been written out by Barge in this location:

export ADDRESS_FILE="${HOME}/.ocean/ocean-contracts/artifacts/address.json"

Build metadata:

npm run build:metadata

Executing linting, type checking, unit, and integration tests with coverage reporting all in one go:

npm test

Unit Tests

You can execute the unit tests individually with:

npm run test:unit
# same thing, but with coverage reporting
npm run test:unit:cover

Integration Tests

You can execute the integration tests individually with:

npm run test:integration
# same thing, but with coverage reporting
npm run test:integration:cover

Note: On macOS, changes to the provider, metadataCache and subgraph URLs are required, as their default barge IPs can not be accessed due to network constraints on macOS. Instead use for each direct call to the mentioned services, but keep the internal provider URL ( hardcoded inside all DDO's serviceEndpoint, and when calling nft.setMetadata().

🛳 Production

To create a production build, run from the root of the project:

npm run build

⬆️ Releases

Releases are managed semi-automatically. They are always manually triggered from a developer's machine with release scripts.


From a clean main branch you can run the release task bumping the version accordingly based on semantic versioning:

npm run release

The task does the following:

  • bumps the project version in package.json, package-lock.json
  • auto-generates and updates the CHANGELOG.md file from commit messages
  • creates a Git tag
  • commits and pushes everything
  • creates a GitHub release with commit messages as description
  • Git tag push will trigger a GitHub Action workflow to do a npm release

For the GitHub releases steps a GitHub personal access token, exported as GITHUB_TOKEN is required. Setup


For pre-releases, this is required for the first one like v0.18.0-next.0:

./node_modules/.bin/release-it major|minor|patch --preRelease=next

Further releases afterwards can be done with npm run release again and selecting the appropriate next version, in this case v0.18.0-next.1 and so on.

🏛 License

Copyright ((C)) 2023 Ocean Protocol Foundation

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.