Jamie Hewitt 3ebc29a74d
Issue 471 provider fees (#474)
* Adding providerFee to Order in the schema

* Adding ProviderFee to subgraph.template.yaml

* Creating order utils

* Saving providerFee as a string

* Saving providerFee as an array of all previous provider fees

* Creating test for providerFee

* Removing arrary from providerFee

* Updating or Creating OrderResue provider fee

* lint:fix

* Creating additional tests for testing providerFees on Order and reuseOrder

* lint:fix

* Updating JSON string notation

* Fixing first test

* fixing second test: testing provider fees after calling reuseOrder on a using a previous txId

* added providerFeeValidUntil

Co-authored-by: mihaisc <mihai@oceanprotocol.com>
2022-07-12 11:11:43 +03:00

18 lines
336 B

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