mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 05:57:29 +01:00
* Store eventIndex. * Changed in veDelegation. Removed import of String. * linter. * Removed tx hash. * Revert some tweaks. * added logIndex. * converted to big int. * 0 -> BigInt.zero(). * Added eventIndex to template and OPC. * updated tweak * updated tweak2 * Added eventIndex in tests. * revert. * Added eventIndex for TokenCreated and NFTCreated events. Increase time sleep for graphql request. * Changed position of eventIndex in entity. * Added eventIndex for order events and for dt events. Added new test commands in package.json. * Added eventIndex for NFT Update events. * Added eventIndex for dispenser. * Modified dispenser tests. * Reverted sleep secs. Updated tests. * Updated dispenser tests. Added eventIndex for FRE. * Added eventIndex in df rewards. * Updated Ve with eventIndex. * Updating order id with event index. * Updated @ocean/lib with multichain version. * Updated to number type. * Updated tests for order. * some changes. * Fix dt tests. Added logs for provider fee. Need fix for Simple publish and consume tests. * Problem raised by retrieving order event index in provider fee event handler. * Added function for searching the right order. * Debug order with provider fee. * Removed console logs. * Added debug logs. * Hardcoded eventIndex just for testing. * Paste logs from graph node. * added extra sleep in test. * fixed command. * Added comments. Modified util function for Order Reuse. * Added more logs and other tweaks. * fixed command for docker logs. * Added more logs. * Converted to lowercase. * Removed condition just for test. * Added more logs. Order is not null. * Call getOrder. * Added verification back. * converted to hex and add toString. * Pass toString as param. * Added ethereumjs util. * replaced with ==. * Refactored logic. * Print event index. * added more logs of event index. * Modified tweaks and asserts. * Added log for reuse order. * updates. * Reverted changes. * Added check for eventIndex == 0. * Enhanced the code. Replaced while with for. * Added more logs for reuse test. * added another condition. * Added logs in tests. Removed redundant condition. * Added more logs to test. * Fixed typo. * still debugging * Refactored code. * Getting closer. * Fix tests for orders part. Removed logs. * Removed more logs. * Fix DT tests related to order. * Implemented Publishing Market Fee event handler. Added test. * Added consume market fee handler. Test consume market fee handler. * Fixed tests for fees. Added TODOs. * Generated ID with eventIndex in ficed rate. Added assert errors messages. * Added FRE tests to workflow. * Generated dispenser transaction with event index. * Fixed dispenser tests. * Add event index for NftUpdate entity ID. * Changed IDs for VeDelegation and VeAllocationUpdate. * Added full test suite to workflow. * Fixed nft transfer ID. * print blocks. * test just dt and ending test to see the last block. * Added df test. * Added dispenser test. * Added FRE test. * Added NFT test. * Added simple publish consume test. * Added simple subgraph test. * Added users test. * Added ve test. * Increased sleep time. * commented delegation test. * respect lint * Fixed ending tests. Removed commented code. Brought back test suite. * Print values from failing tests. Updated mappings. * Rollback changes in veDelegation and veUtils. Added more prints for debug in tests. * Removed veDelegation creation record. * Rollback to the approach for veDelegation like it is in main. * Removed prints. Match changes with main. * Removed -1 from last block. * Added prints for eventIndex. Fixed some suggestions. * Fixed veDelegation. * Removed prints.
101 lines
6.6 KiB
101 lines
6.6 KiB
"name": "ocean-subgraph",
"version": "3.0.7",
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"test-simple": "TS_NODE_PROJECT='test/integration/tsconfig.json' mocha --config=test/integration/.mocharc.json --node-env=test --exit 'test/integration/SimpleSubgraph.test.ts'",
"test-fixed": "TS_NODE_PROJECT='test/integration/tsconfig.json' mocha --config=test/integration/.mocharc.json --node-env=test --exit 'test/integration/FixedRateExchange.test.ts'",
"test-users": "TS_NODE_PROJECT='test/integration/tsconfig.json' mocha --config=test/integration/.mocharc.json --node-env=test --exit 'test/integration/users.test.ts'",
"test-ve": "TS_NODE_PROJECT='test/integration/tsconfig.json' mocha --config=test/integration/.mocharc.json --node-env=test --exit 'test/integration/VeOcean.test.ts'",
"test-df": "TS_NODE_PROJECT='test/integration/tsconfig.json' mocha --config=test/integration/.mocharc.json --node-env=test --exit 'test/integration/DFRewards.test.ts'",
"test-dt": "TS_NODE_PROJECT='test/integration/tsconfig.json' mocha --config=test/integration/.mocharc.json --node-env=test --exit 'test/integration/Datatoken.test.ts'",
"test-zend": "TS_NODE_PROJECT='test/integration/tsconfig.json' mocha --config=test/integration/.mocharc.json --node-env=test --exit 'test/integration/ZEnding.test.ts'",
"test-publish-consume": "TS_NODE_PROJECT='test/integration/tsconfig.json' mocha --config=test/integration/.mocharc.json --node-env=test --exit 'test/integration/SimplePublishConsume.test.ts'",
"test-nft": "TS_NODE_PROJECT='test/integration/tsconfig.json' mocha --config=test/integration/.mocharc.json --node-env=test --exit 'test/integration/Nft.test.ts'",
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