Jamie Hewitt 1289a085bb
Remove tracking of pools (#492)
* Removing pool mapping

* Removing pool utils

* Removing pool transaction types

* Removing TokenTransaction from schema

* Removing pool functions from src/mappings/utils/globalUtils.ts

* Removing pool functions from src/mappings/factoryRouter.ts

* Removing pools from the schema

* removing pool events from subgraph.template.yaml

* Fixing TokenAdded in subgraph template

Co-authored-by: mihaisc <mihai@oceanprotocol.com>
2022-08-01 14:58:09 +03:00

372 lines
10 KiB

type Token @entity {
id: ID!
symbol: String
name: String
decimals: Int!
address: String!
cap: BigDecimal
supply: BigDecimal
isDatatoken: Boolean!
"address of ERC721 that owns the token, valid only for datatokens"
nft: Nft
"array of addresses with minter role"
minter: [String!]
"array of addresses with payment manager minter role"
paymentManager: [String!]
"address that collects the payments (NOT fees)"
paymentCollector: String
"address of the market where the datatoken was created. This address collects market fees."
publishMarketFeeAddress: String
"adreess of fee token (can be Ocean, ETH, etc.)"
publishMarketFeeToken: String
"fee amount. Fixed value."
publishMarketFeeAmount: BigDecimal
"template ID of the datatoken"
templateId: Int
"number of addresses holding a balance of datatoken , TODO: can we actually calculate this? what happens when users trade the dts"
holderCount: BigInt!
"number of orders executed for this datatoken"
orderCount: BigInt!
"orders created with the datatoken, only available for datatokens"
orders: [Order!] @derivedFrom(field:"datatoken")
"fixed rate exchanges, only available for datatokens"
fixedRateExchanges: [FixedRateExchange!] @derivedFrom(field:"datatoken")
"dispensers using this token"
dispensers: [Dispenser!] @derivedFrom(field:"token")
"block time datatoken was created"
createdTimestamp: Int!
"datatoken creation transaction id"
tx: String!
"block number when it was created"
block: Int!
lastPriceToken: String!
lastPriceValue: BigDecimal!
"utility type"
type TokenValuePair @entity {
"address of the token"
id : ID!
token : Token!
value : BigDecimal!
type Nft @entity{
"nft address"
id: ID!
symbol: String!
name: String!
tokenUri: String
"address of the owner of the nft"
owner: String!
"address of the creator of the nft"
creator: String!
"same as id, it's just for easy discoverability"
address: String!
"provider url that can decrypt the ddo"
providerUrl: String
"state of the asset (described in docs)"
assetState: Int!
managerRole: [String!]
erc20DeployerRole: [String!]
storeUpdateRole: [String!]
"addresses that can update the metadata"
metadataRole: [String!]
"template address"
template: String!
"set if NFT is transferable"
transferable: Boolean!
"block time nft was created"
createdTimestamp: Int!
"nft creation transaction id"
tx: String!
"block number when it was created"
block: Int
"number of orders executed for all underlying datatokens"
orderCount: BigInt!
type OrderReuse @entity {
id: ID!
order: Order!
caller: String!
createdTimestamp: Int!
tx: String!
block: Int!
providerFee: String
providerFeeValidUntil: BigInt
type Order @entity {
"transaction hash - token address - from address"
id: ID!
datatoken: Token!
consumer: User!
payer: User!
amount: BigDecimal!
serviceIndex: Int!
# the fees will be updated from an event that will be created after (todo)
publishingMarket: User
publishingMarketToken: Token #
publishingMarketAmmount: BigDecimal #call contract to get fee amount
providerFee: String
providerFeeValidUntil: BigInt
consumerMarket: User
consumerMarketToken: Token #
consumerMarketAmmount: BigDecimal #call contract to get fee amount
reuses: [OrderReuse!] @derivedFrom(field: "order")
createdTimestamp: Int!
tx: String!
block: Int!
lastPriceToken: String!
lastPriceValue: BigDecimal!
estimatedUSDValue: BigDecimal!
type User @entity {
id: ID!
tokenBalancesOwned: [TokenValuePair!]
orders: [Order!] @derivedFrom(field: "payer")
freSwaps: [FixedRateExchangeSwap!] @derivedFrom(field: "by")
"total number of orders made by this user"
totalOrders: BigInt!
"total number of orders made on assets owned by this user"
totalSales: BigInt!
type FixedRateExchange @entity {
"fixed rate exchange id"
id: ID!
contract: String!
exchangeId: String!
owner: User!
datatoken: Token!
baseToken: Token!
"amount of datatokens available to be sold, this is relevant if the exchange is not able to mint"
datatokenSupply: BigDecimal!
"amount of basetokens available to be collected by the owner"
baseTokenSupply: BigDecimal!
datatokenBalance: BigDecimal!
baseTokenBalance: BigDecimal!
price: BigDecimal!
active: Boolean!
"amount of total basetokens spent"
totalSwapValue: BigDecimal!
"address that is allowed to swap tokens"
allowedSwapper: String
"if the owner allowes the fre to mint"
withMint: Boolean
"if the fre has the minter role on the datatoken"
isMinter: Boolean
updates: [FixedRateExchangeUpdate!] @derivedFrom(field: "exchangeId")
swaps: [FixedRateExchangeSwap!] @derivedFrom(field: "exchangeId")
createdTimestamp: Int!
tx: String!
block: Int!
"address of the market where the datatoken was created. This address collects market fees."
publishMarketFeeAddress: String
"fee amount. Fixed value"
publishMarketSwapFee: BigDecimal
type FixedRateExchangeUpdate @entity {
id: ID!
exchangeId: FixedRateExchange!
oldPrice: BigDecimal
newPrice: BigDecimal
oldActive: Boolean
newActive: Boolean
oldAllowedSwapper: String
newAllowedSwapper: String
block: Int!
createdTimestamp: Int!
tx: String!
type FixedRateExchangeSwap @entity {
id: ID!
exchangeId: FixedRateExchange!
by: User!
baseTokenAmount: BigDecimal!
dataTokenAmount: BigDecimal!
block: Int!
createdTimestamp: Int!
tx: String!
type Dispenser @entity {
"token address"
id: ID!
contract: String!
active: Boolean!
"if using the enterprise template the owner will always be the erc721 factory, for normal template it will a user"
owner: String
token: Token!
allowedSwapper: String
isMinter: Boolean
"max tokens that can be dispensed"
maxTokens: BigDecimal!
"max balance of requester. If the balance is higher, the dispense is rejected"
maxBalance: BigDecimal!
"how many tokens are left"
balance: BigDecimal!
block: Int!
createdTimestamp: Int!
tx: String!
dispenses: [DispenserTransaction!] @derivedFrom(field: "dispenser")
type DispenserTransaction @entity {
id: ID!
dispenser: Dispenser!
user: User!
amount: BigDecimal!
block: Int!
createdTimestamp: Int!
tx: String!
"utility type"
type GlobalTotalLiquidityPair @entity {
"address of the token"
id : ID!
globalStatistic: GlobalStatistic!
token : Token!
value : BigDecimal!
"utility type"
type GlobalTotalFixedSwapPair @entity {
"address of the token"
id : ID!
globalStatistic: GlobalStatistic!
token : Token!
value : BigDecimal!
count: BigInt!
type GlobalStatistic @entity {
id: ID!
"total swap volume for each base token in fixed rate exchanges"
totalFixedSwapVolume: [GlobalTotalFixedSwapPair!] @derivedFrom(field: "globalStatistic")
"number of total orders. fixed rate exchange orders + dispenser orders"
orderCount: Int!
"total nfts(erc721) created"
nftCount: Int!
"total datatokens (tokens with isDatatoken = true) created"
"number of fixed rate exchanges"
fixedCount: Int!
"number of dispensers created"
dispenserCount: Int!
"current version"
version: String
type OPC @entity {
id: ID!
"fee in percent for swaps involving OPC approved tokens"
swapOceanFee: BigDecimal
"fee in percent for swaps involving non OPC approved tokens"
swapNonOceanFee: BigDecimal
"fee in percent taken by OPC from orderFees"
orderFee: BigDecimal
"fee in percent taken by OPC from providerFees"
providerFee: BigDecimal
approvedTokens: [Token!]
enum NftUpdateType {
type NftUpdate @entity {
id: ID! # update tx + nft address
tokenUri: String
nft: Nft!
"provider url that can decrypt the ddo"
providerUrl: String
"user that made the update"
userAddress: String!
"state of the asset in this update"
assetState: Int!
"type of the update: metadata created, metadata update, state update, token uri update"
type: NftUpdateType!
block: Int!
timestamp: Int!
tx: String!
type Template @entity{
id: ID!
fixedRateTemplates: [String!]
dispenserTemplates: [String!]
ssTemplates: [String!]