import { DatatokenCreateParams, ProviderInstance, Nft, NftFactory, NftCreateData, getHash, sleep, Datatoken, ProviderFees, ZERO_ADDRESS, signHash } from '@oceanprotocol/lib' import { assert } from 'chai' import Web3 from 'web3' import { SHA256 } from 'crypto-js' import { homedir } from 'os' import fs from 'fs' import { fetch } from 'cross-fetch' import { TransactionReceipt } from 'web3-core' const data = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync( process.env.ADDRESS_FILE || `${homedir}/.ocean/ocean-contracts/artifacts/address.json`, 'utf8' ) ) const addresses = data.development // const aquarius = new Aquarius('') const web3 = new Web3('') const providerUrl = '' const subgraphUrl = '' const assetUrl = [ { type: 'url', url: '', method: 'GET' } ] const ddo = { '@context': [''], id: 'did:op:efba17455c127a885ec7830d687a8f6e64f5ba559f8506f8723c1f10f05c049c', version: '4.0.0', chainId: 4, nftAddress: '0x0', metadata: { created: '2021-12-20T14:35:20Z', updated: '2021-12-20T14:35:20Z', type: 'dataset', name: 'dfgdfgdg', description: 'd dfgd fgd dfg dfgdfgd dfgdf', tags: [''], author: 'dd', license: '', additionalInformation: { termsAndConditions: true } }, services: [ { id: 'notAnId', type: 'access', files: '', datatokenAddress: '0xa15024b732A8f2146423D14209eFd074e61964F3', serviceEndpoint: '', timeout: 0 } ] } describe('Datatoken tests', async () => { const nftName = 'testNFT' const nftSymbol = 'TST' const marketPlaceFeeAddress = '0x1230000000000000000000000000000000000000' const feeToken = '0x3210000000000000000000000000000000000000' const publishMarketFeeAmount = '0.1' const cap = '10000' const templateIndex = 1 let datatokenAddress: string let nft: Nft let Factory: NftFactory let factoryAddress: string let accounts: string[] let publisher: string let user1: string let user2: string let user3: string let erc721Address: string let time: number let blockNumber: number before(async () => { nft = new Nft(web3) factoryAddress = addresses.ERC721Factory.toLowerCase() Factory = new NftFactory(factoryAddress, web3) accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts() publisher = accounts[0].toLowerCase() user1 = accounts[1].toLowerCase() user2 = accounts[2].toLowerCase() user3 = accounts[3].toLowerCase() }) it('should publish an NFT & datatoken', async () => { const date = new Date() time = Math.floor(date.getTime() / 1000) blockNumber = await web3.eth.getBlockNumber() const nftParams: NftCreateData = { name: nftName, symbol: nftSymbol, templateIndex, tokenURI: '', transferable: true, owner: publisher } const erc20Params: DatatokenCreateParams = { templateIndex, cap, feeAmount: publishMarketFeeAmount, paymentCollector: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', feeToken, minter: publisher, mpFeeAddress: marketPlaceFeeAddress } const result = await Factory.createNftWithDatatoken( publisher, nftParams, erc20Params ) erc721Address =[0].toLowerCase() datatokenAddress =[0].toLowerCase() // Check values before updating metadata await sleep(3000) const initialQuery = { query: `query { token(id: "${datatokenAddress}"){ id, symbol, name, decimals, address, cap, supply, isDatatoken, nft {id}, minter, paymentManager, paymentCollector, publishMarketFeeAddress, publishMarketFeeAmount, templateId, holderCount, orderCount, orders {id}, fixedRateExchanges {id}, dispensers {id}, createdTimestamp, tx, eventIndex, block, lastPriceValue }}` } const initialResponse = await fetch(subgraphUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(initialQuery) }) await sleep(2000) const dt = (await initialResponse.json()).data.token const tx: TransactionReceipt = await web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(dt.tx) assert( === datatokenAddress, 'incorrect value for: id') assert(dt.symbol, 'incorrect value for: symbol') assert(, 'incorrect value for: name') assert(dt.decimals === 18, 'incorrect value for: decimals') assert(dt.address === datatokenAddress, 'incorrect value for: address') assert(dt.cap === cap, 'incorrect value for: cap') assert( === '0', 'incorrect value for: supply') assert(dt.isDatatoken === true, 'incorrect value for: isDatatoken') assert( === erc721Address, 'incorrect value for:') assert(dt.minter[0] === publisher, 'incorrect value for: minter') assert(dt.paymentManager === null, 'incorrect value for: paymentManager') assert( dt.paymentCollector === null, 'incorrect value for: paymentCollector' ) assert( dt.publishMarketFeeAddress === marketPlaceFeeAddress, 'incorrect value for: publishMarketFeeAddress' ) assert( dt.publishMarketFeeAmount === publishMarketFeeAmount, 'incorrect value for: publishMarketFeeAmount' ) assert( parseInt(dt.templateId) === templateIndex, 'incorrect value for: templateId' ) assert(dt.holderCount === '0', 'incorrect value for: holderCount') assert(dt.orderCount === '0', 'incorrect value for: orderCount') assert(dt.orders, 'incorrect value for: orders') assert(dt.fixedRateExchanges, 'incorrect value for: fixedRateExchanges') assert(dt.dispensers, 'incorrect value for: dispensers') assert(dt.createdTimestamp >= time, 'incorrect value for: createdTimestamp') assert( dt.createdTimestamp < time + 5, 'incorrect value for: createdTimestamp' ) assert(tx.from === publisher, 'incorrect value for: tx') assert( === factoryAddress, 'incorrect value for: tx') assert(tx.blockNumber >= blockNumber, 'incorrect value for: tx') assert(dt.block >= blockNumber, 'incorrect value for: block') assert(dt.block < blockNumber + 50, 'incorrect value for: block') assert(dt.lastPriceValue === '0', 'incorrect value for: lastPriceValue') assert( dt.eventIndex !== null && dt.eventIndex > 0, 'incorrect value for: eventIndex' ) }) it('Correct Datatoken fields after updating metadata', async () => { // create the files encrypted string const chain = await web3.eth.getChainId() let providerResponse = await ProviderInstance.encrypt( assetUrl, chain, providerUrl )[0].files = await providerResponse[0].datatokenAddress = datatokenAddress // update ddo and set the right did ddo.nftAddress = erc721Address = 'did:op:' + SHA256(web3.utils.toChecksumAddress(erc721Address) + chain.toString(10)) providerResponse = await ProviderInstance.encrypt(ddo, chain, providerUrl) const encryptedResponse = await providerResponse const metadataHash = getHash(JSON.stringify(ddo)) await nft.setMetadata( erc721Address, publisher, 0, providerUrl, '', '0x2', encryptedResponse, '0x' + metadataHash ) // Check values before updating metadata await sleep(3000) const initialQuery = { query: `query { token(id: "${datatokenAddress}"){ id, symbol, name, decimals, address, cap, supply, isDatatoken, nft {id}, minter, paymentManager, paymentCollector, publishMarketFeeAddress, publishMarketFeeAmount, templateId, holderCount, orderCount, orders {id}, fixedRateExchanges {id}, dispensers {id}, createdTimestamp, tx, eventIndex, block, lastPriceValue }}` } const initialResponse = await fetch(subgraphUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(initialQuery) }) await sleep(3000) const dt = (await initialResponse.json()).data.token const tx: TransactionReceipt = await web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(dt.tx) assert( === datatokenAddress, 'incorrect value for: id') assert(dt.symbol, 'incorrect value for: symbol') assert(, 'incorrect value for: name') assert(dt.decimals === 18, 'incorrect value for: decimals') assert(dt.address === datatokenAddress, 'incorrect value for: address') assert(dt.cap === cap, 'incorrect value for: cap') assert( === '0', 'incorrect value for: supply') assert(dt.isDatatoken === true, 'incorrect value for: isDatatoken') assert( === erc721Address, 'incorrect value for:') assert(dt.minter[0] === publisher, 'incorrect value for: minter') assert(dt.paymentManager === null, 'incorrect value for: paymentManager') assert( dt.paymentCollector === null, 'incorrect value for: paymentCollector' ) assert( dt.publishMarketFeeAddress === marketPlaceFeeAddress, 'incorrect value for: publishMarketFeeAddress' ) assert( dt.publishMarketFeeAmount === publishMarketFeeAmount, 'incorrect value for: publishMarketFeeAmount' ) assert( parseInt(dt.templateId) === templateIndex, 'incorrect value for: templateId' ) assert(dt.holderCount === '0', 'incorrect value for: holderCount') assert(dt.orderCount === '0', 'incorrect value for: orderCount') assert(dt.orders, 'incorrect value for: orders') assert(dt.fixedRateExchanges, 'incorrect value for: fixedRateExchanges') assert(dt.dispensers, 'incorrect value for: dispensers') assert(dt.createdTimestamp >= time, 'incorrect value for: createdTimestamp') assert( dt.createdTimestamp < time + 5, 'incorrect value for: createdTimestamp' ) assert(tx.from === publisher, 'incorrect value for: tx') assert( === factoryAddress, 'incorrect value for: tx') assert(tx.blockNumber >= blockNumber, 'incorrect value for: tx') assert(dt.block >= blockNumber, 'incorrect value for: block') assert(dt.block < blockNumber + 50, 'incorrect value for: block') assert(dt.lastPriceValue === '0', 'incorrect value for: lastPriceValue') assert( dt.eventIndex !== null && dt.eventIndex > 0, 'incorrect value for: eventIndex' ) }) it('Check datatoken orders are updated correctly after publishing & ordering a datatoken with fees', async () => { // Publish a datatoken for publishingMarketFeeToken const nftParams1: NftCreateData = { name: 'newNFT1', symbol: 'newTST1', templateIndex, tokenURI: '', transferable: true, owner: publisher } const erc20Params1: DatatokenCreateParams = { templateIndex, cap: '100000', feeAmount: '0', paymentCollector: ZERO_ADDRESS, feeToken: ZERO_ADDRESS, minter: publisher, mpFeeAddress: ZERO_ADDRESS } const result1 = await Factory.createNftWithDatatoken( publisher, nftParams1, erc20Params1 ) await sleep(3000) const publishingTokenAddress =[0] const publishingDatatoken = new Datatoken(web3, 8996) // Start with publishing the datatoken used for startOrder const nftParams: NftCreateData = { name: 'newNFT', symbol: 'newTST', templateIndex, tokenURI: '', transferable: true, owner: publisher } const erc20Params: DatatokenCreateParams = { templateIndex, cap: '100000', feeAmount: '0.2', paymentCollector: ZERO_ADDRESS, feeToken: publishingTokenAddress, minter: publisher, mpFeeAddress: publisher } const result = await Factory.createNftWithDatatoken( publisher, nftParams, erc20Params ) await sleep(3000) const newDtAddress =[0] const datatoken = new Datatoken(web3, 8996) await datatoken.approve( newDtAddress, publishingTokenAddress, '100000000000000000000000000', user1 ) await publishingDatatoken.approve( publishingTokenAddress, newDtAddress, '100000000000000000000000000', user1 ) await, publisher, '100', user1) await publishingTokenAddress, publisher, '100', user1 ) const user1balance = await datatoken.balance(newDtAddress, user1) const user2balance = await datatoken.balance(newDtAddress, user2) assert(Number(user1balance) === 100, 'Invalid user1 balance') assert(Number(user2balance) === 0, 'Invalid user2 balance') const user1balanceOfPublishing = await datatoken.balance( publishingTokenAddress, user1 ) const user2balanceOfPublishing = await datatoken.balance( publishingTokenAddress, user2 ) assert(Number(user1balanceOfPublishing) === 100, 'Invalid user1 balance') assert(Number(user2balanceOfPublishing) === 0, 'Invalid user2 balance') const query = { query: `query {token(id: "${newDtAddress.toLowerCase()}"){id,orderCount,orders {id, nftOwner{id}, lastPriceToken{id}, eventIndex}, eventIndex}}` } await sleep(3000) let response = await fetch(subgraphUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(query) }) await sleep(3000) const initialToken = (await response.json()).data.token assert(initialToken, 'Invalid initialToken') assert(initialToken.orderCount === '0', 'Invalid initial orderCount') assert(initialToken.orders.length === 0, 'Invalid initial orders') assert( initialToken.eventIndex !== null && initialToken.eventIndex > 0, 'Invalid eventIndex' ) const providerData = JSON.stringify({ timeout: 0 }) const providerFeeToken = ZERO_ADDRESS const providerFeeAmount = '10000' const providerValidUntil = '0' const message = web3.utils.soliditySha3( { t: 'bytes', v: web3.utils.toHex(web3.utils.asciiToHex(providerData)) }, { t: 'address', v: user3 }, { t: 'address', v: providerFeeToken }, { t: 'uint256', v: providerFeeAmount }, { t: 'uint256', v: providerValidUntil } ) assert(message, 'Invalid message') const { v, r, s } = await signHash(web3, message, user3) const setProviderFee: ProviderFees = { providerFeeAddress: user3, providerFeeToken, providerFeeAmount, v, r, s, providerData: web3.utils.toHex(web3.utils.asciiToHex(providerData)), validUntil: providerValidUntil } const consumeMarketFees = { consumeMarketFeeAddress: publisher, consumeMarketFeeToken: publishingTokenAddress, consumeMarketFeeAmount: '20000' } assert(setProviderFee, 'Invalid setProviderFee') const orderTx = await datatoken.startOrder( newDtAddress, user1, user2, 1, setProviderFee, consumeMarketFees ) assert(orderTx, 'Invalid orderTx') const orderId = `${orderTx.transactionHash.toLowerCase()}-${newDtAddress.toLowerCase()}-${user1.toLowerCase()}-${ 1 )}` await sleep(3000) response = await fetch(subgraphUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(query) }) await sleep(3000) const token = (await response.json()).data.token assert(token, 'Invalid token') assert(token.orderCount === '1', 'Invalid orderCount after order') assert(token.orders[0].id === orderId) assert(token.orders[0] === ZERO_ADDRESS) assert(token.orders[0] === publisher, 'invalid nftOwner') assert(token.orders[0].eventIndex === 0, 'invalid order eventIndex') assert(token.eventIndex !== null, 'Invalid eventIndex') assert( token.eventIndex !== token.orders[0].eventIndex, 'Invalid log indeces' ) const orderQuery = { query: `query {order(id:"${orderId}"){id, publishingMarket{id}, publishingMarketToken{id}, publishingMarketAmmount, consumerMarket{id}, consumerMarketToken{id}, consumerMarketAmmount, eventIndex}}` } await sleep(3000) const orderResponse = await fetch(subgraphUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(orderQuery) }) await sleep(3000) const queryResult = await orderResponse.json() const order = assert( === erc20Params.mpFeeAddress.toLowerCase(), 'incorrect publish market fee address' ) assert( === erc20Params.feeToken.toLowerCase(), 'incorrect publish market fee token' ) assert( order.publishingMarketAmmount === erc20Params.feeAmount, 'incorrect publish market fee amount' ) assert( === consumeMarketFees.consumeMarketFeeAddress.toLowerCase(), 'incorrect consume market fee address' ) assert( === consumeMarketFees.consumeMarketFeeToken.toLowerCase(), 'incorrect consume market fee token' ) assert( order.consumerMarketAmmount === '0.00000000000002', 'incorrect consume market fee amount' ) }) })