import { VeOcean, VeAllocate, NftFactory, calculateEstimatedGas, sendTx, approve, ConfigHelper, sleep, VeFeeDistributor } from '@oceanprotocol/lib' import { AbiItem } from 'web3-utils' import { HttpProvider } from 'web3-providers-http' import { assert } from 'chai' import Web3 from 'web3' import { homedir } from 'os' import fs from 'fs' import { fetch } from 'cross-fetch' import veDelegation from '@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ve/veDelegation.vy/veDelegation.json' const data = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync( process.env.ADDRESS_FILE || `${homedir}/.ocean/ocean-contracts/artifacts/address.json`, 'utf8' ) ) const addresses = data.development const web3 = new Web3('') const subgraphUrl = '' function evmMine() { const provider = web3.currentProvider as HttpProvider return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { provider.send( { jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'evm_mine', id: new Date().getTime() }, (error, result) => { if (error) { return reject(error) } return resolve(result) } ) }) } function evmIncreaseTime(seconds) { const provider = web3.currentProvider as HttpProvider return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { provider.send( { method: 'evm_increaseTime', params: [seconds], jsonrpc: '2.0', id: new Date().getTime() }, (error, result) => { if (error) { return reject(error) } return evmMine().then(() => resolve(result)) } ) }) } const minAbi = [ { constant: false, inputs: [ { name: 'to', type: 'address' }, { name: 'value', type: 'uint256' } ], name: 'mint', outputs: [{ name: '', type: 'bool' }], payable: false, stateMutability: 'nonpayable', type: 'function' } ] as AbiItem[] describe('veOcean tests', async () => { let nftFactory let veOcean: VeOcean let delegateContract let veAllocate: VeAllocate let veFeeDistributor: VeFeeDistributor let ownerAccount: string let Alice: string let Bob: string let nft1, nft2, nft3 let chainId const configHelper = new ConfigHelper() const config = configHelper.getConfig('development') before(async () => { const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts() chainId = await web3.eth.getChainId() ownerAccount = accounts[0] Alice = accounts[1] Bob = accounts[2] delegateContract = new web3.eth.Contract( veDelegation.abi as AbiItem[], addresses.veDelegation ) const tokenContract = new web3.eth.Contract(minAbi, addresses.Ocean) const estGas = await calculateEstimatedGas( ownerAccount,, Alice, web3.utils.toWei('100000') ) await sendTx( ownerAccount, estGas, web3, 1,, Alice, web3.utils.toWei('100000') ) await sendTx( ownerAccount, estGas, web3, 1,, Bob, web3.utils.toWei('100000') ) veOcean = new VeOcean(addresses.veOCEAN, web3) veAllocate = new VeAllocate(addresses.veAllocate, web3) nftFactory = new NftFactory(addresses.ERC721Factory, web3) veFeeDistributor = new VeFeeDistributor(addresses.veFeeDistributor, web3) }) it('Alice should lock 100 Ocean', async () => { // since we can only lock once, we test if tx fails or not // so if there is already a lock, skip it let currentBalance = await veOcean.getLockedAmount(Alice) let currentLock = await veOcean.lockEnd(Alice) const amount = '100' await approve( web3, config, Alice, addresses.Ocean, addresses.veOCEAN, amount ) const timestamp = Math.floor( / 1000) const unlockTime = timestamp + 7 * 86400 if (parseInt(currentBalance) > 0 || currentLock > 0) { // we already have some locked tokens, so our transaction should fail try { await veOcean.lockTokens(Alice, amount, unlockTime) assert(false, 'This should fail!') } catch (e) { // do nothing } } else { await veOcean.lockTokens(Alice, amount, unlockTime) } currentBalance = await veOcean.getLockedAmount(Alice) currentLock = await veOcean.lockEnd(Alice) await sleep(2000) const initialQuery = { query: `query { veOCEANs(id:"${Alice.toLowerCase()}"){ id, lockedAmount, unlockTime } }` } const initialResponse = await fetch(subgraphUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(initialQuery) }) const info = (await initialResponse.json()).data.veOCEANs assert(info[0].id === Alice.toLowerCase()) assert(info[0].lockedAmount === currentBalance) assert(info[0].unlockTime === currentLock) }) it('Alice should increase the lock time', async () => { const currentLock = await veOcean.lockEnd(Alice) const newLock = parseInt(String(currentLock)) + 7 * 86400 await veOcean.increaseUnlockTime(Alice, newLock) const newCurrentLock = await veOcean.lockEnd(Alice) await sleep(2000) const initialQuery = { query: `query { veOCEANs(id:"${Alice.toLowerCase()}"){ id, lockedAmount, unlockTime } }` } const initialResponse = await fetch(subgraphUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(initialQuery) }) const info = (await initialResponse.json()).data.veOCEANs assert( info[0].unlockTime === newCurrentLock, 'Expected lock ' + newCurrentLock + ' to equal subgraph value ' + info[0].unlockTime ) }) it('Alice should increase the locked amount', async () => { const amount = '200' await approve( web3, config, Alice, addresses.Ocean, addresses.veOCEAN, amount ) await veOcean.increaseAmount(Alice, amount) const newCurrentBalance = await veOcean.getLockedAmount(Alice) const newCurrentLock = await veOcean.lockEnd(Alice) await sleep(2000) const initialQuery = { query: `query { veOCEANs(id:"${Alice.toLowerCase()}"){ id, lockedAmount, unlockTime } }` } const initialResponse = await fetch(subgraphUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(initialQuery) }) const info = (await initialResponse.json()).data.veOCEANs assert( info[0].unlockTime === newCurrentLock, 'Expected lock ' + newCurrentLock + ' to equal subgraph value ' + info[0].unlockTime ) assert( info[0].lockedAmount === newCurrentBalance, 'Expected balance ' + newCurrentBalance + ' to equal subgraph value ' + info[0].lockedAmount ) }) it('Alice should publish 3 NFTs', async () => { // publish 3 nfts nft1 = await nftFactory.createNFT(Alice, { name: 'testNft1', symbol: 'TSTF1', templateIndex: 1, tokenURI: '', transferable: true, owner: Alice }) nft2 = await nftFactory.createNFT(Alice, { name: 'testNft2', symbol: 'TSTF2', templateIndex: 1, tokenURI: '', transferable: true, owner: Alice }) nft3 = await nftFactory.createNFT(Alice, { name: 'testNft3', symbol: 'TSTF3', templateIndex: 1, tokenURI: '', transferable: true, owner: Alice }) }) it('Alice should allocate 10% to NFT1', async () => { await veAllocate.setAllocation(Alice, '1000', nft1, chainId) const newTotalAllocation = await veAllocate.getTotalAllocation(Alice) await sleep(2000) let initialQuery = { query: `query { veAllocateUsers(id:"${Alice.toLowerCase()}"){ id, allocatedTotal } }` } let initialResponse = await fetch(subgraphUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(initialQuery) }) let info = (await initialResponse.json()).data.veAllocateUsers assert( info[0].allocatedTotal === newTotalAllocation, 'Expected totalAllocation ' + newTotalAllocation + ' to equal subgraph value ' + info[0].allocatedTotal ) initialQuery = { query: `query { veAllocations( where: {allocationUser:"${Alice.toLowerCase()}", chainId:"${chainId}", nftAddress:"${nft1.toLowerCase()}"} ){ id, allocated } }` } initialResponse = await fetch(subgraphUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(initialQuery) }) info = (await initialResponse.json()).data.veAllocations assert( info[0].allocated === '1000', 'Expected totalAllocation 1000 to equal subgraph value ' + info[0].allocatedTotal ) }) it('Alice should allocate 10% to NFT2 and 20% to NFT3', async () => { await veAllocate.setBatchAllocation( Alice, ['1000', '2000'], [nft2, nft3], [chainId, chainId] ) const totalAllocation = await veAllocate.getTotalAllocation(Alice) await sleep(2000) let initialQuery = { query: `query { veAllocateUsers(id:"${Alice.toLowerCase()}"){ id, allocatedTotal } }` } let initialResponse = await fetch(subgraphUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(initialQuery) }) let info = (await initialResponse.json()).data.veAllocateUsers assert( info[0].allocatedTotal === totalAllocation, 'Expected totalAllocation ' + totalAllocation + ' to equal subgraph value ' + info[0].allocatedTotal ) initialQuery = { query: `query { veAllocations( where: {allocationUser:"${Alice.toLowerCase()}", chainId:"${chainId}", nftAddress:"${nft2.toLowerCase()}"} ){ id, allocated } }` } initialResponse = await fetch(subgraphUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(initialQuery) }) info = (await initialResponse.json()).data.veAllocations assert( info[0].allocated === '1000', 'Expected totalAllocation 1000 to equal subgraph value ' + info[0].allocatedTotal ) initialQuery = { query: `query { veAllocations( where: {allocationUser:"${Alice.toLowerCase()}", chainId:"${chainId}", nftAddress:"${nft3.toLowerCase()}"} ){ id, allocated } }` } initialResponse = await fetch(subgraphUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(initialQuery) }) info = (await initialResponse.json()).data.veAllocations assert( info[0].allocated === '2000', 'Expected totalAllocation 1000 to equal subgraph value ' + info[0].allocatedTotal ) }) it('Alice should advance chain one day', async () => { await evmIncreaseTime(60 * 60 * 24) }) it('Alice should add ocean rewards to feeDistrib', async () => { // mint 10 ocean and send them to feeDistrib let tokenContract = new web3.eth.Contract(minAbi, addresses.Ocean) let estGas = await calculateEstimatedGas( ownerAccount,, addresses.veFeeDistributor, web3.utils.toWei('10') ) await sendTx( ownerAccount, estGas, web3, 1,, addresses.veFeeDistributor, web3.utils.toWei('10') ) const minAbiFee = [ { name: 'checkpoint_token', outputs: [], inputs: [], stateMutability: 'nonpayable', type: 'function', gas: 820723 }, { name: 'checkpoint_total_supply', outputs: [], inputs: [], stateMutability: 'nonpayable', type: 'function', gas: 10592405 } ] as AbiItem[] tokenContract = new web3.eth.Contract(minAbiFee, addresses.veFeeDistributor) estGas = await calculateEstimatedGas( ownerAccount, tokenContract.methods.checkpoint_token ) await sendTx( ownerAccount, estGas, web3, 1, tokenContract.methods.checkpoint_token ) estGas = await calculateEstimatedGas( ownerAccount, tokenContract.methods.checkpoint_total_supply ) await sendTx( ownerAccount, estGas, web3, 1, tokenContract.methods.checkpoint_total_supply ) }) it('Alice should advance chain 7 day', async () => { await evmIncreaseTime(60 * 60 * 24 * 7) }) it('Alice should add again ocean rewards to feeDistrib', async () => { // mint 20 ocean and send them to feeDistrib let tokenContract = new web3.eth.Contract(minAbi, addresses.Ocean) let estGas = await calculateEstimatedGas( ownerAccount,, addresses.veFeeDistributor, web3.utils.toWei('20') ) await sendTx( ownerAccount, estGas, web3, 1,, addresses.veFeeDistributor, web3.utils.toWei('20') ) const minAbiFee = [ { name: 'checkpoint_token', outputs: [], inputs: [], stateMutability: 'nonpayable', type: 'function', gas: 820723 }, { name: 'checkpoint_total_supply', outputs: [], inputs: [], stateMutability: 'nonpayable', type: 'function', gas: 10592405 } ] as AbiItem[] tokenContract = new web3.eth.Contract(minAbiFee, addresses.veFeeDistributor) estGas = await calculateEstimatedGas( ownerAccount, tokenContract.methods.checkpoint_token ) await sendTx( ownerAccount, estGas, web3, 1, tokenContract.methods.checkpoint_token ) estGas = await calculateEstimatedGas( ownerAccount, tokenContract.methods.checkpoint_total_supply ) await sendTx( ownerAccount, estGas, web3, 1, tokenContract.methods.checkpoint_total_supply ) }) it('Alice should advance chain 7 day', async () => { await evmIncreaseTime(60 * 60 * 24 * 7) }) it('Alice should claim rewards', async () => { await veFeeDistributor.claim(Alice) }) it('Alice should withdraw locked tokens', async () => { await evmIncreaseTime(60 * 60 * 24 * 7) await veOcean.withdraw(Alice) }) it('Alice should lock 100 Ocean and Delegate them to Bob', async () => { // since we can only lock once, we test if tx fails or not // so if there is already a lock, skip it let currentBalance = await veOcean.getLockedAmount(Alice) let currentLock = await veOcean.lockEnd(Alice) const amount = '100' await approve( web3, config, Alice, addresses.Ocean, addresses.veOCEAN, amount ) const timestamp = Math.floor( / 1000) const unlockTime = timestamp + 30 * 86400 console.log('unlock time', unlockTime) if (parseInt(currentBalance) > 0 || currentLock > 0) { // we already have some locked tokens, so our transaction should fail try { await veOcean.lockTokens(Alice, amount, unlockTime) assert(false, 'This should fail!') } catch (e) { // do nothing } } else { await veOcean.lockTokens(Alice, amount, unlockTime) } currentBalance = await veOcean.getLockedAmount(Alice) currentLock = await veOcean.lockEnd(Alice) await sleep(2000) const initialQuery = { query: `query { veOCEANs(id:"${Alice.toLowerCase()}"){ id, lockedAmount, unlockTime } }` } await sleep(2000) const initialResponse = await fetch(subgraphUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(initialQuery) }) await sleep(2000) const info = (await initialResponse.json()).data.veOCEANs assert(info[0].id === Alice.toLowerCase(), 'ID is incorrect') assert(info[0].lockedAmount === currentBalance, 'LockedAmount is incorrect') assert(info[0].unlockTime === currentLock, 'Unlock time is not correct') const lockTime = await veOcean.lockEnd(Alice) const extLockTime = Number(lockTime) + 31556926 await delegateContract.methods.setApprovalForAll(Alice, true).send({ from: Alice }) await veOcean.increaseUnlockTime(Alice, extLockTime) const estGas = await calculateEstimatedGas( Alice, delegateContract.methods.create_boost, Alice, Bob, 10000, 0, extLockTime, 0 ) const tx3 = await sendTx( Alice, estGas, web3, 1, delegateContract.methods.create_boost, Alice, Bob, 10000, 0, extLockTime, 0 ) assert(tx3, 'Transaction failed') assert(, 'No Delegate boost event') sleep(4000) const delegateQuery = { query: `query { veDelegations{ id, delegator { id }, receiver { id }, tokenId, amount, cancelTime, expireTime } }` } const delegateResponse = await fetch(subgraphUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(delegateQuery) }) const json = await delegateResponse.json() console.log('json', json) console.log('json?.data?.veDelegations', json?.data?.veDelegations) assert(json?.data?.veDelegations, 'No veDelegations') }) })