import { Address, BigDecimal, ethereum } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts' import { Pool, PoolShare, PoolSnapshot, PoolTransaction } from '../../@types/schema' import { BPool } from '../../@types/templates/BPool/BPool' import { DAY, decimal, integer } from './constants' import { gweiToEth, weiToDecimal } from './generic' import { getUser } from './userUtils' export function getPoolShareId( poolAddress: string, userAddress: string ): string { return `${poolAddress}-${userAddress}` } export function getPoolTransactionId( txHash: string, userAddress: string ): string { return `${txHash}-${userAddress}` } export function getPoolTransaction( event: ethereum.Event, userAddress: string, type: string ): PoolTransaction { const txId = getPoolTransactionId( event.transaction.hash.toHexString(), userAddress ) let poolTx = PoolTransaction.load(txId) // create pool transaction and fill basic fields if (poolTx === null) { poolTx = new PoolTransaction(txId) poolTx.user = userAddress poolTx.pool = event.address.toHex() poolTx.type = type poolTx.timestamp = event.block.timestamp.toI32() poolTx.tx = event.transaction.hash.toHex() poolTx.block = event.block.number.toI32() poolTx.gasPrice = gweiToEth(event.transaction.gasPrice.toBigDecimal()) poolTx.gasLimit = event.transaction.gasLimit.toBigDecimal() } return poolTx } export function getPoolShare( poolAddress: string, userAddress: string ): PoolShare { let poolShare = PoolShare.load(getPoolShareId(poolAddress, userAddress)) if (poolShare === null) { poolShare = new PoolShare(getPoolShareId(poolAddress, userAddress)) poolShare.user = getUser(userAddress).id poolShare.pool = poolAddress } return poolShare } export function getPool(poolAddress: string): Pool { const pool = Pool.load(poolAddress) if (pool === null) { // what now? throw new Error(`Didn't find pool with address ${poolAddress} `) } return pool } export function calcSpotPrice( poolAddress: string, baseTokenAddress: string, datatokenAddress: string, baseTokenDecimals: i32 ): BigDecimal { const poolContract = BPool.bind(Address.fromString(poolAddress)) // tokenIn is always the baseToken and tokenOut is the datatoken because we want the spot price to be in baseToken eg: 1 DT = 0.5 OCEAN const weiPrice = poolContract.try_getSpotPrice( Address.fromString(baseTokenAddress), Address.fromString(datatokenAddress), integer.ZERO ).value const price = weiToDecimal(weiPrice.toBigDecimal(), baseTokenDecimals) return price } export function getDateFromTimestamp(timestamp: i32): i32 { // date without time return timestamp - (timestamp % DAY) } export function getPoolSnapshotId(poolAddress: string, timestamp: i32): string { return `${poolAddress}-${getDateFromTimestamp(timestamp)}` } export function createPoolSnapshot( poolAddress: string, timestamp: i32 ): PoolSnapshot { const snapshotId = getPoolSnapshotId(poolAddress, timestamp) const pool = getPool(poolAddress) const snapshot = new PoolSnapshot(snapshotId) snapshot.pool = poolAddress snapshot.totalShares = pool.totalShares snapshot.swapVolume = decimal.ZERO snapshot.swapFees = decimal.ZERO snapshot.baseToken = pool.baseToken snapshot.datatoken = pool.datatoken snapshot.datatokenLiquidity = decimal.ZERO = getDateFromTimestamp(timestamp) snapshot.spotPrice = pool.spotPrice return snapshot } export function getPoolSnapshot( poolAddress: string, timestamp: i32 ): PoolSnapshot { let snapshot = PoolSnapshot.load(getPoolSnapshotId(poolAddress, timestamp)) if (snapshot === null) { snapshot = createPoolSnapshot(poolAddress, timestamp) } return snapshot } export function getPoolLpSwapFee(poolAddress: Address): BigDecimal { const contract = BPool.bind(poolAddress) const lpFeeWei = contract.getSwapFee() const lpFee = weiToDecimal(lpFeeWei.toBigDecimal(), 18) return lpFee } export function getPoolPublisherMarketFee(poolAddress: Address): BigDecimal { const contract = BPool.bind(poolAddress) const marketFeeWei = contract.getMarketFee() const marketFee = weiToDecimal(marketFeeWei.toBigDecimal(), 18) return marketFee } export function getBalance( poolAddress: Address, tokenAddress: Address, tokenDecimals: i32 ): BigDecimal { const contract = BPool.bind(poolAddress) const balanceWei = contract.getBalance(tokenAddress) const balance = weiToDecimal(balanceWei.toBigDecimal(), tokenDecimals) return balance }