/* eslint-disable prefer-destructuring */ import { assert, use } from 'chai' import spies from 'chai-spies' import Web3 from 'web3' import { Ocean, ConfigHelper, Account } from '@oceanprotocol/lib' const fetch = require('cross-fetch') const web3 = new Web3('') const subgraphUrl = 'http://localhost:9000/subgraphs/name/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph' function sleep(ms: number) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, ms) }) } async function getDispenserStatusFromGraph(datatoken: string) { const id = datatoken.toLowerCase() const query = { query: `query { dispenser(id:"${id}"){active,owner{id},minterApproved,isTrueMinter,maxTokens,maxBalance,balance,datatoken{id}}}` } const response = await fetch(subgraphUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(query) }) const result = await response.json() return result } use(spies) describe('Dispenser test flow', () => { let alice: Account let bob: Account let ocean: Ocean let tokenAddress let tokenAddress2 let tokenAddress3 const tokenAmount = '1000' it('Initialize Ocean Library', async () => { const config = new ConfigHelper().getConfig('development') config.web3Provider = web3 ocean = await Ocean.getInstance(config) alice = (await ocean.accounts.list())[0] bob = (await ocean.accounts.list())[1] }) it('should create some datatokens', async () => { tokenAddress = await ocean.datatokens.create( '', alice.getId(), '1000000000000000', 'AliceDT', 'DTA' ) assert(tokenAddress !== null) tokenAddress2 = await ocean.datatokens.create( '', alice.getId(), '1000000000000000', 'AliceDT2', 'DTA2' ) assert(tokenAddress2 !== null) tokenAddress3 = await ocean.datatokens.create( '', alice.getId(), '1000000000000000', 'AliceDT3', 'DTA3' ) assert(tokenAddress3 !== null) }) it('Alice mints 1000 tokens', async () => { const txid = await ocean.datatokens.mint( tokenAddress, alice.getId(), tokenAmount ) assert(txid !== null) }) it('Alice creates a dispenser', async () => { const tx = await ocean.OceanDispenser.activate( tokenAddress, '1', '1', alice.getId() ) assert(tx, 'Cannot activate dispenser') await sleep(3000) // let graph ingest our transaction const status = await getDispenserStatusFromGraph(tokenAddress) assert(status.data.dispenser.datatoken.id === tokenAddress.toLowerCase()) assert(status.data.dispenser.owner.id === alice.getId().toLowerCase()) assert(status.data.dispenser.isTrueMinter === false) assert(status.data.dispenser.minterApproved === false) assert(status.data.dispenser.active === true) assert(status.data.dispenser.balance === '0') }) it('Alice should make the dispenser a minter', async () => { const tx = await ocean.OceanDispenser.makeMinter( tokenAddress, alice.getId() ) assert(tx, 'Cannot make dispenser a minter') await sleep(3000) // let graph ingest our transaction const status = await getDispenserStatusFromGraph(tokenAddress) assert(status.data.dispenser.datatoken.id === tokenAddress.toLowerCase()) assert(status.data.dispenser.owner.id === alice.getId().toLowerCase()) assert(status.data.dispenser.isTrueMinter === true) assert(status.data.dispenser.minterApproved === true) }) it('Bob requests datatokens', async () => { const tx = await ocean.OceanDispenser.dispense( tokenAddress, bob.getId(), '1' ) assert(tx, 'Bob failed to get 1DT') await sleep(3000) // let graph ingest our transaction const id = tx.transactionHash.toLowerCase() const query = { query: `query DispenserHistory { dispenserTransactions(orderBy: timestamp, orderDirection: desc, where: {tx: "${id}"}) { datatoken{id}, user{id}, amount, block, timestamp, tx, type } }` } const response = await fetch(subgraphUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(query) }) const result = await response.json() assert(result.data.dispenserTransactions[0].type === 'dispense') }) it('Alice calls removeMinter role and checks if she is the new minter', async () => { const tx = await ocean.OceanDispenser.cancelMinter( tokenAddress, alice.getId() ) assert(tx, 'Cannot cancel minter role') await sleep(3000) // let graph ingest our transaction const status = await getDispenserStatusFromGraph(tokenAddress) assert(status.data.dispenser.datatoken.id === tokenAddress.toLowerCase()) assert(status.data.dispenser.owner.id === alice.getId().toLowerCase()) assert(status.data.dispenser.isTrueMinter === false) assert(status.data.dispenser.minterApproved === false) assert(status.data.dispenser.active === true) }) it('Alice deactivates the dispenser', async () => { const tx = await ocean.OceanDispenser.deactivate( tokenAddress, alice.getId() ) assert(tx, 'Cannot make dispenser a minter') await sleep(3000) // let graph ingest our transaction const status = await getDispenserStatusFromGraph(tokenAddress) assert(status.data.dispenser.datatoken.id === tokenAddress.toLowerCase()) assert(status.data.dispenser.owner.id === alice.getId().toLowerCase()) assert(status.data.dispenser.active === false) }) it('Alice creates a dispenser without minter role', async () => { const tx = await ocean.OceanDispenser.activate( tokenAddress2, '1', '1', alice.getId() ) assert(tx, 'Cannot activate dispenser') await sleep(3000) // let graph ingest our transaction const status = await getDispenserStatusFromGraph(tokenAddress2) assert(status.data.dispenser.datatoken.id === tokenAddress2.toLowerCase()) assert(status.data.dispenser.owner.id === alice.getId().toLowerCase()) assert(status.data.dispenser.isTrueMinter === false) assert(status.data.dispenser.minterApproved === false) assert(status.data.dispenser.active === true) }) it('Alice withdraws all datatokens', async () => { const mintTx = await ocean.datatokens.mint( tokenAddress2, alice.getId(), '10', ocean.OceanDispenser.dispenserAddress ) assert(mintTx, 'Alice cannot mint tokens') const tx = await ocean.OceanDispenser.ownerWithdraw( tokenAddress2, alice.getId() ) assert(tx, 'Alice failed to withdraw all her tokens') await sleep(3000) // let graph ingest our transaction const status = await getDispenserStatusFromGraph(tokenAddress2) assert(status.data.dispenser.datatoken.id === tokenAddress2.toLowerCase()) assert(status.data.dispenser.owner.id === alice.getId().toLowerCase()) assert(status.data.dispenser.isTrueMinter === false) assert(status.data.dispenser.minterApproved === false) assert(status.data.dispenser.active === true) assert(status.data.dispenser.balance === '0') const id = tx.transactionHash.toLowerCase() const query = { query: `query DispenserHistory { dispenserTransactions(orderBy: timestamp, orderDirection: desc, where: {tx: "${id}"}) { datatoken{id}, user{id}, amount, block, timestamp, tx, type } }` } // console.log(query) const response = await fetch(subgraphUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(query) }) const result = await response.json() assert(result.data.dispenserTransactions[0].type === 'withdraw') }) })