Commit Graph

22 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Alex Coseru c6004336ae
Predictoor support (#678)
* first cut, still WIP

* use specific contracts image

* fix missing abi

* more predictoor

* more predictoor

* done predictoor logic

* fix

* update

* merge #682

* update ready logic

* fixes

* lint

* increase timeout

* add oasis-saphire-testnet

* bump to contracts v2.0.0-next.2

* add loop for crappy rpc

* merge template

* fixes 1

* fixes

* fix predictor detection

* Use latest predictoor contracts (#708)

* Update tests.yml

* Update handlers

* Update schema

* Linter

* Update abi and fields

* use latest contracts

* use latest contracts

* expose agg preds in trueval

* fix abi path

* remove unused abis

* fix


Co-authored-by: trizin <>

* bump contracts

* Remove floatValue from predictoor trueval handler  (#714)

* Update predictSlot status on trueval submit (#716)

* Update status

* Fix

* Update contracts version

* Use number for predict slot

* Fixes

* Linter

* Fix

* Fix

* tostring

* Fix

* Fix

* Fix

* use contracts v2.0.0-next.11

* use latest graph-cli

* remove --debug flag

* Feature/add predictoor pause event (#723)

* bump contracts

* add pause for predictoorContract

* bump contracts to v2.0.0-13

* bum contracts & add sapphire mainnet

* fix lock


Co-authored-by: trizin <>
2023-11-21 15:55:49 +02:00
Jamie Hewitt 796bff70e7
removing Vesting and opcFee (#432)
* removing opcFee

* Removing OPCFeeChanged from subgraph.template.yaml

* Adding OPCFeeChanged event back into subgraph.template.yml

* Adding SSContractAdded and SSContractRemoved back in

* Formatting
2022-05-12 20:31:12 +03:00
Alex Coseru f04fe156ac
refactor (#314)
* refactor contracts usage

* add docker support for barge

* add tests
2022-02-14 10:35:55 +02:00
mihaisc f6ab8f8975
Fix/nft update (#304)
* update abi

* various fixes
2022-01-28 03:05:04 -08:00
mihaisc 22417b41ba
Various fixes (#294)
* small cleanup

* fix pools

* fixes

* cleanup

* cleanup
2022-01-18 06:20:02 -08:00
mihaisc 7f945f02f4
Fix pools (#287)
* small cleanup

* fix pools
2022-01-14 06:51:23 -08:00
mihaisc 2839649b28
Fix bugs (#286)
* fix token

* fix dispenser

* fixed fre
2022-01-13 08:24:57 -08:00
mihaisc b469174136 up 2021-11-26 10:04:14 +02:00
mihaisc 64cdaf8993 updates 2021-11-24 16:00:24 +02:00
mihaisc 3eeba287fb mostly pool stuff 2021-11-19 16:42:17 +02:00
mihaisc c708e8367b another update 2021-11-12 15:22:35 +02:00
mihaisc bc1784edfe updated 2021-11-10 14:47:44 +02:00
mihaisc b39ecb6e12 basic events 2021-11-04 17:00:43 +02:00
lacoop6tu dac185694b
Add swap volume, consume volume to subgraph (#64)
* Add swap volume, consume volume to subgraph

* add Global object, run lint

Co-authored-by: mihaisc <>
2021-07-30 00:36:44 -07:00
Alex Coseru 9b3c466dff
add token name symbol to pools (#61)
* add token name symbol to pools

* fix lint

* fix build

* remove token prefixed keys and add isDatatoken

* add decimals

* merge

* fix package lock

* lock fix

* fix tokenId

Co-authored-by: mihaisc <>
2021-07-29 01:55:48 -07:00
Alex Coseru f47ec9bb09
add dispenser (#106)
* add dispenser

Co-authored-by: mihaisc <>
Co-authored-by: Jamie Hewitt <>
2021-05-13 09:19:21 +03:00
Alex Coseru 7784de4a97
add FixedRateExchange (#53)
* add FixedRateExchange

* fix lint

* remove duplicate code.

* fix style

* remove newline.

Co-authored-by: ssallam <>
2021-03-10 23:36:51 +02:00
Samer bf158af3c8
Issue28 track metadata updates (#47)
* add datasource for the metadata events.

* handle metadata created/updated events, record (tx, blocknumber, timestamp, user) and update corresponding datatoken with update count.

* add list of metadata updates to the datatoken entity

* fix style issues

* style fix.

Co-authored-by: ssallam <>
2021-03-04 11:38:20 +01:00
Matthias Kretschmann f649083b3e
project setup fixes (#1)
* project setup fixes

* fix typescript

* some auto fixes

* fixes

* fix all linting errors

* add urls

* fixes, deactivate type checking on Travis for now

* add query examples

* consistent examples

* note about lowercase ETH addresses

* remove npm start
2020-12-11 11:37:09 +01:00
ssallam 827d51b3e1 update consume price and use pool contract call. 2020-12-08 13:32:15 +01:00
ssallam 316dbeb9ad add datatoken mapping and handlers 2020-11-26 07:38:08 +01:00
ssallam 49461245d4 Add mappings for BFactory and BPool events with handlers 2020-11-20 13:12:02 +01:00